Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (2024)




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Home/World of Warcraft/PvP/Holy Paladin PvP

Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20by Mysticall12 comments

General Information

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to playHoly Paladin in a PvP environment. The guide will cover everything fromtalent choices, PvP talents, gameplay and rotation, and useful racial bonuses. Itis most applicable to Arena content, but most talents and racial bonuses willwork in Rated Battlegrounds and skirmishes.

If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Paladin PvP guide.

PvP Holy Paladin Guides

Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (1)Paladin Leveling Guide

Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (2)Holy Paladin PvE Guide



  • 1. Holy Paladins in the Current Meta
  • 2. Holy Paladin Strengths and Weaknesses
  • 3. Notable 10.2.6 Changes
  • 4. Notable 10.2.5 Changes
  • 5. Notable 10.1.5 Changes
  • 6. Notable 10.1.5 Changes


Holy Paladins are always a strong healing specialization. With powerful utilityfor teammates and the ability to deal large amounts of damage,they are considered one of the best healers. A strong understanding of cooldownsand when to use them is important to be good at this specialization.


Holy Paladin Strengths and Weaknesses

Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (3)Strengths

  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (4)Large amount of healing cooldowns
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (5)Multiple defensive abilities
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (6)Great burst healing
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (7)Very little casting

Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (8)Weaknesses

  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (9)Weak spread healing
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (10)Easy to swap to if overextended
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (11)Limited mobility when out of Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (12) Blessing of Freedoms


Notable 10.2.6 Changes

  • No notable changes in Patch 10.2.6.


Notable 10.2.5 Changes

  • No notable changes for Patch 10.2.5.


Notable 10.1.5 Changes

  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (13) Barrier of Faith is now 100% more effective in PvP combat.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (14) Holy Light no longer increased by 47% in PvP combat.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (15) Flash of Light no longer increased by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (16) Aura Mastery now increases the effectiveness ofHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (17) Devotion Aura to 24% in PvP combat (was 30%).
  • All healing reduced by 8%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (18) Holy Light healing increased by 40%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (19) Flash of Light healing increased by 30%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (20) Touch of Light healing now increased by 500% (was 700%).
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (21) Holy Prism heal increased by 40%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (22) Word of Glory healing increased by 10%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (23) Glimmer of Light healing and damage is now increased by 4%per target (was 6%).
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (24) Glimmer of Light damage increased by 10%.


Notable 10.1.5 Changes

Several new talents have been added:

  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (25) Beacon of the LightbringerHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (26) Mastery: Lightbringernow increases your healing based on the target's proximity to either you oryour Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (27) Beacon of Light, whichever is closer.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (28) Light's ConvictionHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (29) Holy Shock now has 2 charges.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (30) Holy InfusionHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (31) Crusader Strike generates 1 additionalHoly Power and deals 25% more damage.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (32) AwestruckHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (33) Holy Shock, Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (34) Holy Light, andHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (35) Flash of Light critical healing increased by 20%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (36) Glistening Radiance — Spending Holy Power has a 25% chance totrigger Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (37) Glimmer of Light's healing and damage.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (38) Overflowing Light — 50% of Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (39) Glimmer of Light'soverhealing is converted into an absorb shield. The shield amount cannotexceed 15% of your max health.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (40) Light's Protection — Your allies with Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (41) Glimmer of Lighttake 16% reduced damage, split evenly among them.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (42) Righteous JudgmentHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (43) Judgment has a 50% chance to castHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (44) Consecration at the target's location. The limit onHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (45) Consecration does not apply to this effect.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (46) Hand of Divinity — Call upon the Light to empower your spells,causing your next 2 Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (47) Holy Lights to heal 80% more, cost 50% less mana,and be instant cast.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (48) Shining RighteousnessHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (49) Shield of the Righteous dealsdamage to its first target struck. Every 5 Shields of the Righteous makeyour next Word of Glory or Light of Dawn cost no Holy Power.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (50) Daybreak — Absorb your active Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (51) Glimmer of Lights,triggering their effects at 200% value and granting 3000 Mana perHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (52) Glimmer of Light consumed.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (53) Rising Sunlight — After casting Daybreak, your next 3Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (54) Holy Shocks cast 2 additional times.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (55) Glorious DawnHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (56) Holy Shock has a 10% chance to refund acharge when cast, increasing by 1.5% for each Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (57) Glimmer of Light youhave active. Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (58) Glimmer of Light's healing and damage is increased by10%.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (59) Blessed FocusHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (60) Glimmer of Light's healing and damageis increased by 25%, but it can only affect 1 target at a time.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (61) ReclamationHoly Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (62) Holy Shock and Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (63) Crusader Strikerefund up to 15% of their Mana cost and deal up to 50% more healing ordamage, based on the target's missing health.
  • Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (64) Aura of Mercy — Your auras restore health to 3 injured allieswithin 20 yards every 2 seconds. While Aura Mastery is active, heals allallies within 40 yards, and healing is increased by 50%. Shares a choicenode with Blessing of Seasons.



