Creating your first script in Lua (2024)

Getting started with scripting for FiveM might be a tad overwhelming, given the wide range of possibilities and the sparsely spread documentation. In this quick and simple guide, we'll try to show you how to get started with a quick resource in Lua.

If you’re not familiar with Lua, you can refer to the Lua 5.4 reference manual. The scripting runtime supports both Lua 5.4 and 5.3. For older versions, visit the manual archive.


A resource is, simply said, a collection of files that can be individually started, stopped and restarted. Your server-data folder (assuming you already installed a server) should have a resources folder already, with a few resources in them already.

If you're working on your own resources, you'll probably want to make a resources/[local] directory - this one will be ignored by Git when updating the server-data root. In there, we'll make a resources/[local]/mymode folder, since we're making, well, a gametype using the mapmanager system.

That means you'll need to have a folder like this by now, assuming a Windows development system: C:\your\path\to\cfx-server-data\resources\[local]\mymode. We'll call this folder mymode from now on.

Manifest files

A resource folder (you know, this mymode you made above) will need a manifest to be detected by FiveM. Since this is a game type, it'll need some extra information as well to teach mapmanager about the fact that this is a game type.

Make a file called fxmanifest.lua (this is always Lua, even if you'll be writing scripts in C#/JS later on) in your mymode folder. In it, put the following text using your favorite text editor:

fx_version 'cerulean'game 'gta5'author 'An awesome dude'description 'An awesome, but short, description'version '1.0.0'resource_type 'gametype' { name = 'My awesome game type!' }client_script 'mymode_client.lua'

Any new resource you make will probably want the latest game features. This is what the fx_version is for. You can read up on it elsewhere on this documentation site, if you ever feel the need to know more.To specify if this resource is for gta5, rdr3, or common, you should use the game variable.

The resource_type, on the other hand, tells mapmanager that this, in fact, is a game type, and that it's called "My awesome game type!". If you're just making a 'standalone' add-on resource, you probably don't want to include a resource_type line.

Finally, the client_script indicates to the scripting runtime that the client should load a script, named mymode_client.lua. If this were a JS script, it'd say mymode_client.js, or if it were C#, it'd probably be, but for now we're teaching Lua so just forget that.

Finally, we should make a file called mymode_client.lua in the mymode resource folder thing.

To learn more about resource manifest files, take a look at the resource manifest reference.

Writing code

In this file, let's put the following content:

local spawnPos = vector3(686.245, 577.950, 130.461)AddEventHandler('onClientGameTypeStart', function() exports.spawnmanager:setAutoSpawnCallback(function() exports.spawnmanager:spawnPlayer({ x = spawnPos.x, y = spawnPos.y, z = spawnPos.z, model = 'a_m_m_skater_01' }, function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = { 'Welcome to the party!~' } }) end) end) exports.spawnmanager:setAutoSpawn(true) exports.spawnmanager:forceRespawn()end)

This is a tough one, especially if you're not used to the concept of first-class functions. You could also write it differently, using global/local functions - but that's just a bit odd.

Let's go through this bit by bit, with an annotated version.

-- define a local variable called `spawnPos` with a coordinate somewhere on the map-- Lua in FiveM (through CfxLua) supports first-class vectors, which in this case can be accessed using .x, .y and .z.local spawnPos = vector3(686.245, 577.950, 130.461)-- add an event handler for the (local) event called 'onClientGameTypeStart'.-- it takes no arguments in this case (in Lua you can omit arguments), since our resource is a game type and you can only run one at once,-- that means this will basically run when we start ourselves on the client. nice!AddEventHandler('onClientGameTypeStart', function() -- set an automatic spawn callback for the spawn manager. -- normally, this works using hardcoded spawn points, but since this is a scripting tutorial, we'll do it this way. -- -- the spawn manager will call this when the player is dead, or when forceRespawn is called. exports.spawnmanager:setAutoSpawnCallback(function() -- spawnmanager has said we should spawn, let's spawn! exports.spawnmanager:spawnPlayer({ -- this argument is basically a table containing the spawn location... x = spawnPos.x, y = spawnPos.y, z = spawnPos.z, -- ... and the model to spawn as. model = 'a_m_m_skater_01' }, function() -- a callback to be called once the player is spawned in and the game is visible -- in this case, we just send a message to the local chat box. TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = { 'Welcome to the party!~' } }) end) end) -- enable auto-spawn exports.spawnmanager:setAutoSpawn(true) -- and force respawn when the game type starts exports.spawnmanager:forceRespawn()end)

A quick mention of the difference between client and server scripts: most of what you'll do in FiveM will be done using client scripts, since in current versions there's no interaction with game functionality in server scripts. Server scripts should be used to have scripted actions occur across clients (using client/server events), and to provide a 'source of trust' for various actions, such as storing/loading things in a persistent database.

