St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

4 I tf paik 61013e.ptmturato.' Sumba 11 ksHopFLA170 -Planned ,1 CORNERS ivy'', of holFe racei.ri Tip ANSFEfi I IVest End, v. Batight. i 4 i 1 7 a' mbliii' MOTT(Tng 11 1815 OR of C. holFe Vacant -i A Bcti' ght i ANSFEis Sdlei and Trades Continue Unabated. i Fredetickfill SchwitzeiBuys(She Place in Kirkwood, for His Home IN O'FALCON1ARK DISTRICT IS SOLD 1, FARK -IS OLD APARTMENT STORE APARTMENT WILL BE -BUILT AT EASTON AND CORA G.

Moller Puiehases a Corner Lot for that Purpose. 1 Deals folr South St, Louis Property Also Closed by Dittmeier Louis Closed by ompany, CITY'S STREET, CAR- 1 1 STATION AT BADEN 1 NEARS COMPLETION Finishing Touches on trueture Are Be I Put on ThislYeek. 1 Work' will Se completed thla on he electric tine station being built by the -city at Baden. the southem terminus Of the Waterworks line. which carries hundreds of each week to the City Waterwerks and its park at the Chain of Rocks.

Edward E.1 Wall, the' water commis siner, has Made a thorough study and investigation! regarding the equipment and managing of thili-line and has shown that the city can arA. has for a number of years auccessfullia operated a 7 street oar system. i -I The statio was ditiiigned by Roth Study, architects, and is in the Italian style of archltecturai I The brickwork is being of Roman laid in patterns. The roof is red Roman tile. The building, 223 feet long, contains a large waiting room and ticket' office, tool shop and baggage room.

i The Waterworks line, while 'affording the public a 'means for visiting and enjoying the 'Waterworks parkway on top of the riVer bluffs at the Chain of Rocks, prbnarily forms the means for the city to transport ite' large, force of engineers and workmen to from the 1 Waterworks at the ChaJf aocics. Raden and Bissell's Poin engineers and workmen to Waterworks at the Cha 13aden and Blase Ws Pointr t' 1. i 1-STATION ArBADEN i--. 1 I NEARS COMPLETION 1 i- sf t. 41 t---, inishincr Touches on true- i 1 tare Are Expected to Be -r i 1 Put on 1 1 i I I 1 I Work' will.

completed this' week on 1- i' the rf. electric tine station being built by the -city at Bilden. the southern terminus 1' et the Waterworks line which carries 2 huudreds of 'persons each week to the City Waterwerks and its park at the I Chain of Rocks. I 4 I Edward E.I Wall, the water l'? sioner has Made a thorough study and investigation I regard -the equipment 4 4 and managing of thiai-tine and has shown that the city! can arA. has for a number 1, I 'c, 1 of years auccessfullia operated street 1 I 1 car system.

i -I i 1 4 I i The static, was dkilligned by Roth I- 'I. 7 i 1. I Study, architects. 11.41,le in the Italian I 't 1 style of architectural I The brickwork Is I '1 noteworthy being of '11Lrge Roman brick. 1 Pohl i laid in patterns The roof is red Roman I.

1 tile. The building, 223 feet long, contains 'I 4 a large waiting room and ticket' oMc 1 tool shop and i baggage room. 1 4 e' i i -I! I I- The Waterworks line, while 'affording the a 'means for visiting and en- 1 joying the 'Wbaterwo a rks pkway on top of the riVer luff the u' Chain of ROCIES, primarily forms the mean for 4 the. Oty to transport RIP large 'flroormcett4lief engineers until workmen to aden and Bissell th Waterworks at Cha Rocks R' 4 i I I 1 16 asommo ang 111111 ,11, COMMOk EiMI 0 Wel II 40' 1 ttl, Mc- A 41 I 1 Is', ,4, 46. 4 1.1,..

4 i i r' 1( I P. I. ti I 'I 4 's --s-tin, lb. tra .414 I 4, 4, .1 I i'. l' i''' 'T 4'I 1 I I 1,1 off s', .) --i -f----- ell.

