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1 837 Professional Health Care Claim Overview 1 Claims Processing 1 Acknowledgements 1 Ancillary Billing 1 Anesthesia Bi...

Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Health Care Claim Overview


Claims Processing Acknowledgements Ancillary Billing Anesthesia Billing Coordination of Benefits (COB) Processing Code Sets Corrections and Reversals Data Retention of Denied Claims Data Format/Content Code Set Versions Dates Decimals Monetary and Unit Amount Values Phone Numbers Time Frames for Processing Medicare Claims Processing

1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

Identification Codes and Numbers Provider Identifiers National Provider Identifiers (NPI) Billing Provider Rendering Provider Referring Provider Subscriber Identifiers Claim Identifiers Claim Filing Indicator Code

4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

Edits and Reports Reporting Modifying Erred Claims

5 6 6

837 Professional: Data Element Table


837 Professional Transaction Sample Business Scenario Data String Example 837 Professional File Map

13 13 13 15

Appendix: BCBSNC Business Edits for the 837 Health Care Claim Document Change Log

17 20

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 Transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2009. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

Chapter 2: 837 – Professional Health Care Claim Overview This chapter of the BCBSNC Companion Guide identifies processing or adjudication particular to BCBSNC in its implementation of the 837 Professional Health Care Claim Transaction for version 5010. The chapter contains three sections: •

a general section with information applicable to the processing of claims and business edits performed by BCBSNC

a table outlining specific requests for data format or content within the transaction, or describing BCBSNC handling of specific data types

a sample scenario that is illustrated as both a data string and mapped transaction

While all ASC X12N compliant transactions are accepted by BCBSNC, the HIPAA Technical Reports (TR3s) allow for some discretion in applying the regulations to existing business practices. Understanding BCBSNC business procedures will expedite claims processing for trading partners as they exchange EDI transactions with BCBSNC.

Claims Processing Acknowledgements Senders receive two forms of acknowledgement transactions: the TA1 Transaction to acknowledge the Interchange Control Envelope (ISA/IEA) of a transmission, and 999 Transaction to acknowledge the Functional Group (GS/GE) and Transaction Set (ST/SE). At the claim level of a transaction, the only acknowledgement of receipt is the return of the NOP or the Claims Audit Report. See the Reporting Section below for more information.

Ancillary Billing The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BSBCA) defines ancillary claims as those claims from independent laboratories specialty pharmacies, or for durable medical equipment (DME). The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association has changed the filing instructions for Ancillary claims.. Starting in November of 2012, determination of where the claim should be filed is based on where the services were requested or where the equipment was delivered, instead of being based on where the Billing Provider is contracted or where the Membership resides. Therefore if you are an Independent Lab, Specialty Pharmacy or DME Provider, please be aware you may have claims reject if you do not follow the new filing rules: • •

Independent Lab & Specialty Pharmacy – If the Referring Provider is from the state of North Carolina, then file the claim to BCBSNC DME Providers – If the equipment was delivered to a location within the State of North Carolina, then file the claim to BCBSNC

BCBSNC will now require Referring Provider information for Independent Lab and Specialty Pharmacy ancillary claims. A Service Facility Location is required to process a DME claim when the equipment was

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

delivered to somewhere other than a location considered the Member’s Home. Out-of-state (non North Carolina) Independent Lab, Specialty Pharmacy or DME providers may enroll and submit electronic claims to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. To do so they must submit the Electronic Connectivity Request (ECR) form. Search for “ECR form” and instructions at www.bcbsnc.com.

Anesthesia Billing BCBSNC accepts nationally recognized code sets for anesthesia services and does not require the surgical CPT code on a claim for anesthesia services. BCBSNC Network Management distributes a document entitled Billing Guidelines for Anesthesia Services to all anesthesiologists within our network. For information about billing issues specific to anesthesiology services, contact your BCBSNC Network Management field office representative. Contact numbers are available online at http://www.bcbsnc.com/content/providers/contacts.htm or in your BCBSNC Network Management copy of The Blue Book: Provider Manual, which is also available online at http://www.bcbsnc.com/content/providers/blue-book.htm . For Medicare Advantage claims, see the Blue Medicare Provider Manual – also at www.bcbsnc.com.

Coordination of Benefits (COB) Processing To ensure the proper processing of claims requiring coordination of benefits, BCBSNC recommends that providers validate the patient’s Membership Identification Number and supplementary or primary carrier information for every claim. Important Notice: Primary and secondary coverage for the same claim will not be processed simultaneously. Claims that contain BCBSNC Policy Numbers for both primary and secondary coverage must be broken out into two claims. File the primary coverage claim first and submit the secondary coverage claim after the primary coverage claim has been processed. Submitters can be assured that the primary coverage claim has been processed upon receipt of the Explanation of Payment (EOP). A secondary coverage claim that is submitted prior to the processing of its preceding primary coverage claim will be denied, based on the need for primary insurance information.

Code Sets BCBSNC will follow CMS guidelines and be prepared to accept ICD-10 codes on the CMS compliance date. We will continue to accept ICD-9 codes until such time. Only standard HCPCS-CPT codes, valid at the time of the date(s) of service, should be used. BCBSNC does not require the use of National Drug Codes (NDC) by non-retail pharmacies. J-code submissions are acceptable.