Since spawning a player is pretty much entirely game interaction, this happens on the client side. Every player that's joined will have a local instance of each client script running on their PC, with no shared variables or context between them.

Running this

You're probably hoping to be able to run this little example - well, hopefully you already have a running FXServer instance - if not, follow the guide for that.

Once you've started FXServer, execute the refresh command in the console. This'll reread every single fxmanifest.lua file for every resource you have installed, since you probably just started the server this isn't really needed but if you had the server running already this is just A Good Idea™ to do.

Finally, execute start mymode in the console, and connect to your server using the FiveM client's handy localhost button in developer mode (or just enter localhost on the direct connect tab, or if you used the default port click this useful link on the PC you have FiveM installed on).

Once the game loads, you should see yourself spawning somewhere - hopefully on a big stage!

Keep the game running (and maybe set it to borderless or windowed mode in the game options) and Alt-Tab out back into your code editor - we have more work to do!

Restarting resources

It's silly to close your game and server and restart them both to iterate on your resource. Of course, you can restart your resource as well.

Let's try some different spawn point.

Replace the spawnPos line (the first one) in mymode/mymode_client.lua with the following:

local spawnPos = vector3(-275.522, 6635.835, 7.425)

Then, in your server console, execute the magical command restart mymode. You should (again) see 'Welcome to the party!~' mentioned in your chat box, and end up on a pier instead of the stage.

Expanding on this

You'll probably want to do more. For this, you're going to have to learn how to call natives, which has nothing to do with indigenous people and actually are a R* label for 'game-defined script functions'. There's a lot of intricacies involved in calling natives properly - for a full reference, see the special section for this - but we'll start simple for now.

In a stupid way of 'this trope again', we'll make a command that'll spawn a car. Locally. Because nobody cares about the server when they're starting out.

At the bottom of your mymode_client.lua, add this code:

RegisterCommand('car', function(source, args) -- TODO: make a vehicle! fun! TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = { 'I wish I could spawn this ' .. (args[1] or 'adder') .. ' but my owner was too lazy. :(' } })end, false)

Starting already, we see a call to a function. We did not define that function. Well, we (as in, the FiveM team) did, but not when guiding you, the reader, through this wondrously written marvel of a guide. That means it must come from somewhere else!

And, guess what, it's actually REGISTER_COMMAND! Click that link, and you'll be led to the documentation for this native. It looks a bit like this:

// 0x5fa79b0f// RegisterCommandvoid REGISTER_COMMAND(char* commandName, func handler, BOOL restricted);

We'll mainly care about the name on the second line (RegisterCommand, as used in the Lua code above), and the arguments.

As you can see, the first argument is the command name. The second argument is a function that is the command handler, and the third argument is a boolean that specifies whether or not it should be a restricted command.

The function itself gets an argument that is the source, which only really matters if you're running on the server (it'll be the client ID of the player that entered the command, a really useful thing to have), and an array of args which are basically what you enter after the command like /car zentorno making args end up being { 'zentorno' } or /car zentorno unused being { 'zentorno', 'unused' }.

Since we already know how to print a message to the chat box, we'll just pretend to spawn a vehicle by printing the name of the vehicle to the console.

Let's restart the resource and see what happens. Run restart mymode, then in the client chat box (default T) type /car zentorno. You'll see the chat box complain that you were too lazy to implement this. We'll show them that you're absolutely not lazy, and actually implement this now.

Implementing a car spawner

This is a lot of boilerplate code, and we'll want to do this the right way since lots of people will copy this example, so it might look a bit overwhelming.

Basically what we'll do is:

  1. Check if the passed model is valid. It's no fun trying to spawn a 'potato' when there's no vehicle with that name.
  2. Load the model. You'll need to explicitly manage every model you're using, these are the rules originally defined by R*.
  3. Wait for the model to be loaded. Yes, the game will continue running asynchronously.
  4. Figure out where the player is once it loaded.
  5. Create the vehicle! Awesome, finally you get to be creative.
  6. Put the player into the vehicle.
  7. Clean up, since we are tidy people and 🚮 and all.