--1 y's I tr-ts Pi.f '4- iroll Lg- 4 )6, i low, 11 1 I 5 1 Lt: cl- s'. lk ''l .1,, xs. A 1 I 1 1 1 7 1 1 i i ....1 4, I. qt. l''l I 7 jt -1, SININENM 1111MIMIM Milii 1 0 1 111110 111111110 0 61111110 IMMUNE.

I tlebard G. Moiler is to build a store-apartment building double gat ad. ning on the ground at the noutheast corner of Eastta arid Cora avesuos. witeh b. puretutted yesterday for Unit The ground.

whieh was sold! by May F. Brooks. has a frontag of MIT feet on Easton by a depth of Ivo feet on Cora avenue. 1-'acing on Easton will be a two-story building. containing four stores on Ms ergot ROOf.

VA fout.spartments above. rh, Fronting On Cora w.11 bo a two-story flat. containing four suites of nye and six A costral heating plant will'bo located in a chamber below the grade and, b- An the two Work on these holidarike will begin as soon as the old frame dwelling now on the alto can be wrecked. tit* sale of tho business sit to Moiler was handled by the O. H.

Brooks Realty Company. This property is lit Met Taylor-Easton bushiness district. being ono block West of Ta3riOr avenue. 1 1 Taylor A six-family apartment house, nearing Com Pletion on the west side of Athlone avenue. 80 feet north of Holly avenue.

was purchased yesterday by Henry C. Foster for MAO. Dutch dining rooms-with beamed ceilings. marble window sills. kitchen cabinets and hot and cold water.

will be features of the completed apartments. which will have three rooms'in each suite. The lot is 60x158 feet. The American Real Estate, Building and Investment Company, seller of the property. was represented by the frank L.

Dittmeier Real Estate Company. This propery is in the O'Falion Park district. The Dittmeler Company also sold the three-story building at the southwest corner of Jefferson avenue and Hickm street, to a client This company also sold to a client the northwest corner and Hickory. a three-story modern business building. for 115,000.

.1 1 WALL BUILDING IS TO BE SOLD NEXT M9NDAY. Store and Office Structure Will 'Be Offered to Investorsi at I Int house, nearing it side of Athlone of Holly avenue. lay by C. with beamed cell- kitchen cabl- water, will be lea- apartments. which In each suite.

The Estate, Building iny, seller of the ted by the b'rank its Company. This on Park district my also sold the the southwest cor- tue and HickOrI client the .141 a flerson and Hick- rn boldness build- el TO 1 I 'EXT M9NDAY. Joe turn estorsi at 1 I ticumaccrolicrits BCErGIrr BYIMDIISZITZEELO I 1 plvgb-t roolis stone and, shingle kitchen on the first' floor. A. lquarter- -occitpying the entire block Saowed oak stairway leads to the second II where there are live bedrooms and to Madison and 'Woodlawn to two baths.

There are four rooms and I Kirkwood. was purchased bath on the third floor. Frederick M. Switzer. pi-eat- The grounds are with lino Missouri Candy Company, for shrubbery and more than slate oak trees.

is home. This home was built by William H. a has a large reception hon. Shelby. its former- occupant The Paul music room, dining room and Jones Realty Company handled the sale.

i tweles-roOis stone and, shingle oocitPying the entire block to Madison and 'Woodlawri to Kirkwood, wits purchased by Frederick M. Switzer. Missouri Candy Company, for homa has a large reception hail. music room, dining room and THE residence, from Main Dickson. in yesterday president of the an immediate The house living room, St.