Corrections and Reversals The 837 TR3 defines what values submitters must use to signal to payers that the inbound 837 contains a reversal or correction to a claim that has previously been submitted for processing. For both Professional and Institutional 837 claims, 2300 CLM05-3 (Claim Frequency Code) must contain a value from the National UB Data Element Specification Type List Type of Bill Position 3. Values supported for corrections and reversals are: 5 = “Late Charges Only” Claim 7 = Replacement of Prior Claim 8 = Void/Cancel of Prior Claim

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

Data Retention of Denied Claims Data from claims that are denied is retained for a minimum of three years before archiving. This data is available electronically for eighteen months before archiving. After eighteen months, inquiries should be restricted to telephone inquiries only.

Data Format/Content BCBSNC accepts all compliant data elements on the 837Professional Claim. The following points outline consistent data format and content issues that should be followed for submission. Code Set Versions BCBSNC will be ready to process the ICD-10 codes on October 1, 2014 and will not accept ICD-10 codes before the October 1, 2014 implementation date. There will be no grace period or dual use period for ICD-9 codes after October 1, 2014. The following rules will be used: • • •

If the dates of service are greater than September 30, 2014, use ICD-10; If the dates of service are less than October 1, 2014, use ICD-9; If the dates of service span October 1, 2014, split the claim so that one claim covers the time before October 1, 2014 and the other claim covers the time from October 1, 2014 and later.

Dates The following statements apply to any dates within an 837 transaction: •

All dates should be formatted according to Year 2000 compliance, CCYYMMDD, except for ISA segments where the date format is YYMMDD.

The only values acceptable for “CC” (century) within birthdates are 18, 19, or 20.

Dates that include hours should use the following format: CCYYMMDDHHMM.

Use military format, or numbers from 0 to 23, to indicate hours. For example, an admission date of 201006262115 defines the date and time of June 26, 2010 at 9:15 p.m.

No spaces or character delimiters should be used in presenting dates or times.

Dates that are logically invalid (e.g. 20011301) are rejected.

Dates must be valid within the context of the transaction. For example, a patient’s birth date cannot be after a patient’s service date.

Decimals All percentages should be presented in decimal format. For example, a 12.5% value should be presented as .125. Dollar amounts should be presented with decimals to indicate portions of a dollar; however, no more than two positions should follow the decimal point. Dollar amounts containing more than two positions after the decimal point are rejected. Monetary and Unit Amount Values BCBSNC accepts all compliant data elements on the 837 Professional Claim; however, monetary or unit amount values that are in negative numbers are denied. Phone Numbers Phone numbers should be presented as contiguous number strings, without dashes or parenthesis markers. For example, the phone number (336) 555-1212 should be presented as 3365551212. Area codes should always be included.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

Time Frames for Processing Batch claims are moved through the adjudication process at cycles throughout the day. The last cycle of processing for the day occurs at 8 p.m. for Professional Health Care Claims. Batches must have passed through an initial validation process to reach the adjudication process cycle. Senders should allow time for validation and submit transmissions by 7:30 p.m. to make the last processing cycle of the day.

Medicare Claims Processing For Medicare Supplemental subrogation, file directly first with Medicare, prior to filing secondary claims with BCBSNC. Primary payments should be completed before secondary claim filing. Medicare Advantage specific X12 processing information is contained throughout this document.

Identification Codes and Numbers Provider Identifiers National Provider Identifiers (NPI) HIPAA regulation mandates that providers use their NPI for electronic claims submission. The NPI is used at the record level of HIPAA transactions; for 837 claims, it is placed in the 2010AA Loop level. See the 837 Professional Data Element Table for specific instructions about where to place the NPI within the 837 Professional file. The table also clarifies what other elements must be submitted when the NPI is used. With the exception of Medicare Advantage providers, mid-level providers, such as physician assistants or advanced practice nurse practitioners, do not contract with BCBSNC, and BCBSNC does not collect/store their NPI. When they perform services for a BCBSNC subscriber/patient, the service will need to be reported in the Rendering Provider Loop (2310B or 2420A) under the supervising provider's NPI. Please see the Rendering Provider section for more information. Mid-Level Practitioners serving Medicare Advantage members can file claims and be paid under their individual NPI as dictated by their provider agreement with Blue Medicare. Billing Provider The Billing Provider Primary Identifier should be the group/organization ID of the billing entity, filed only at 2010AA. This will be a Type 2 (Group) NPI unless the Billing provider is a sole proprietor and processes all claims and remittances with a Type 1 (Individual) NPI. Rendering Provider BCBSNC requires Rendering Provider identifiers (NM109 of Loop 2310B or 2420A) to complete processing. Important Notice: If your office staff includes physician assistants or advanced practice nurse practitioners, you may have applied for and received National Provider Identifiers NPI for them. However, do not use physician assistant or advanced practice nurse practitioners' NPI when reporting services in claim submissions to BCBSNC, unless these practitioners are serving Medicare Advantage members. Continue to report services provided by physician assistants and advanced practice nurse practitioners employed in your office under the NPI assigned provider number of the supervising physician providing the oversight. Practitioners serving Medicare Advantage members can file claims and be paid under their individual NPI as dictated by their provider agreement with Blue Medicare.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

BCBSNC does not directly reimburse physician assistants or advanced practice nurse practitioners for services provided in a physician’s office. Filing claims using physician assistant or registered nurse NPI can delay claims processing which can also delay payment to your practice.

Referring Provider BCBSNC requires Referring Provider information for independent laboratory and specialty pharmacy ancillary claims.