Let's get going!

Replace the bit you just pasted in with this, and don't worry we'll explain it before you can say 'lazy' twice:

RegisterCommand('car', function(source, args) -- account for the argument not being passed local vehicleName = args[1] or 'adder' -- check if the vehicle actually exists if not IsModelInCdimage(vehicleName) or not IsModelAVehicle(vehicleName) then TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = { 'It might have been a good thing that you tried to spawn a ' .. vehicleName .. '. Who even wants their spawning to actually ^*succeed?' } }) return end -- load the model RequestModel(vehicleName) -- wait for the model to load while not HasModelLoaded(vehicleName) do Wait(500) -- often you'll also see Citizen.Wait end -- get the player's position local playerPed = PlayerPedId() -- get the local player ped local pos = GetEntityCoords(playerPed) -- get the position of the local player ped -- create the vehicle local vehicle = CreateVehicle(vehicleName, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, GetEntityHeading(playerPed), true, false) -- set the player ped into the vehicle's driver seat SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, vehicle, -1) -- give the vehicle back to the game (this'll make the game decide when to despawn the vehicle) SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(vehicle) -- release the model SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(vehicleName) -- tell the player TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {args = { 'Woohoo! Enjoy your new ^*' .. vehicleName .. '!' }})end, false)

This uses a LOT of natives. We'll link a few of them and explain the hard parts.

Step 1: Validation

We started with checking the vehicle name. If it's nil (that is, not existent), we'll default to the adder. Either way, it's stored in a variable.

Then, we check if the vehicle is in the CD image using IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE. This basically means 'is this registered with the game'. We also check if it's a vehicle using IS_MODEL_A_VEHICLE. If either check fails, we tell the player and return from the command.

Step 2: Loading the model

Now, we call REQUEST_MODEL to load the actual vehicle model. This native takes a Hash argument, but in Lua you can also just pass a string and it'll be converted to a hash. You'll often see people use GetHashKey (GET_HASH_KEY), but if the native is specified as taking a Hash, you actually don't need this.

Step 3: Waiting for the model to be loaded

We loop calls to HAS_MODEL_LOADED to check if loading succeeded. Since this is a loop and we're cooperatively multitasked, you'll have to give the game time to run as well - otherwise it'll never even finish loading and the game will unfortunately freeze. That's what the Wait call is for - it waits for the specified amount of milliseconds, then returns right back into the script.

Once the model's loaded, we'll continue.

Step 4: Getting the player's position

Players' physical incarnations are identified by their ped, which is short for 'pedestrian'. This is a GTA term, and it usually means 'anything that lives and has legs'. We use PLAYER_PED_ID to get the local (basically, whoever is executing this command) player's ped.

After we have the ped and store it in a variable, we get the position of the player ped using GET_ENTITY_COORDS. Since a ped is an entity (the same goes for vehicles and a few other things), this native is used for getting their position. This native, again, returns a Vector3, similar to how the spawnPos was defined earlier.

Step 5: Creating the vehicle

We use CREATE_VEHICLE to, well, create a vehicle. In the meanwhile, we snuck in a call to get the player's heading using GET_ENTITY_HEADING, which makes the car spawn facing the same direction as the player.

The true, false is a convention in entity creation natives to create the vehicle with a network object (true), but not make it a mission object (false). You usually want the former, or nobody else will see the vehicle - and you won't want the latter, since you're not writing a full R* mission script.

Step 6: Setting the player into the vehicle

Since we have a ped and a vehicle now, we can use SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE to place the ped into the vehicle. As the documentation happens to say, -1 is the driver seat of the vehicle.

Step 7: Cleaning up

The game likes it when you clean up after yourself, and as we're not doing anything with the vehicle or the model anymore in this script, we'll let the game manage it. This is what we use SET_ENTITY_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED and SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED for.

Finally, we tell the player to enjoy their new vehicle.

Running this

In your server console, refresh; restart mymode (yeah you can split stuff with semicolons), and try /car voltic2 in the game client (which should by now be really bored of respawning). You'll now have your very own Rocket Voltic!

Server scripts

You'll probably also want to write scripts that interact with the server. This section is still to be written. :-(

Creating your first script in Lua (2024)


How do I start a script in Lua? ›

Create a new script: Add the bottom of the library window, click New script. In the new dialog, you may provide a name and a description. You can now type or paste your Lua code into the code window, or use the Import script function to load code from a file.