Louis has really. gone not ir nor east' but westd St. Louis has really gone not Orth nor south; 9 -nor east, but west due west 1 1 4 1 You owe it to yourself to see the best anged, best beat ed, best lighted home sites in St. Louis. Pretty soon they I will cost more than similar properties all iround them 1, Right now you can save $30 to $50 foot by buying in 1' a 'i 11 al 1 1 St' Louis.

has reallT gone 'not orth; nor south; nor east, but west ue west I i i 1- I 6 il 4 1- You owe-it to yourself to see the best anged, best locat. 1 ed best lighted home sitesin St. Louis. Pretty, soon they will oft Aos ost more 'than. stnuiar properties all around them 1, ell MO Mb OS dloann'a 1 I.

ed4h tCri Ad 11... 11L. Asa 6 La I. sollocAo ,7 oR wf 0," V. yo lb, Fog, 1 6 l'ea 1 1 I Courthouse.

1 .1 1 Al Wt. H. HORNER GETS CONTROL OF EDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION. Control of the E'dgewood subdirialon. outli of Edgemont, and most of it outside the hoots of East St.

Louis. has bean acquired by the W. Horner Real itstate Company. Harry S. Kramer formerly bandied this but bag son into other business.

Tide suburb has developed raPidly within short timi and adjoins Siena! On. of the latest additions to the handsome borne" in Edges-nod is that of Quackenbush. wno has completed a rustle home. costtng $itAsia EL FL Ilissrich reports the sale of lot 11. block 14.

in for Vino. Al'. FL Sicesisland reports the sale Of his lots in Niehois place for and two lots in Mot'aisland Park for 141110. J. W.

Rerisbaws' akois rvport the 91110- int a frame residence in Signal Hill place for Notice hail been given that the Wall Building. at 4 the northwest corner of Vandeventer avenue and Olive is to be sold March 291 at the east front door of the Courthouse. This (Alice building Is' handsomely and the upper floors are entirely occupied, by medical practitioners. Stores are on the first door. The sale is holding the attentkon of many investors.

The Irandeventer and Olive district has attracted several retail concerns not visually found in a Wes End district, such as the uptown brancth of a downtown department store. F-- i Mississippi Valley Trust I FOURTH and PI 'i ILI r----7----7 I 14.4 PLAN FOR- FRISCO BE ANNOUNCED COMING WEEK Inadequacy of Accounts for Weakness E.j.' Bonds. FRISCO 1 ANOUNCEDI ti IIIING WEEK I Veakness Inds. I tags. with bath, and PUTS'S.

ilSst north of I tile bath. Dutch dinIng rooms. on 10t d.U130 Delmiu avenue, lot 302160 feet. to Mario Items- feet. consideration sao00.

mos biareon. who purchased for a home. from Also sold through Giles Ow six-family apart-'William G. Van Pelt et al. of Pittsburg.

Xan. I merit building of eight rooms tooth. two baths, Also sold tint northeest corner of Miami Swages, hardwood floors, sleeping' porches, street sod Iowa avenue. a throo-storY brick sun parlora on lot T01073 foot, annual rental of $WW, for R. H.

W. Godwin to a client of the C. P. Brandi on Realty Company, I for 1146.000 I Also sold through Giles the ten-room brick I residence. tel0 Tennesmo tiVilinle.

hot-water boa, tile mho, parse for three machines. e.etr rocd, on a lot 80x140 feet to an alley, for client of the Brendle Realty Company to couo. of the Bottor Realty Company. for ff lient sc Z. I.

Epstein. 3'. T. Vlpeteln the Nilo of the family at at OarLiiit Suburban avenue, to VcIalato C. Becker of St, Charles.

for Sew. The flat contains five rooms on the first firer and slit rooms on the with bath e. separato furnaces. and rented for $623 a year. Recker purchased for Investment.