Subscriber Identifiers Submitters must use the entire alphanumeric or numeric identification code, as it appears on the subscriber’s card in the 2010BA element. Nearly all BCBSNC members have a three (3) character alpha prefix, followed by eleven (11) alphanumeric characters. Some exceptions are Federal employees, who have only one (1) alpha prefix and eight (8) numeric characters to their member ID. The alpha prefix must be included when providing the subscriber identifier in the transaction. The most common reason for claims failure to process is an erroneous Subscriber Identifier. To ensure accuracy, trading partners are advised to use the Health Eligibility Inquiry (270) and use the membership ID returned in the 271 Response. BCBSNC members have unique member identifiers. For BCBSNC member claims, send all patient information, including ID and demographics, in the 2010BA Loop. For FEP and BlueCard (IPP) members who may not have unique identifiers, please send the subscriber ID and other Subscriber information in 2010BA plus Patient Name and demographics in 2010CA.to ensure timely processing. For detailed information about Subscriber Identification Cards and their corresponding BCBSNC plans, see Section 3 of the BCBSNC Network Management The Blue Book Provider Manual at www.bcbsnc.com . If you do not have a copy of the manual, see your BCBSNC Network Management representative or call the BCBSNC BlueLine Customer Support at 1-800-214-4844. For Blue Medicare Advantage products, use the Blue Provider Manual for Medicare Advantage, available at www.bcbsnc.com

Claim Identifiers BCBSNC issues a claim identification number upon receipt of any submitted claim. The ASC X12 Technical Reports (Type 3) may refer to this number as the Internal Control Number (ICN), Document Control Number (DCN), or Claim Control Number (CCN). It is provided to senders in the Claims Audit Report and in the CLP segment of an 835 transaction. When submitting for a claim adjustment, this number should be submitted in the Original Reference Number (ICN/DCN) segment, 2300 Loop, REF02. BCBSNC returns the submitter’s Patient Account Number (2300,CLM01) on the proprietary Claims Audit Report and the 835 Claim Payment/Advice (CLP01).

Claim Filing Indicator Code The Claim Filing Indicator Code identifies the type of claim being filed. BCBSNC requires that the first instance of this code (2000B, SBR09) within the 2000B looping structure be either a value of BL (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) or ZZ (Mutually Defined – for subscribers covered under the State Employee Health Plan).

Edits and Reports Incoming claims are reviewed first for HIPAA compliance and then for BCBSNC business rules requirements. The BCBSNC business edits include security validation at the ST/SE level and the verification of proprietary business requirements. The business rules that define these requirements are BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

identified in the 837 Professional Data Element Table below, and are also available as a comprehensive list in the 837 Professional Claims – BCBSNC Business Edits Table contained in this chapter. Both HIPAA TR3 implementation guide errors and BCBSNC business edit errors are returned on the BCBSNC Claims Audit Report. This report is available to direct senders from your electronic mailbox, or to indirect 1 submitters from your clearinghouse or vendor, or online via Blue e, in the 837 Claims Error Listing transaction.

Reporting The following table indicates which transaction or report to review for problem data found within the 837 Professional Claim Transaction. Transaction Structure Level

Type of Error or Problem

Transaction or Report Returned

ISA/IEA Interchange Control

Invalid Message or Information Invalid Identifier/s Inactive Message Improper Batch Structure

TA1 (Negative)

GS/GE Functional Group ST/SE Segment Detail Segments

HIPAA Implementation Guide Violations

999 * (Negative)

Unauthorized submission

BCBSNC Claims Audit Report (a proprietary confirmation and error report)

Detail Segments

BCBSNC Business Edits (see 837 Professional Claim BCBSNC Business Edits for details)

BCBSNC Claims Audit Report (a proprietary confirmation and error report)

Security Validation Messages

837Claims Error Listing, available in Blue e only Claims Status Detail Error Explanation (a proprietary report for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplemental Claims only.)

Error Reporting for 837 Health Care Claims

Important Notice: BCBSNC does not return an unsolicited 277 Response for any 837 Claim.

Modifying Erred Claims Important Notice Submitters must make corrections to erred 837 claims on their own systems and resubmit claims via batch 837 transmission. Blue e is available to review erred claims (see the HIPAA 837 Claims Error Listing), but not for correction or resubmission of X12 format claims. Only CMS1500 or UB04 claims can be entered or


The 837 Claims Denial Listing, available on Blue e, is an additional report that provides information about denied claims. Note that this report does not include errors about Medicare product claims.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

corrected in Blue e.

837 Professional: Data Element Table The 837 Professional Data Element Table identifies only those elements within the X12 5010 Technical Report implementation guide that require comment within the context of BCBSNC business processes. The 837 Professional Data Element Table references the guide by loop name, segment name and identifier, element name and identifier. The Data Element Table also references the BCBSNC Business Edit Code Number if there is an edit applicable to the data element in question. The BCBSNC Business Edit Code Numbers appear on the Claims Audit Report, along with a narrative explanation of the edit. For a list of the error messages and their respective code numbers, see 837 Professional Claim Business Edits. The BCBSNC business rule comments provided in this table do not identify if elements are required or situational according to the 837 Professional Implementation Guide. It is assumed that the user knows the designated usage for the element in question. Not all elements listed in the table below are required, but if they are used, the table reflects the values BCBSNC expects to see. 837 Professional Health Care Claim Loop ID Segm ent Type


Segment Designator

Element ID

Data Element



BCBSNC processes a value of 31 only for Medicaid submitted claims.