Can an 11 year old learn Lua? ›

FunTech offers courses in Lua scripting for kids aged 11 to 16 who want to get ahead in Roblox game development. Naturally we are often asked just how hard Lua is to learn. The simple answer is that it's not hard to learn compared to other languages but will require some commitment from your child.

How difficult is Roblox Lua? ›

Is Lua hard to learn? Luckily, if you want to learn Lua, you'll be happy to hear that Lua is not hard to learn. The best way to learn Lua, or any other programming language, is to actually do some programming. You can do this by building small programs or even start making a game and learn the basics as you go.

Is Lua easier than python? ›

Lua and Python are both interpreted, dynamically typed, garbage-collected programming languages. Lua is smaller than Python, making it easier to learn and embed. However, Python is better supported and more widely applicable.

Is Lua scripting easy? ›

Lua is a powerful and fast programming language that is easy to learn and use and to embed into your application.

Is Roblox scripting Lua? ›

Roblox uses the coding language Lua. This article will cover how to start coding in Roblox, introducing common concepts like scripts, data types, and variables. By the end, you'll be able to type out code that displays messages in Roblox Studio.

Is Roblox OK for a 1 year old? ›

Roblox doesn't specify a minimum age. Users of any age can create and join groups, chat, and interact with others. Such an open approach can pose some risks to kids, especially younger ones. And though Roblox has some safety precautions in place, it remains a target for people with less-than-good intentions.

Can a 5 year old do coding? ›

Experts believe that youngsters should learn to code at a young stage of development. As stated by MIT, children should begin studying coding languages like Scratch Jr while they are between the ages of 5 and 7. People frequently do this by playing various rational games that simulate the dexterity of coding.

Can a 13 year old do coding? ›

Explore Coding For 13 Year Olds

At this age, students are equipped to learn the skills to solve real-world problems with computer science. They can even reach advanced topics such as Cloud Computing, and CS Principles - for which they can pass the AP exam and receive class credit from the College Board.

Which is harder Lua or C++? ›

Syntax and Complexity: C++ has a more complex syntax compared to Lua. C++ supports object-oriented programming concepts like classes, inheritance, and templates, making it more suitable for large-scale projects.

Why is Lua so difficult? ›

Compared to other programming languages, Lua is not too difficult to learn. Many students are able to start embedding it into their applications after only a small amount of instruction. Because Lua is such a popular and relatively easy language, there are various ways for students to learn it.

Why is Lua so small? ›

Lua was built for portability and is designed to have a small foot print. The standard library is small and has clean interfaces.

Is Lua similar to r? ›

Lua is a scripting language similar to Python, R, Julia, and JavaScript. If you are familiar with one or more of those languages you won't have trouble picking up Lua.

Is Lua fast or slow? ›

The speed of using Lua modules can vary greatly, compared to similar markup-based templates, often ranging from 4x-8x times faster, or 180,000x faster when scanning text strings, which can exceed the 500-character parser-function markup limit as 64,000 characters or more.

Should I learn Lua before Roblox? ›

That depends on what you're doing; if you're trying to make a game on Roblox, learning any language other than Lua/Luau wouldn't help you much other than teach you the fundamentals of programming, which is something you still learn even if you learn Lua first (which I did).

How do I run a script start? ›

Run a script on start up on Windows 10
  1. Create a shortcut to the batch file.
  2. Once the shortcut is created, right-click the shortcut file and select Cut.
  3. Click Start, then Programs or All Programs. ...
  4. Once the Startup folder is opened, click Edit in the menu bar, then Paste to paste the shortcut file into the Startup folder.
Aug 10, 2015

How do I start script mode? ›

Step 1: Open the Python IDE and open the script file in Python IDE using the open option given. Or, we can even use the 'F5' button shortcut to run the script file in the Python IDE. That's how we can run or execute our Python script file using the Python IDE installed in our system.

Does Lua start at 0 or 1? ›

The convention for indexing across Lua libraries is to begin with 1 in lieu of 0 . By default, arrays designate the first item in an array as index 1 .

How do you run a script on Roblox? ›

Inserting a Script

Code in Roblox is written in a language called Luau which you can put in scripts within various containers in the Explorer. If you put a script under a Part, Roblox will run the script's code when the part is loaded into the game.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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