Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1940- rection of London- tur. American travellers cnecKs weren't subject to sequestration. of enemy bombers' overt few minutes he, ceaJ Britain at War Like Vast Prison So the last official transaction ui Preaching Mission Launched time to argue about nl1' your reporters visit to oigumu was to have all his dough politely Trial of Red Petition Case Again Delayed (Continued From Page One.) at the British passport office to get his coveted exit permit No dice. He'd overlooked getting an especially when it bo'n the reporter but -o You answer that one' Another artirl mp series will app, lifted from him just beiore Doara-ing the plane for Lisbon. But with the plane for Lisbon waiting to take off; with the sound of gunfire sounding from the di- by the British navy.

In return from Africa and Asia and North and South America comes the vital and precious exchange that pays for the planes and bombs. exit visa from the United States consulate ceneraL That didn't look so good. Only IlIncM of Judge Graff Is finally, two weeks after landing in England, your reporter was ready a week before he'd fought and lost a wordy battle with Joe Kennedy's bovs at the American embassy be Air-, Cause of postponement; Will Resume Today to report. Getting Out Tougher Efforts of Visiting Judge J. Frank Graff of Armstrong county to speed up the Communist petition mass But wait.

You haven't heard anything yet. And neither had your reporter. That came when he HARTMAN Y-R 0 cause they wouldn't give him a visa permitting him to return to the States on a Cunard liner so that he could bring an English bulldog back to Stoops Ferry. "Nothing Doing," Says Embassy "Nothing doing the embassy told him. The United States Government doesn't object, it appears, to Americans travelling on a bel- conspiracy trial, which may take as long as a month to complete was ready to leave England.

First came an exit permit issued by the British immigration office, were set back again yesterday, this without which no alien and no time by illness of the judge him self. TRAIN 15 () Britisher can leave the island. Ten days is the minimum time in which After holding overtime sessions Lligerent airliner from London to an exit permit can be obtained, and that's cutting it short. Here of court nearly every day last week and scheduling a full day instead of the usual half-day of court for Saturday, Judge Graff was unable the alien has the edge on the British citizen. The alien merely has to supply a complete history of his to be present yesterday, and re sumption of the trial after the previous life and supply a couple of references.

Just what the ref erences are to testify to isn't clear, Probably to the effect that England would be well rid of the individual in question. week-end recess was postponed until today, when the judge, confined in his Kittanning home with a cold, expects to return to the bench. One Defendant Also HI Illness of one of the defendants delayed the trial several hours Saturday, until a physician certified that Mrs. Eva Peifer was too ill Charge jhki Accounts if But the Britisher has only begun Won't Sell Themselves But even the well-made English products n't sell themselves. That's where the British "commercial man," as he is called, comes into the picture.

He's selling not only British products but he's selling England to the neutral world what there's left of it. And, of course, all over the world too, Britishers are doing their bit for the Empire as members of commercial, military, diplomatic and just plain propaganda missions. Everyone of them is out on a furlough. When his job is done he hustles back to jail, to his own little cell to do his bit for the Empire at home. Getting out of an ordinary jail back here in the states is a comparatively simple matter.

All you have to do is see your ward chairman and if he's any good, bye and bye a pardon arrives one morning and out you step. But it's not that easy to get out of England, not even for a member of parliament. Even with the ways all cleared, it's at least a two week's job just to compile the necessary visas, permits, clearances and what not. It's a man-size job for the ordinary newspaperman to get out of England on his way back home. But for a British subject well, when he sets foot on plane or ship outward bound, he'll have been places and seen things.

No Easy Task to Get In For that matter, it's no summer afternoon picnic for the alien newspaperman who wants to get a first hand slant on the way total war is run, to get into England. The first hurdles he has to take are encountered when he makes application for a passport at the state department in Washington. First he's got to prove that he was the job when he supplies the life history and the references. He's got to furnish also letters from his The Sky-Rote is easy to pack carries from 4 to 6 dresses wrinkle-free on hangers with oceans of space for otker apparel. Tke Train Box holds cosmetic bottles and jars room for orernifbt necessities.