Use the valid NPI that has been registered with BCBSNC.


For the first instance of SBR09 within this Hierarchical Level (HL), use a value of BL (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) , except for subscribers covered by State Health Employee Plan, use a value of “ZZ” (Mutually Defined) ..

Billing Provider Name NM109 Identification Code


BCBSNC Business Rules

Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction BHT06 Transaction Type Code

2010AA NM1

BCBSNC Business Edit or Security Validation Edit Code Number 2

Subscriber Information SBR09 Claim Filing indicator Code

2010BA LOOP Subscriber Name Applicable to all of 2010BA

BCBSNC members have unique member IDs. For our members, send all patient information, including full ID and demographics, in the 2010BA Loop. For FEP and BlueCard (IPP) members, please send the subscriber ID and other Subscriber information in 2010BA plus Patient Name and demographics in 2010CA.to ensure timely processing.

2010BA NM1

Subscriber Name NM103 – Name (Last, First, Middle) NM105



BCBSNC processes all alpha characters, dashes, apostrophes, spaces, or periods. No other special characters are processed.

BCBSNC Edit Codes are not returned for Medicare Supplemental or Medicare Advantage products.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Health Care Claim Loop ID Segm ent Type

Segment Designator

Element ID


N3 & N4

Data Element

ID Code

BCBSNC Business Edit or Security Validation Edit Code Number 2 P006

BCBSNC Business Rules

BCBSNC uses up to 19 characters. The Member ID Number should appear as it does on the Membership Card. If the first two positions of the Member ID Number are alpha, then the third position must be alpha also.


Member id not valid for DOS.


Medicare Advantage or the Medicare Supplement Subscriber ID must be valid.


Alpha prefix is required.


Member ID must be valid


This edit reflects filing requirements listed in the Ancillary Billing section. The edit reads: If state address is not NC, file claim with the local plan for ancillary claims.

Patient Address (City, State, Zip) N402


DMG Demographic Information

2010BB NM1



Gender Code

BCBSNC uses only the M and F values.


Last Name or Organization Name


Payer Name

Billing Provider Secondary Identifier

REF02 2010CA NM1

Reference Identification


Patient Name Applicable to all of 2010CA

2010CA NM1

For Medicaid subrogated claims only, the Billing Provider Secondary ID Qualifier must equal G2 and/or Billing Provider Secondary ID must be valid. For FEP and BlueCard (IPP) members, please send the subscriber ID and other Subscriber information in 2010BA plus Patient Name and demographics in 2010CA.to ensure timely processing.

Patient Name NM101 NM103

N3 & N4


BCBSNC processes all alpha characters, dashes, apostrophes, spaces, or periods. No other special characters are processed.


This edit reflects filing requirements listed in the Ancillary Billing section. The edit reads: If state address is not NC, file claim with the local plan for ancillary claims.

CLM05:1 Facility Code Value


CLM05:3 Claim Frequency Type Code


A value of “99” (Other Unlisted Facility) is denied, unless the claim is for a Medicare Supplemental or Medicare Advantage product. To indicate a corrected claim, select one

Patient Address (City, State, Zip) N402



Last Name or Organization


Claim Information

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Health Care Claim Loop ID Segm ent Type

Segment Designator

Element ID

Data Element

BCBSNC Business Edit or Security Validation Edit Code Number 2

BCBSNC Business Rules

of the following values from the National Uniform Billing Data Element Specification Types: ● 5 = Late charges only claim ● 7 = Replacement of Prior Claim ● 8 = Void/Cancel of Prior Claim Claims requiring correction should be sent in with a value of “8” to void the claim; the subsequent revised claim should be sent in with a value of “7”. A value of “6” is not accepted.



NOTE: Claim Frequency Type Code of ‘0’ is not accepted.


If present, Date of current Illness, Accident, or LMP:

Date (Onset of Current Illness/Symptom to Date – LMP) DTP03

Date Time Period




cannot exceed the current date

cannot be less than the patient’s date of birth.

Date Time Period


Date Time Period


Date must be a valid date


When a Facility Code value of 21, 31, 51, or 61 is used on a charge line (CLM05-1 of 2300), Hospitalization Dates cannot be greater than current date or less than the patient’s birth date.


Date must be a valid date


When a Facility Code value of 21, 31, 51, or 61 is used on a charge line (CLM05-1 of 2300), Hospitalization Dates cannot be greater than current date or less than the patient’s birth date.

Hospitalization Discharge Date must be equal to or greater than the Admission Date.

Disability End Date cannot be prior to Disability Begin Date.

Date - Admission DTP03


must be valid

Date (Disability Begin and Disability End) DTP03


Date - Discharge DTP03

Date Time Period

REF Payer Claim Control Number


Reference Identifier


When submitting a corrected claim (i.e. CLM05-3 = 7), use the same claim number and format of the original claim control number.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Health Care Claim Loop ID Segm ent Type



Segment Designator

Element ID


BCBSNC Business Edit or Security Validation Edit Code Number 2

BCBSNC Business Rules


Claim can contain only one version of industry code; submit separate claim if using different versions of Industry Code.


E-code cannot be the primary diagnosis code. (This edit will be removed 10/2014.)


Please file claim with the Local Plan as defined for ancillary claims.


Referring Provider information required to process Ancillary claim.

Health Care Diagnosis Code HI01:2


Data Element

Industry Code

Referring Provider Name NM103, NM104, NM109

Referring Provider Address and Name




Referring Provider is not a Valid NC Provider. Please file claim with the Local Plan per BCBS Ancillary rule.