Aloo sold the two nino-room brick residences at 1342-1344 Goodfellow avenue, for Ernst Plachemeter to a client for SI-Zon0. Eaca i residence contains nine rooms. Mod baths. hardwood floors and hardwood Welsh and fur-Also Nicholas Martin Realty Company. Tho Nicholas Martin Realty Company reports tho sale of 43.13 Ellenwood avenue.

a five-room and bath brick bungalow with sleoping porch. ground Ailess129 feet. for Jessie IA Feldman i to Charlie' A. Meier, for a horn I Also sold 4114-10 Osceola street. a modern three-room and Ws bath apartment, complete with screen s.

shades and chandeliers, for Mary Cuba to a client. who purchased for invest-'piing moot. Dougherty Real PAtate bcrropany. The Dougherty Bros. 'Real 'Eatable Company reports the txcharge of 4034-301-38-40 Russell avenue.

a double five and six room teat. with baths and furnaces. on lot 501123 feet. renting for $730 a year, for 442 Page boulevard, an cght-room brick dwolling with slate roof, having bath. furnace.

on lot 25t1d2 feat. The Russell avenue property was owned by Jacob Pt.bin and the rag avenue property was owned by F. J. 0 Atilliviuu O'Sullivan will take possession of one of the eats shortly Rubin was represented by the Borders Realty Company. I 1 RIVR NEWS.

i. Daily Bulletin. 1 I (Prom, Mated States Weather BureauBePort. 1. li 1 l' 1 I I 1, g.

4 ba 1 I 0 .2 1.3 1 lf, 44 Stations. 1 1 01. 0 a I 74 -1 ,..1 tt 6 1. 7 011 b0 O. El 1 d--; '2E-: 04, 1 co I 6, cd et.

Paul, Minn 14 3.9 .5 Vubuque. Ia- 13 0.5 0.1 .00 Davenport 15 i' 5.6 0.1, .01 Keokuk I a. 15 e. 4 .3 .00 Hannibal, Mo 43 I. 7.5 0.4 4--0 'La Salle." Ili- 48 i10.1 0.0, .02 Peoria.

18 112. -0-11 ,.04 Beardstown, ill -12 '10. .00 3ratton. Ill. IS i 8.

7 0.0 .00 3iux La 17 0.9 .04 )maha, Neb- 19 7.61 -0-2 I -01 t. Joseph, Mo 12 3.01, .00 VtilouPvei: Mimi 1:1 Davenport, 15 Keokuk, Ia. 15 (1. Bannibtl. Mo.

43 La Salle." ill- 48 i 16 Peoria. 18 i1. 1 Beardstown, III, -12 '10. i Grafton. III- 18.

1 8.1 Sioux City. la 17 18.2 Omaha, Neb. 19 i 7.8 St. Joseph, Mo I 12 1 3,0 .01 .00 building. with two stores oti firm Poor.

and two data above of four and ilets rooms each; also tab's and tido lot. for the Sausalito Company. to a oliont who trill maks exteasive improvements by the building. Also sold lot 26z200 feet On MognoLA north aide just west of King's Highway. for tho Sausalito Investment Compant to a client of rho Gower Company.

who will im. Provo same modem apartment bowie. Also sold MO TOMS. four-room lfrarne cottage. oti lot 110zITO feet routing for 3stni, to a oiliest.

who purchased for Invest- menL Francisetts Mins. Franolocus Kano ropert ths follottring solos: coid the northwest orate of Eighth and iff Fallon streets. lot 40134 foot 3 inches. for Mimes Vandervoort of Philodelphsa to the Recoi Realty and Investment Company. who ow nod the, improvements.

Also gold a large modern sit-family apartment house? at 724 Belt three-atorl brick building. containing, ell modern improvements. steam beat and janitor tivrvino. rvnithe for 413.40 "tor. lot Oealld foot Os Inches.

for the, Bantster Inveetnitint Company to O. F. 31eKnight. Also sold a throe-story brick building. irn Marked street.

conoisttng of on first itoor with rooms above. lot thou OK. for IteKulght to thei Realty Coin- pan, Also sold another large building on corner of 1 Spring sal Hebert street. consisting of ewre on tornor and, threo date inglo fiat building and a one-story store building on Poring avonue. lot TOsidd feet Vs bringing an annual rentol of Snit fOir client to Herman Also sold for Herman KOMI'? MO nat.