  • 07 May 2024 (races): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (macros): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (comps): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (gear): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (talents): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (this page): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (this page): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (gear): Updated Recommended Gear for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (gear): Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
    • Updated Recommended Gear.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (talents): Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
    • Updated Recommended Talents.
    • Updated Recommended PvP Talents.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (races): Updated for Patch 10.2.
    • Updated Best Alliance Races.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (gear): Updated for Patch 10.2.
    • Updated Recommended Gear.
    • Updated Tier Set bonus.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (talents): Updated for Patch 10.2.
    • Updated Recommended Talents.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.1.7
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.1.7
  • 12 Jul. 2023 (talents): Updated Recommended Talent.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (races): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
    • Updated Best Alliance and Horde races.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (playstyle): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
    • Updated all Healing Rotations.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (comps): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
    • Updated Best 3v3 Team Compositions.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (gear): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
    • Updated Stat Priority.
    • Updated Recommended Gear.
    • Added Embellishment section.
    • Updated Gems and Enchants.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (talents): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
    • Updated Recommended Talents.
    • Updated PvP Talents.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 07 May 2023 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 07 May 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 07 May 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 07 May 2023 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 07 May 2023 (gear): Updated for Patch 10.1.
    • Updated Recommended Gear section.
    • Updated Tier-Set section.
  • 07 May 2023 (talents): Updated for Patch 10.1.
    • Updated PvP Talents.
  • 07 May 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.1.
  • 07 May 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.1.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (comps): Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
    • Updated Best 2v2 and 3v3 Team Compositions.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (gear): Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
    • Updated Recommended Gear.
    • Added Trinkets to Recommended Gear.
    • Added Tier-Set section.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (talents): Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
    • Updated Talent Tree.
    • Updated Talent Calculator.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 21 Mar. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (races): Updated Best Races.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (macros): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (playstyle): Updated Healing rotations.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (comps): Updated Best 3v3 team compositions.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (gear): Updated Recommended Gear.
    • Updated Gems and Enchants.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (talents): Updated Best talent build.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (races): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (macros): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (playstyle): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (comps): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (gear): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (talents): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight Pre-patch.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (races): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (macros): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (playstyle): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (comps): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (gear): Updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (talents): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 01 Aug. 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 31 May 2022 (races): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (races): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (playstyle): Updated for Patch 9.2.
    • Updated all Healing Rotations.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (gear): Updated for Patch 9.2.
    • Updated Recommended Gear.
    • Added Tier-Set section.
    • Removed Shards of Domination section.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (talents): Updated for Patch 9.2.
    • Updated Best PvP Talents.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.2.
    • Added Notable Changes section.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.2.
    • Added Notable Changes section.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (races): Updated Best Horde Races.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (talents): Updated PvP Talents.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.5
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.5
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (races): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (playstyle): Updated Basic Healing rotation.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (comps): Updated Best 2v2 Compositions.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (gear): Updated Recommended Gear.
    • Added Shards of Domination section.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (talents): Updated PvP Talents.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.
  • 02 Jul. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (races): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 08 Mar. 2021 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 23 Dec. 2020 (playstyle): Updated Healing Rotations for Shadowlands.
    • Added Covenant Abilities to healing rotations.
  • 23 Dec. 2020 (comps): Updated Best Team Compositions
  • 23 Dec. 2020 (gear): Updated Best Gear section.
    • Updated Gems and Enchants section.
  • 23 Dec. 2020 (talents): Updated Tiers 5 and 6 Regular Talents.
    • Updated PvP Talents.
  • 23 Dec. 2020 (this page): Updated for Shadowlands.
  • 23 Dec. 2020 (this page): Updated for Shadowlands.
  • 26 Oct. 2020 (talents): Updated Talent Table.
  • 25 Oct. 2020 (talents): Updated Tier 2 Regular talent.
  • 22 Oct. 2020 (gear): Removed unnecessary trinket.
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (playstyle): Updated Basic and Sustained Healing rotations.
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (talents): Updated Tier 3 Regular talent.
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (races): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (macros): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (playstyle): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (comps): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (gear): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (talents): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (this page): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).
  • 12 Oct. 2020 (this page): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (Patch 9.0.1).

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PvP Holy Paladin Guides

Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (65)Paladin Leveling Guide

Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (66)Holy Paladin PvE Guide


Other PvP Guides

Holy Paladin PvP Talents and Builds

Holy Paladin PvP Useful Macros

Holy Paladin PvP Arena Compositions

Holy Paladin PvP Rotation and Playstyle

Holy Paladin PvE Guides

Holy Paladin Builds and Talents

Holy Paladin Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities

Holy Paladin Stat Priority

Holy Paladin Gear and Best in Slot


This guide has been written by Mysticall,a seasoned PvP player who has repeatedly achieved 3000 rating.You can watch his stream on Twitch, and you canalso check out his YouTubechannel.



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Holy Paladin PvP Guide (Dragonflight 10.2.7) (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 6139

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.