Apply for a place at school (2024)

Year 7 applications for entry in 2024

If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), please do not apply for their Year 7 place through the Admissions Team. If you have any queries regarding their Year 7 allocation, please contact the SEN Team using the email address

Late applications

The online application process for Y7 applications closed at midnight on 31 October 2023, so it can no longer be used to submit applications.

If your child is resident in Bradford and you have not yet applied for their Y7 place, please download a Late Y7 Application Form (PDF) and return this to as soon as possible.

If your child is resident in Bradford, but you wish to apply for schools located in another local authority, you need to list these schools on the Bradford application.

Please be aware that some schools also require a supplementary application form (SIF) to be submitted directly. Please see individual school websites for further details.

Waiting lists

If you wish your child to be placed on the waiting list for a Bradford district school you applied for on your original application, please complete a Waiting List Form (PDF) and return this to

If you wish your child to be placed on the waiting list for any schools located in other local authorities which you have already applied for, please contact the authority the school is located in for advice. We do not administer waiting lists for other local authority schools.

Please Note – Some local authorities may keep all children on the waiting lists for higher preference schools they did not qualify for places at and may alter allocations without contacting families first. If you applied for any schools located outside of Bradford district, please ensure you check that authority’s process directly.

Applying for additional schools

Undersubscribed’ schools had enough places for all children who required a place at the initial application stage.

All applicants may add any of the undersubscribed schools onto their child’s application if they so wish, by using the Waiting List Form (PDF). This form contains a table naming these schools. Adding these schools to your child’s application does not guarantee your child a place there.

Oversubscribed’ schools did not have enough places for all children who required a place at the initial application stage. If a school does not appear in the table of undersubscribed schools on the Waiting List Form (PDF), it was oversubscribed.

If you did not apply for five preferences on your original application (the maximum number), you can apply for extra schools which were oversubscribed by completing the Additional Preference Form (PDF) and returning this to


If your child did not qualify for a place at a preferred school, you may submit an appeal for this school if you wish. Bingley Grammar School, Eden Boys’ Leadership Academy, Trinity Academy Bradford and the Dixons Academies (excluding Dixons Cottingley Academy) have their own appeal arrangements and you must contact them directly for a form. All other Bradford district schools use the council’s Appeal Form (PDF). This should be returned to

If you wish to appeal for any schools located in other local authorities which your child has been refused a place at, please contact the authority the school is located in for advice, as we do not process appeal forms or hold appeal hearings for OLA schools.

More information on the appeal process is available on the make an appeal page.

Reception applications for entry in 2024

The online application process for Reception applications closed at midnight on 15 January 2024, so it can no longer be used to submit applications.

If your child is resident in Bradford and you have not yet applied for their Reception place, please download a Late Reception Application Form (PDF) and return this to as soon as possible.

Alternatively, a paper form can be provided by any Bradford district primary school or can be posted out by the Admissions Team on request.

If your child is resident in Bradford, but you wish to apply for schools located in another local authority, you need to list these schools on the Bradford application.

Please be aware that some schools also require a supplementary application form (SIF) to be submitted directly. Please see individual school websites for further details.

Waiting lists

If you wish your child to be placed on the waiting list for a Bradford district school you applied for on your original application, please complete a Waiting List Form (PDF) and return this to

If you wish your child to be placed on the waiting list for any schools located in other local authorities which you have already applied for, please contact the authority the school is located in for advice. We do not administer waiting lists for other local authority schools.

Please Note – Some local authorities may keep all children on the waiting lists for higher preference schools they did not qualify for places at and may alter allocations without contacting families first. If you applied for any schools located outside of Bradford district, please ensure you check that authority’s process directly.

Applying for additional schools

‘Undersubscribed’ schools had enough places for all children who required a place at the initial application stage.

All applicants may add any of the undersubscribed schools onto their child’s application if they so wish, by using the Waiting List Form (PDF).This form contains a table naming these schools. Adding these schools to your child’s application does not guarantee your child a place there.

‘Oversubscribed’ schools did not have enough places for all children who required a place at the initial application stage. If a school does not appear in the table of undersubscribed schools on the Waiting List Form (PDF),it was oversubscribed.

If you did not apply for five preferences on your original application (the maximum number), you can apply for extra schools which were oversubscribed by completing the Additional Preference Form (PDF)and returning this to


If your child did not qualify for a place at a preferred school, you may submit an appeal for this school if you wish. Dixons Allerton Academy, Dixons Music Academy, Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School, St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School (Clayton), St Winefride’s Catholic Primary School, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (Keighley), St John The Evangelist Catholic Primary School and St Walburga’s Catholic Primary School have their own appeal arrangements and you must contact them directly for a form. All other Bradford district schools use the council’s Appeal Form (PDF). This should be returned to

If you wish to appeal for any schools located in other local authorities which your child has been refused a place at, please contact the authority the school is located in for advice, as we do not process appeal forms or hold appeal hearings for OLA schools.

More information on the appeal process is available on the make an appeal page.

Apply for a place

Please use the link below to access the online system. If you are applying late, you will need to apply on a late application form, as the online system closes on the relevant closing date.

Apply now for a place at school

Applications for other year groups

Please go to the page on in-year applications for further information.

When will I find out about my child's school place?

Applications for entry to Year 7 in September 2024: 1 March 2024

All parents and carers who applied online will receive their child’s offer letter with any additional information required by email on 1 March (unless they opted out of this service).Emails will be sent out from 8am on 1 March.