Mariner Stripe Ducord SKY-ROBE $2 5-00 TRAIN BOX 21'50 Other Matching Pieces 15.00 to 43.50 Luggage Repairing Prompt, expert repairs, zipper replacements, on our balcony. firm, if he's a commercial man. to leave her home. A mistrial was recommendations from the British Board of Trade, and the home office, a certification from the war office that he's not subject to mili Lisbon where the cnances oi Demg shot down are getting better every day, but they did object very effectively to an American citizen travelling on a Cunarder, where he'd have a chance in a life boat even if the ship were torpedoed. However, the embassy apparently doesn't hold any grudges, since the visa was quickly forthcoming.

And an hour later a British passport official stamped the long-sought-for exit permit in the Pitts-burgher's passport book. All of that ought to have turned the trick. For that matter it did get your reporter out of England but it didn't get his money out. England isn't letting anything valuable get out of the country. Ten pounds, or $40, is all the money anyone is permitted to take out.

No jewelry, furs, antiques, objects of art may be taken or shipped from the country without a permit. And try to get a permit without a better than good reason. In the case of Britishers who leave the country on diplomatic, governmental business missions, hotel bills, train fare and other expenses for the duration of their stay abroad are carefully added up and they get just that essential amount and no more. Nobody had told your reporter that perfectly good travellers checks from the Mellon National Bank back home were contraband. In fact, as related previously in this series, the manager of the London banking correspondent of the Mellon Bank had assured him TRAVE.L C00DS JENKINS ARCADE 314 PINK AV tary duty.

Next stop for the departing guest is the Travellers' Censorship office. Here he must submit every scrap of printed or written matter that, he hopes to take out of England. He must submit formal application 10 days ahead of his departure and in return receives notice to present himself with his censorable material. A censor reads through everything, nonchalantly tosses out anything which mignt supply information to the enemy or anybody else for that matter and finally the material which gets by is sealed up in a pound or two of red sealing wax. Have to Show Your Ticket 14K-COLD POINT Post-Gazette Photo.

Presbyterian clergymen of the Pittsburgh district formally launched a seven-week preaching mission yesterday at a "preliminary" service in the First Presbyterian Church. The city's Presbyterian tradition was the theme of the service, and in working out this theme the Reverend Liewis A. AVestphal (seated) read from one of the oldest Jlihles in Pittsburgh, Dr. Clarence Edward. Macartney (right) exhibited a century-old baptismal howl, and the leaders of the service, who also included Dr.

C. Marshall 3Iuir (left), sat in church chairs dating from 1800. FOUNTAIN PEI With Patented Mounted PoirJ born when, where and why. If he can't dig up a birth certificate, he's got to get a sheaf of affidavits FULLY Presbyterian Church, Northside, Now the departing Britisher or declared in her case, lowering the number now- on trial to 30. She is to be tried later.

First Assistant District Attorney George F. P. Langfitt said he expected to summon nearly 100 witnesses today, most of whom, it is presumed, will testify they were tricked into signing Communist party nomination petitions under the mistaken impression they were affixing their signatures to something of a different nature. So far, nearly 250 persons have testified they were duped apparently without much difficulty into singing the petitions. A small proportion, however, described their "signatures" as outright forgeries.

Signed Without Keading If anything, most of the testimony spotlights the ancient American talent for signing papers without first reading them. Practically all of the witnesses who claimed to have signed under a false representation of the petitions' nature readily admitted under cross-examination they could easily have learned just what the petitions were for merely by reading the printed matter at Ihe top. "The fellow who brought it around said it was a Democrat petition and I'm a Democrat and so I signed," has been a frequent explanation of signers. Or, "He said it was to keep the United States out of war, and everybody's for that. I just took his word for it." "How would signing this petition keep the United States out of war?" Defense Attorney Cyrus Davis asked witnesses who gave that testimony.

"I don't know. The fellow didn't say." was the sheepish reply. read a passage from a replica of GUARANTEED alien i3 ready to go after his pass from someone who knows he was born. And if that sounds easy, try the original 1611 edition of the port visas. Your reporter had only List Preaching Mission Here King James version of the Bible These smartly designed it some time.

the Portuguese consulate to deal a replica in use here in the' early pens that clip securely onto Passport obtained, the next step days of the nineteenth century. your pocket have a selective easy is getting the necessary visas from Other relics of Presbyterianism writing 14k gold point with pat the general consulates of the for were used in the service: leaders ented mounting iridium tipped. Your with. Since his arrival in England, Portugal, rapidly filling up with refugees, had tightened up its visa regulations. Now Portugal wants to make sure that travelers passing through the country will keep on going.