Rendering Provider Name NM109

Rendering Provider Name


Rendering Provider ID should ONLY be sent when it is a different number from the Billing Provider NM109 in 2010AA. See the Rendering Provider section of this document for additional details on using this segment.



Service Facility Name NM103 & Service Facility Name NM109

N3 & N4


Service Facility Address


If state address is not NC, file claim with the local plan for ancillary claims.

Monetary Amount


The sum of all line level payments and patient responsibility line level adjustments, must match the claim level payment and patient responsibility adjustments.

Monetary Amount


• •

Claim Level Adjustment CAS02


The Service Facility name and location are required to process a DME claim for the Place of Service provided. (See also N3 and N4)

Service Facility Address (City, State, and Zip) N3 N402



COB Payer Paid Amount AMT02


Negative Payer Amounts are denied. If filing a secondary or Medicare claim, fill the actual amount paid by the other carrier. Do NOT include deductive, coinsurance, copayments, or other adjustments in the Payer Paid Amount field. The Paid Amount at the claim level

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Health Care Claim Loop ID Segm ent Type

Segment Designator

Element ID

Data Element

BCBSNC Business Edit or Security Validation Edit Code Number 2

BCBSNC Business Rules

(2320 AMT02) must match the sum of the Paid Amount(s) at the line level (SVD02). AMT

Remaining Patient Liability AMT02






Monetary Amount



Entity Type Qualifier



Assigned Number

The sum of all line level payments and patient responsibility line level adjustments, must match the claim level payment and patient responsibility adjustments.

Other Subscriber Name Use a value of 1 (Person)

Service Line BCBSNC uses LX01 as a line item control number. Use actual values instead of placeholders for this element in order to receive matching line numbers in the 835 Transaction: 2110 SVC06 and the 2110 REF Service Identification segments responses.

Professional Service SV101:2 Product/Service ID


Newborn charges should not be filed on the mother’s claim, but on a separate claim, under the baby’s name.

SV101:3, Procedure Modifier 4, 5, and 6


The Procedure Modifier must be consistent with the Procedure Code presented in SV101:2. (For example, modifier values of 80, 81, or 82 [Assistant at Surgery] would be consistent with surgical codes 10000 to 69999 and anesthesia codes 00100-01999.)


Quantity P322 P323

Units should be greater than one (1) when a modifier of “50” is entered.

Days or units should be greater than zero (0).

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Health Care Claim Loop ID Segm ent Type


Segment Designator

Element ID

Data Element

BCBSNC Business Edit or Security Validation Edit Code Number 2

BCBSNC Business Rules

Date – Service Date DTP03

Date Time Period


‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ must be consistent with Hospitalization Dates.

The “From Date” must be prior to the “To Date”.

Service date must not be greater than current date.

Earliest Date of Service for all charge lines must not be prior to Patient’s Birth date.

Claim cannot be corrected more than 1 year from Claim’s Earliest Date of Service.


P315 P330 P316




Rendering Provider Identification NM109

Rendering Provider ID


Rendering Provider ID should be sent in this loop ONLY if the number is different from the Rendering Provider NM109 in the 2300 loop, OR no rendering provider NM109 was sent in the 2300 loop and the Rendering Provider ID is different than the Billing Provider ID sent in 2010AA. See the Rendering Provider section of this document for additional details on using this segment.



Line Adjudication Information SVD02

Monetary Amount

P028 P344

Negative Service Line Paid Amount must be a valid value. The sum of all line level payments and patient responsibility line level adjustments, must match the claim level payment and patient responsibility adjustments.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

837 Professional Transaction Sample The following sample presents three formats for the data contained within an 837 Professional claim: •

a high-level business scenario typical within BCBSNC claims processing

a data string, illustrating the actual record transmission

a file map that allows users to see all submitted data elements and their relationship to the entire transaction

Business Scenario The Patient is the same person as the Subscriber. The Payer is Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. The encounter has been transmitted through a clearinghouse. The Submitter is the clearinghouse. Data Element


Subscriber/Patient: Subscriber Address: Sex: DOB: Employer: Group #: Payer ID Number: Member Identification Number Destination Payer: Payer Address AHLIC #: Submitter: Billing Provider: Address: TIN: Billing Provider ID Contact Person & Phone Number Patient Account Number: DOS POS Services Rendered Charges Total charges

Mary B Dough PO Box 12312, Durham, NC 27701 F August 7, 1967 Acme, Co. ABC123101 987654321 24670389600 Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) 5901 Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC 27707 987654321 ABC Clearinghouse Elizabeth Smith, MD 123 Mudd Lane, Durham, NC, 27715 123456789 0123456789 Wilma Flintstone 919 555-1111 Ptacct2235057 8/1/2010 Office Office visit st 1 office visit - $100.50 $100.50

Data String Example The following transmission sample illustrates the file format used for an EDI transaction, which includes delimiters and data segment symbols. Note that the sample contains only one ST/SE set within the Functional Group (GS) and only one claim within the ST/SE set. Normally there would be multiple claims within an ST/SE set. For more information about batch sizes, see the Batch Volume section of this chapter. This sample contains a line break after each tilde to provide an easy illustration of where a new data segment begins. For more information about BCBSNC file format requests, see Record Format/Lengths in the Connectivity section of the Introduction to the BCBSNC Companion Guide to EDI Transactions. For more information about the file formats and application control structures, see “Appendix B: ASC X12 Nomenclature” in the ASC X12N 5010 837.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Professional Health Care Claim