All online applicants can also view their child’s school place offer frommidnight on 1 Marchbylogging into their account on the online system.

Parents and carers who applied on a paper form or opted not to receive an email will have their child’s allocation letter sent out by Royal Mail, first class post, on 1 March.

Applications for entry to Reception in September 2024: 16 April 2024

If you apply online for a primary school place, you will receive an email on 16 April 2024 telling you which school your child has been offered (unless you opted out of this service).Emails will be sent out from 8am on 16 April.

All online applicants can also view their child’s school place offer frommidnight on 16 Aprilbylogging into their account on the online system.

Parents and carers who applied on a paper form or opted not to receive an email will have their child’s allocation letter sent out by Royal Mail, first class post, on 16 April.

Where can I get more help or advice?

Read the Guide for Parents about Admission Arrangements booklet, which you can download from this website or get from Bradford Council's Education Services or any primary school from 12 September 2023.

Contact the School Admissions Team.

Attend secondary school open evenings.

Contact primary schools directly for further information regarding open days.

The journey to school

Details of the policy for travel assistance from home to school are available in the Applying for Secondary School guidance and on our assistance with travel to home, school and college page.

Contact us

School Admissions Team

Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm: 01274 439200

Annual Year 7 admissions queries (to transfer from primary to secondary school)

Annual Reception admissions queries (to start primary school for the first time)

Queries relating to in year applications

Queries relating to appeals

Apply for a place at school (2024)


How do you answer why you are applying to a school? ›

Research its courses, mission/vision, special programs, etc. Then explain how these aspects will benefit you and help you develop into the person you want to be. Also, show how this relationship between you and the school would be synergistic. What could you offer the school in return?

What makes you a good fit for this school sample answer? ›

I chose this college because of your highly rated [area of study program]. I've had a passion for this field for a long time and I'm excited to learn from the faculty that make up the outstanding program. I think my skills and learning style will be a great fit, too.

How do you answer what other schools are you applying to? ›

You do not need to list any other schools specifically. Instead, provide an honest but vague response that indicates you are applying to other graduate schools and highlight the reasons you are applying to this particular program.

Why do I want to work in a school answer? ›

"I want to work for your school district because I am committed and dedicated to bettering the education of students in this district, I want to have a positive impact on the lives of students and the community, and I enjoy working with other educational professionals" is a good answer to this interview question.

Why are you interested in this school? ›

Provide Specific Details and Examples

Instead, refer to specific details that explain why you want to attend that particular school. For example, you could make note of unique programs that stand out to you, your interest in research opportunities, or a desire to take classes from a certain professor.

How do you explain why I am applying for this position? ›

But when employers ask this common interview question, they usually want you to do one or more of the following:
  1. Express your passion for the employer's product, service, or mission.
  2. Explain why you would enjoy taking on the responsibilities of the role.
  3. Describe how your background will help you succeed in the role.
Aug 25, 2023

Why should a school accept me? ›

How should I prepare for the "Why should we accept you?" college interview question? Start by researching the school. Once you understand its mission, goals, research, and curriculum, consider what experiences, skills, and events in your life are connected to the school's mission and vision.

How do you explain why you're a good fit for this position? ›

“I believe I'm the best fit for this job because of the skills and expertise I've gained in [FIELD/INDUSTRY] over the past [NUMBER] years. I think my solid foundation of skills coupled with my passion for learning and innovating, can help me thrive in this role and benefit [COMPANY NAME] at the same time.

Why should we offer you a place? ›

Model answer

Talk about your academic achievements, how committed you are to continuing your studies in more depth, and your passion for the subject.

Do schools know where else you applied? ›

In general, colleges can't see where else you apply. Colleges are also strongly discouraged from asking applicants which colleges they've applied to.

How to answer what makes you stand out from every other scholarship applicant? ›

Emphasize What Makes You Unique

Many scholarships are based on an applicant's individuality. Putting your unique interests and perspectives on the page will go a long way toward creating a memorable essay. Share the experiences and activities that make YOU unique.

What motivates me to do school work? ›

Students may be motivated for several reasons, such as their interest in a topic or subject, their desire to impress their parents, teachers, or peers, prior success in a specific subject or topic, or the inherent desire to excel in academics.

Why should we hire you? ›

A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

Why should you work at a school? ›

Working for a school district has many benefits. Public school positions are civil service jobs, so you enjoy many of the perks of government jobs. For most school district jobs, you get summers off as well as other school holidays like winter break, spring break, fall break, and state or federal holidays.

How do you answer the why are you applying question? ›

When asked why you want the job, you can then talk about how you want to help them on their mission to achieve certain goals or that you are aligned with some of their core company values. If you have any industry specific knowledge that applies to this role, that can be a plus, but it's not a deal breaker.

How to answer why should we choose you in a school interview? ›

How should I prepare for the "Why should we accept you?" college interview question? Start by researching the school. Once you understand its mission, goals, research, and curriculum, consider what experiences, skills, and events in your life are connected to the school's mission and vision.

How do you answer "Why do you want to attend this program?"? ›

Include information about your skills and natural talents in your answer. Consider mentioning how your skills align with the subject matter. Focus on your unique strengths that could contribute to your success in the course. Discuss the skills you hope to further develop through the course.

Why do you want to apply for this role sample answer? ›

"I am genuinely excited about this job because it aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and personal interests. I have a strong foundation in [relevant field], and this role at [company name] presents an exciting opportunity to apply and further enhance my skills.

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.