So in order to get Subjects for Presbyterian Pastors Announced choice of colors black, frey. sat on chairs dating from the time of Dr. Robert Steele, pastor of the Large ink capacity. Push button filler. Have First Church early in the 1800's, eign countries the reporter wants to visit or traverse on the way to his destination.

The reporter whose paper maintains a correspondent in Washington who is on friendly terms with the embassies of the countries he wants to visit is one for yourself and look ahead to the Christmat season. Each pen is nicely boxed for giving. a Portuguese visa you've got to be Presbyterian of the Pittsburgh district launched their second annual preaching mission and Dr. Macartney exhibited a sil ver baptismal bowl originally pre sented to the congregation by Gen SAVE 7 CENTS ON A 25-LB. BAG Franklin CANE SUGAR 2Mb.

g2 sack I.IJL THOROFARE FOOD MARKETS TUESDAY ONLY eral O'Hara's wife in 1834 and since yesterday at a special meeting in fortunate. EVERY PEN TESTED BY OUR PEN EXPERT used to baptize many a generation the First Presbyterian Church. Highlight of this "preliminary" meetine was an address by Dr. of Pittsburghers. able to show a ticket for your passage out of Portugal.

A ticket from Lisbon to New York on the Pan American clipper, which incidentally set the Post-Gazette back a matter of $425, brought the Portuguese visa. Armed with all the foregoing, the onetime Pittsburgh newspaperman who had begun to despair of ever getting back home presented himself The preaching mission itself will MAIL PHONE ORDERS FILLED 622 LIBERTY AVE. So it was only a matter of three days to get visas for England, France, Portugal and Spain. With passport and visas safely in the locker, all that's needed then is a seat on the Clipper to Lisbon. Four Clarence Edward Macartney, pas actually get under way next Sun mm day and continue for seven weeks, during which all Presbyterian clergymen of the district will ATLANTIC 3737 PITTSBURGH, tor of the First Church, on the Presbyterian tradition in Pittsburgh.

In keeping with Dr. Macartney's theme, the Reverend Lewis A. days after the last visa was stamped in the little red passport YVestphal, pastor of the North (Advertisement) t. Advertlaement) preach in their own ways on identical subjects. The general topic for the mission will be "How to Live the Christian Life," and the weekly sub-topics will be as follows: October 13 "How to Become a Christian;" October 27 "How to Get Help from the Bible;" November 3 "How to Pray;" November 10 "How to Find God Through Worship;" November RETONGA SUPRISED BOTH HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS, SAYS SMITH 17 "How to Help Meet the World's Need;" November 24 "How to In fluence People for Christ." book, your correspondent was in Lisbon.

New Name for the Old "Fix-In Lisbon for the rest of his life, it appeared. One thing about the British, there's nothing hypocritical about them. Here in the states the "fix" is, of course, a national institution but we don't admit it. In Lisbon your correspondent learned a new name for the old "fix." There it's "priority." To get from Lisbon to London via the British Airways service in the span of a single life-time it is necessary to get on the "priority" list for a passage. After 10 weary days in Lisbon trying to wangle his own way onto the list your reporter happened to remember that Lord Beaverbrook, minister for aircraft production for England, was a long time friend of his boss, Paul Block, Post-Gazette publisher.

Ensued a three-cornered cable conversation between Lisbon, Map Program weak, run-down feeling until I was so nervous I could hardly sleep. I ate such a little I lost weight For Auto Show and strength and felt tired and weak. All the medicines and treat He Can Eat Heartily Now And So Has Regained Weight And Strength, States Glen shaw Resident. Gives Facts In Case. ments I tried failed to help me and One Night to Be Given Over I was badly discouraged.