ISA*00* *00* *01*9012345720000 *01*9088877320000 *100822*1134*U*00200*000000007*0*T*:~ GS*HC*901234572000*908887732000*20100822*1615*7*X*005010X222~ ST*837*0007*005010X222~ BHT*0019*00*123BATCH*20100822*1615*CH~ NM1*41*2*ABC CLEARINGHOUSE*****46*123456789~ PER*IC*WILMA FLINTSTONE*TE*9195551111~ NM1*40*2*BCBSNC*****46*987654321~ HL*1**20*1~ NM1*85*1*SMITH*ELIZABETH*A**M.D.*XX*0123456789~ N3*123 MUDD LANE~ N4*DURHAM*NC*27701~ REF*EI*123456789~ HL*2*1*22*0~ SBR*P*18*ABC123101******BL~ NM1*IL*1*DOUGH*MARY*B***MI*24670389600~ N3*P O BOX 12312~ N4*DURHAM*NC*27715~ DMG*D8*19670807*F~ NM1*PR*2*BCBSNC*****PI*987654321~ CLM*PTACCT2235057*100.5***11::1*Y*A*Y*N~ REF*EA*MEDREC11111~ HI*BK:78901~ LX*1~ SV1*HC:99212*100.5*UN*1*12**1**N~ DTP*472*D8*20100801~ SE*24*0007~ GE*1*7~ IEA*1*000000007~

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

837 Professional File Map Loop ID

Segment Name

Segment ID





Submitter Name


Submitter EDI Contact Information

Receiver Name



Billing/Pay-To Provider Hierarchical Level


Elements ST01

























ABC Submitter







Wilma Flintstone NM102








1 2010AA


2010AA 2010AA 2000B 2000B 2010BA

Billing Provider Name

Billing Provider Address

Billing/Provider City/State/Zip Code Billing Provider Tax Identification Subscriber Hierarchical Level Subscriber Information Subscriber Name








N403 27701

NM109 987645432 1~

HL04 NM105



NM107 NM108













919555111 1~ NM104 NM105




123456789 ~ PER07 PER08 PER09


123 Mudd Lane~ N401

NM107 NM108 46

































NM107 NM108 XX

NM109 989898989 ~

HL04 SBR05




BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


NM107 NM108 MI

NM109 246703896


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

Loop ID

Segment Name


Subscriber Address

Segment ID

Elements 00

2010BA 2010BA 2010BB



Subscriber City/State/Zip Code Subscriber Demographic Information Payer Name




POBox 12312~ N401
























Ptacct22350 57 REF01


Claim Information

Claim Identification No. For Clearing Houses and Other Transmission Intermediaries






NM107 NM108





987654321 ~ CLM06 CLM07 CLM08 CLM09









Health Care Diagnosis Code



Medrec11111 ~ HI02




Service Line




Professional Service


SV101 HC:99212


Date - Service Date


DTP01 472









1~ SV102










BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.

SV107 SV108 1

SV109 N~


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

Appendix: BCBSNC Business Edits for the 837 Health Care Claim The following proprietary error codes and messages are returned via the Claims Audit Report. The Claims Audit Report can be accessed from your electronic mailbox for direct submitters, or online, via Blue e (https://providers.bcbsnc.com/providers/login.faces ) - see the 837 Claim Denial Listing. Important Note: These error codes are not returned for Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplemental claims. Error Code*

Explanation Message

837 Professional 3 Cross-references


When Other Insured's Entity Code (NM101) = IL, Entity Qualifier must equal '1'.

2330A, Other Subscriber Name, NM102


Newborn charges should not be filed on the Parent's claim. They should be filed separately under the baby's name and Member ID.

2400, Professional Service, SV101:2


Member ID must be valid.

2010BA, Subscriber Name, NM109


The first occurrence of Claim Filing Indicator must be BL or ZZ.

2000B, Subscriber Information, SBR09


Member ID not valid for Date of Service (DOS).

2010BA, Patient Name, NM109


Provider NPI not registered with BCBSNC. Please contact Network Management at 1-800-777-1643 to resolve this matter.

2010AA, Provider ID, NM109


Billing Provider Secondary ID Qualifier must equal G2 and/or Billing Provider Secondary ID must be valid for Medicaid submitted claims.

2010BB, Provider ID, REF02


Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement Member ID is invalid. Please correct and resubmit.

2010BA, Member ID, NM109


Negative Service Line Paid Amount invalid.

2430, Service Line Paid Amount, SVD02


This column is cross-referenced to the 837 Professional (005010X222) and Companion Guide Data Element Table. The Cross Reference provides TR3 (Technical Report, Type 3) Loop ID, Segment Name, and the segment ID/element number combined (e.g. NM102). *A disruption in the numbering of the Error Codes indicates the removal of an error that previously existed.

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

Error Code*

Explanation Message

837 Professional 3 Cross-references


Alpha prefix is required; please submit the member ID as it appears on the membership card.

2010BA , NM109


Member ID is no longer valid. Please obtain the current ID from the membership card.

2010BA, NM109


Claim must contain only one version of the Diagnosis Code ; Create two separate claims using appropriate code version and dates for each

2300, Diagnosis code qualifier, HIXX


When filing Medicare primary claims to BCBSNC for adjudication, please allow at least 30 days from the date of the Medicare EOB.