Cook avonoe. containing tiro and tix rooms. hOt1111111Pf boat. hardwood floors. with garage in mgr.

lot 31 feet 6 inches' by Lei feet. Also 'pow 401rt Mitera avonuo. a two-story and Veto roof contalning nine roomy. with both an3 foroaee. for Adolph T.

Restier aid Attlee. Rosior to James W. ZiOnsate wheIlidtrilgileal for invest110ot. 4 Also sold vacant lot fronting Fairground Part. 3.1s100 feet.

on the south Olds of Nat. tura Bridge avenue for lb Tradorte Invest-moot t.Aatimany to Mrs. Minnie Votigtle and Ihus'end, eye will Improve the lot at an early da! with a modrn tio to date building. Alao void lot fronting thstiOd feet, on the north of Margaretto avenue, immoditwely wed of lainrround-Park tit Fairground for th. Fairovound Realty and fortatmet Company.

tO. H. improve tho lot ter Vtti near future. Also sold another -lot on the south side of Natural It-logo avenue. fronting 313sitio lirgat of Vandoventor avynuo eisti fronting on Fairground Park.

tor the Traders, Investment $'nDhfgn to Loula P. Clancy. who is the lot with a modern flat. which will haste hardwood floors. tile bath.

hot-water beet and slopping porch's. Also. sold amothor tot on the north Me of Harrarotta avenue. robtiOtt feet. for Charlie L.

Nemeer to A. J. H000nIsoirer. Also food another Ice fronting 3Ssloll feet. on the ennui aide.

Kossuth avenue. betweon Fair and Red Bud avenues. in Fairground place for the Lindell Fairground Realty and Investment Company to- William Sehnaldt. who will improve the lot at once with a modoo residence, to be occupied tor a home. butistimit.

wius 00 ori.t poor. and two data above of four and firs rooms each; also stable) and sad lot. for the Sausalito Company. to a oliont who trill maks extentalv improvements by remodelog the building. Aao soi4 a nultnortblos.t 23x200 feet 1umweot cool Mi lignagc" tea3r, tot tho Sausalito Investment Company to a client of rho Greer Company.

who will int- Provo same with a tneders apartment boo tee. Also sold MO January avenue. a four-room Verne cottage, ou hot Werke feet routing for to a oliont. who purcbaasd for Invest- meat. Franciscus Inns.

Franoiscus fit! Xmas report tit* following i boid the sortbmist orator of Eighth and streets. lot 40x34 foot 3 inches. for Wanes Vandierveort. Of Philadelphia to the 140e01 Realty und Invultanunt Company who ea nod the' improvements. sold a large modern sit-family apart- neat houso at 724 Belt a three-storr wick building.

containing, all modern improve- rents. einem beat and janitor levrvtee. rensthe a year. hot fettle foot See inches. for ho itantster loveeterest Company to G.

F. iteKnight. Also sold throe-story brick building. lit.M itarkot street. conetattng of on first loor with rooms above.

lot thou feet. for 0. IteKultht to tho Realty Corn- iony. Ale sold another large building on corner of sad Hebert street. tenanting of tore on corner and, three fiat a singe fiat and a one-story store building on pring avenue.

I lot 10x134 feet T' inched. ringing an annual rental of 31312. Vig bent to Herman Kessler. Cook fur Hermit K.mler a Intle rat, avenue. containing five, and six setri.e.

hot-water best, hardwood floors. with ergo garage In rear. lot 31 feet 6 Inches' by do foot Also eold win idailett a two-story nd Cato roof nine asms, with bath aril Parsecs. for Adolph T. sad r.t.

i radkdk Boater to James W. onset wherlidreligaleat for invest mt. wi Ale ld vaettint lot trontinz Fairground r. J. Stoner report" the 2714 feet of property at North It.ITith street for S.Mksi, and also reports 31.10vin In now loans.