"Retonga promftly brought me To Defense Display The management of the Pitts such splendid relief that it surprised my family and friends. My appetite came back strong and I seem to have a sufficient flow of gastric juices, and consequently burgh Auto Show, to be held in Hunt Armory from October 19 to 26, announced yesterday that one night of the annual exhibition will Pittsburgh, and London and in 24 hours "priority" was achieved and the indigestion is relieved. Re- Happy In their gratitude to Retonea, ever-increasing hosts of well known men and women of this section heap more public praise on Retonga daily for relieving their sufferings due to sluggish elimination, lost appetite and insufficient flow of gastric juices in the stomach and consequent dis tonga's laxative effect was mild the lad from Pittsburgh, who otherwise might have been waiting still, and satisfactory. I eat heartily be given over this year to a na tional defense display. was unloading at Poole in Eng and have regained my strength and land.

several pounds of weight. Conse The program will be under the sponsorship of the One Hundred quently I sleep fine and feel strong Next morning In London the reporter from Pittsburgh figured that tresses of indigestion, headaches. and energetic. I can't recommend and Seventh Field Artillery of he was all ready to start turning Retonga half strong enough." the Pennsylvania National Guard dizziness, muscular aches and pains, headaches and nervousness which makes its home at the Em this war situation in England inside out for the benefit of the and insomnia. Among recent grate Retonga is a purely vegetable stomachic medicine, intended to increase the flow of gastric juices in erson street armory.

Machine guns, anti-tank guns, 75 millimeter readers back home. Small chance tul endorsements of Retonga is one The passport, the visas, "priority" from Mr. Thedore W. Smith, cannon and other military equip ment will be displayed. and all that, were just a little cur Route 2, Glenshaw, widely the stomach and aid nature in removing toxic wastes from the bowels.

The Retonga representative known real estate figure there, who tain raiser for the real business that lay ahead before the reporter at the Sun Drug Store, Sixth St tates: "I had long suffered from dis The management said that those attending the 1940 show were certain to note that the exhibition of 1941 automobiles would be featured by more moving displays and more could begin to report. Register Under Alien Act and Penn explains Retonga daily to scores of visitors without obligation. Retonga may be ob tresses due to constipation, poor appetite and insufficient flow of First was a call upon the police gastric juices, and attending indi cut-away cars, more working ex hibits. tained at all Sun Drug Stores. Advt to register under the alien act.

cestion. toxic noisoninz. and a Even that word alien wasn't so good. Heretofore other fellow had been the alien. It was a new nn jjjie superbly smooth and mellow taste of and not so welcome experience to be an alien one's self.

At least the London police didn't "mug" this alien. They did require him to furnish his own "mug," or picture, however, and keeping one copy for the files, stapled another into a little blue book with in structions that he'd better never be caught without it. As an alien. the reporter wasn' to be permitted out after midnight. So he next 0 ft call was at the Ministry of Information, where, after a day's delay, the little blue book got a stamp permitting the alien to stay up after the midnight curfew sounded.

Next, it developed that most of Britain's coast and for 2d miles inland was prohibited defense area, where even British subjects weren't permitted to wander For much of the material so urgently demanded for national defense, America looks to Pennsylvania. To mines and mills, to farms and factories, the call comes for increased production iiithfull speed ahead! There will be sudden demands for more telephones more telephone calls more Long Distance calls. new telephone equipment. We aim always to be ready with the telephone plant to meet Pennsylvania's demands. This year we are spending extra millions of dollars to keep our facilities in step with the demands of these critical times.

We are looking ahead, planning around loose much less an alien from overseas. It took the British home office to fix that up and into the little blue book went another stamp. After that came a call to the Westminister city hall to reg ister under the national defense act another picture and another card. Then to another office for a gas mask and finally to a third office for a food ration card. One more call to the Ministry of Information for a press certificate, which ought to have been a press pats, but wasn't.

That took another day and another call and And that means more miles of telephone wire and cables, more poles, more switchboards ahead, building ahead. For tomorrow, as today, your calls must go through. is one reason so many men keep on asking for it! Try PM De Luxe this P. M. l.95 45 QUART PINT INCLUDES TAX IT WILL HELP MAKE YOUR HOME SAFER to keep OnVO-SOL new name for Oil-of -Salt) (or emergencies.

An Inhibitory, non-poisonous antiseptic valuable in treating cuts. TOE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA minor burns, sunburn, bruises, foot soreness National Distillers Prod. N. Y. 90 Proof.

51 straight whiskey, 49 grain neutral spirits due to fatigue. Combats infection, stimulates healing. Your druggist is authorized to refund prloe if TOtt art not satisfied. Advt. Turn In "7J Tphon Hour" mtwy Monday at 8 p.

m. on tbo NBC Rod Network.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.