2430, Line, Check, or Remittance Date, DTP03


Addition of Business Rule I-033 : Claim Frequency Type Code of ‘0’ is not accepted.

2300, CLM05


Invalid format for Original Claim ID. Please resubmit with valid ID.

2300, REF02, Payer Claim Control Number


Claim cannot be corrected more than 1 year from Claim’s Earliest Date of Service.

2400 DTP03


Invalid Subscriber Name as submitted. Contains special characters other than dashes, apostrophes, spaces or periods.

2010 BA, Subscriber Name, NM103


If a Facility Code Value of 21, 31, 51 or 61 (CLM05-1) is used on a charge line, Hosp. Dates cannot be greater than current date or less than patient's DOB.

2300, Date- Admission or Date Discharge, DTP03


From Date inconsistent with Hospitalization dates.

2400, Date – Service Date, DTP03


To Date inconsistent with Hospitalization dates.

2400, Date – Service Date, DTP03


To Date prior to From Date.

2400, Date – Service Date, DTP03


Earliest Date of Service for all charge lines must not be prior to Patient's Birth Date.

2400, Date – Service Date, DTP03


Modifier is equal to ‘80’, ‘81’, ‘82’ (assistant at surgery) and is inconsistent with a non-surgical procedure code.

2400, Professional Service, SV101:3


Accident Diagnosis Codes [800-995] require Date of Onset (DTP01 =431) or Date of Current Injury (DTP01 = 439).

2300, HC Diagnosis Code, HI01:2 in reference to 2300, Date of Onset, or Accident Date, or 2300 LMP, DTP01

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

Error Code*

Explanation Message

837 Professional 3 Cross-references


Units must be greater than one (1) when a Modifier of ‘50’ is entered.

2400, Professional Service, SV104


Days or Units must be numeric and greater than zero.

2400, Professional Service, SV104


Hospitalization Discharge Date must be equal to or greater than the Admission Date.

2300, Date – Discharge, DTP03


Service Date cannot be greater than current date.

2400, Date – Service, DTP03


Negative Payer Amount Paid invalid.

2320, Payer Amount Paid, AMT02


Facility Type Code 99 invalid for BCBSNC business.

2300, Facility Type Code, CLM05-1


Disability End Date cannot be prior to Disability Begin Date.

2300, Date – Disability Begin, DTP03 and p. 203, 2300, Date- Disability End, DTP03.


Invalid Patient Name as submitted – contains special characters other than dashes, apostrophes, spaces or periods.

2010CA, Patient Name, NM103 and/or NM104.


Claim Frequency Type Code of "6" is not accepted.

2300 Claim Information, CLM05-3, p. 173


E-code cannot be the primary diagnosis code. (This edit will be removed 10/1/2014.)

2300 Health Care Diagnosis Code, HI01-2 (when HI01-1 = ABK


NPI submitted is not registered with BCBSNC.

2310B or 2430A , Rendering Provider Name, , NM109; Rendering Provider Identification Code


The sum of all line level payments and patient responsibility line level adjustments, must match the claim level payment and patient responsibility adjustments.

2320,COB Payer Paid Amount, AMT02 (when AMT01=D); Line Adjudication Information, 2430, SVD02 , 2320 and 2430: CAS01=PR and AMT01=EAF,


The Paid Amount at the claim level must match the sum of the Paid Amount(s) at the line level.

2320, COB Payer Paid Amount, AMT02 (when AMT01=D); Line Adjudication Information 2430, SVD02

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

Error Code*

837 Professional 3 Cross-references

Explanation Message

2010BA or 2010CA, Subscriber/Patient Address, N402, and for


Please file claim with the Local Plan as defined for ancillary claims.


Referring Provider information required to process ancillary claims.

2310A, Referring Provider Name, NM103, NM104, NM109 (when NM101 = DN)


Service Facility Location required to process DME for Place of Service provided.

2310C, Service Facility Address N301, N302,N401, N402, N403 (when NM101 = 77)


Referring Provider is not a Valid NC Provider. Please file claim with the Local Plan per BCBS Ancillary rule.

2310A, Referring Provider Name, NM103, NM104, NM109 (when NM101 = DN)

2310C, Service Facility Location City, State, Zip Code, N402

Document Change Log The following change log identifies changes that have been made to the Companion Guide for 5010 837 Professional Health Care Claim transactions (originally published to the EDI Web site October 2010). Chapter Section Claims Processing

Change Description

Date of Change


Addition of Corrections and Reversals section



Addition of Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplemental Claims processing Information




Removal of business edits redundant with validator edits.



Data Element Table

Clarification of conditions for sending the Rendering Provider ID (Loops 2310B and 2420A, NM109)




Addition of P027




• •




Addition of P029, P030, P031, P346, P347, P348, P349 Removal of P319 P341 – added a note that this edit will not be used after 10/1/2014

Changes go into affect 10/2012, unless otherwise noted


Addition of P028 – effective November 2011 Removal of references to 997 Acknowledgements, which will not be returned

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


Chapter 2: 837 Health Care Claim - Professional

Chapter Section

Change Description

Date of Change



Minor verbiage change to P018 and P016.




Minor verbiage change to P349



Code Set Versions; Appendix

Update Code Set Versions; Addition of Edit P032

Effective 10/1/13



• •

Effective immediately



Addition of P033: Claim Frequency Type Code of ‘0’ is not accepted.

Effective July 2014


Subscriber Identifiers and Data Element Table

Clarification for submission of patient and subscriber name and demographic information (2010BA and 2010CA Loops)

February 2015


Appendix and Data Element Table

Addition of P034 business edit for inclusion of the Payer Claim Control number in a corrected claim

June 2015


Data Element Table

Addition of Business Rule I-035 – Claim cannot be corrected more than 1 year from Claim’s Earliest Date of Service.

January 2015


Removal of Security Validation section; these edits are no longer returned. Revised P022; edit updated to read “Provider NPI not registered with BCBSNC. Please contact Network Management at 1-800-777-1643 to resolve this matter.”

BCBSNC Companion Guide to X12 5010 transactions – 837 Professional Health Care Claim v.3.3

© BCBSNC, 2010. Unauthorized copying or use of this document is prohibited.


[PDF] 837 Professional Health Care Claim - Free Download PDF (2024)


What is the 837 professional claim format? ›

The 837P (Professional) is the standard format health care providers and suppliers use to send health care claims electronically. The ANSI ASC X12N 837P (Professional) Version 5010A1 is the current electronic claim version. Find more information on the ASC X12 website.

What is the difference between EDI 837I and 837P? ›

837P is the x12 EDI standard for the Clinic/Outpatient/Professional Claims, 837I is the x12 EDI standard for the Hospital/Inpatient/Institutional Claims) and 837D for the Dental Claims. Types of Claims: 837 P – Professional claims.

What is the layout of EDI 837 file? ›

An EDI 837 file is structured in a hierarchical format, composed of segments and loops. Each segment contains specific types of data, and loops group related segments together. The key components are: ISA Segment (Interchange Control Header): Contains sender and receiver information.

What is the 837 electronic claim format for UB claims? ›

An 837 file is an electronic file that contains patient claim information. This file is submitted to an insurance company or to a clearinghouse instead of printing and mailing a paper claim. The data in an 837 file is called a Transaction Set.

What is the difference between 837 institutional and professional claims? ›

The fundamental difference between professional billing and institutional billing is that professional billing is limited to the services provided by a physician or multiple physicians, whereas institutional covers all the charges related to interventions & administrative charges during the patient's stay in a hospital ...

What is the difference between 835 and 837 claims? ›

An 835 claim file is the format that insurance organizations send back to healthcare providers. To put it simply… In other words, an 837 is a bill and an 835 is a receipt. Sometimes 835 claims are also called Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA).

What is the EDI 837 health care claim transaction? ›

The EDI 837 Health Care Claim Transaction Set is a standardized format for submitting healthcare claim information electronically. Healthcare providers use it to send claims to payers, such as insurance firms and government agencies.

How to create an EDI 837 file? ›

Creating an EDI File
  1. Generate and post the batch invoice. ...
  2. Once on the Batch page, click the Create EDI 837 link located in the EDIs section.
  3. Select your Transaction Set Purpose (Original or Reissue).
  4. Select the Claim Frequency.
  5. Select the View List.
  6. Select the Service Units to be included. ...
  7. Select Create.

What is the EDI file format for claims? ›

The 837 or EDI file is a HIPAA form used by healthcare suppliers and professionals to transmit healthcare claims. Before delving deeper into the 837 form, it's critical to understand what an EDI file is. EDI stands for the electronic data interchange.

What data is in an 837 claim file? ›

The 837 file includes insurance claim data. The complication is that 837 files may contain not just one claim but multiple from the hospital to the payer. The 837s will include information that details aspects of patients' treatment, including medical services provided, cost of treatment, and additional adjustments.

What is the most common EDI format? ›

The most common EDI examples include;
  • Shipping statuses (EDI 214)
  • Purchase Orders (EDI 850)
  • Payment confirmations (EDI 820)
  • Invoice (EDI 810)

What is a segment in 837 file? ›

The 837 file is divided into segments, which are further divided into data elements. Each segment represents a specific type of data, such as patient information, provider information, or claim information. Every data element contains specific information, such as the patient's name, date of birth, or diagnosis code.

What is 837 professional claim? ›

What are the 837P and Form CMS-1500? The 837P (Professional) is the standard format used by health care professionals and suppliers to transmit health care claims electronically. The Form CMS-1500 is the standard paper claim form to bill Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Contractors when a paper claim is allowed.

What are the five sections on a claim? ›

Answer. (1) provider information; (2) subscriber information; (3) payer information; (4) claim information; and (5) service line information.

What is the maximum number of diagnosis codes on 837I? ›

You may send up to 12 diagnosis codes per claim as allowed by the implementation guide. If diagnosis codes are submitted, you must point to the primary diagnosis code for each service line. Only valid qualifiers for Medicare must be submitted on incoming 837 claim transactions.

What is the 837 format for HIPAA? ›

The EDI 837 transaction set is the format established to meet HIPAA requirements for the electronic submission of healthcare claim information. The claim information included amounts to the following, for a single care encounter between patient and provider: A description of the patient.

What is the 837 institutional format? ›

WHAT ARE THE 837I AND THE FORM CMS-1450? The 837I (Institutional) is the standard format used by institutional providers to transmit health care claims electronically. The Form CMS-1450, also known as the UB-04, is the standard claim form to bill Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) when a paper claim is allowed.

What is the standard format used for submission of electronic claims for professional? ›

The 837P (Professional) is the standard format used by health care professionals and suppliers to transmit health care claims electronically.

What type of claim form is submitted by a professional provider? ›

Professional paper claim form (CMS-1500)

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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