The Fischer-Schein Company reports the sale of two lots In Havahome outwit-Simon for and Rive 3ti feet at 41.5 oNeortb Elevertn for rash for snit. Sostoin Sons report new loans umounting $tows) and renewals zp to $44.14. James Gahin of Feston Co. reports 'etc sale of a one-storv frame resodettee at 412 WInstanley avenue for GETS'. APARTMENTS PERM1 IT: iisessatien Is Begun for Opposite New Cathedral.

permit for the rear Cathedral Apart-agent th aoothsrest corner of New-stead avenue and Lindell boulevard hams been Issued and excavation has sterteI. The apartments are to be completed said ready for occupancy August These apartments lain consist of sine rooms and three baths. Including solart VT1111 as will as sleeping porches and all modern The location Is the new Cathedral, and for spartments is unusually good. being centrally situated. The apartments will be under the management of Eduard Le.

Saks's-ell- A ellent of Bakeirell'il tA erect the apartments. AGENTS' REPORTS. NEW romc. March announce4 merit of some general basis of workink agreement between the various securityi interests, stocks and bolds in the Frisco; system is for next week if the progress now being made in reorganiza-4 tion discussion is continued. There was' talk to-day that the assessment on the stock may not be mote; than 115.

It 18' expected, however, that the final asse8s-1 ment, Ilgure may be twice this The joint conferences are now being held' -daily in this city. The extreme weakness in the bonds of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois, the former coal road subsidiary of the Frisco, It was said to-day was almost entirely a. matter of earnings. The declines in, the bonds have been heavy, the general and first mortgage fis declining from tgi to 51 since Monday and the consolidated fis losing 10 points to 91. The bonds were slightly stronger today.

The decline in ihe underlying bonds of the property, it was said by a high authority, is positive.proct of the inadequacy of the present freight rate schedules of the roads in that section of the country. EXPRESS RATE CASE TO BE.REOPENED. 'I, 1 Kaneas City. 12 .10. Waverly, Chillicothe, 1.1 IS ..,..1.

Boonville, 21 4L9 Osceola. to 20 Bagnell, Mo. 23 7 .1 Arlington. 1g 0.1 Hermann. Mo.

21 12. St, Louis, Mo. 14. Chester, III- 10 .13.2 Pittsburgh, 22 2.8 Parkersburg. 36 8.5 Cincinnttti, Ohio 50 15.3 Louisville.

NY. 25 "...91 Evansville. 3,, IA Terre Haute, 16 2. Nashville. 40 11.9 Chattanooga.

33 11.0 Florence. 16 4.5- Johnsonville. 25 1.3 Cairo, 45 231 Tenn 35 19. Fort Smith. Ark 22 S.

Little Rock, Ark 1 23 9.0 Vieksburg. 45 33 8 ShreNerert, La 29 I 15.91 Now Orleans. La 12 I 16.1I ii fil 45 2811 35 19. 22 0 i 23 9 0 45 SO 8 .00 oo .00 .00 0.0 .11 -0 1 .01 0,0 ..00 0.1 0.5 .62 0.2 .06 .00 0.8 .0) 0.8 .04 .14 .16 .00 .31 -0 .04) 9 .00 B.RAL ESTATE, TRANSFERS. COTE feet 2 Inches.

e. being 4550 Coto Brilliante, city biock 3721. A. Jerome and husband to Wilson N. Sturges 61 COTE BRILLIANTE-16 feet 6 inches.

8b7e(iwnig; 13ris.11,LO, Kntoscsuctib7 4284 Kossuth. city block 4436. Edward Kehlenbriock to Venni Barboroquit-claim COTE BRILI2ANTE-16 feet 6 Inches. s. S.

being 4440 Cote 3701 SO fat, a. a. Kossuth. being 4286 Koseuth. city block 4436.

Vincent J. Bar i010 and wife to Edward Kehten- brinck CONNECTICUT-63 feet, n. being Connecticut. city block Madge S. Gracey and husband to Rick-' azd E.

Berwick. 100 DeGIVERVILLE-33 feet. bet. Delmar and Westmlater. city block 0511 Matilda.

A. Itunnaganl and husband to Berde Brandt .:4 100 FINNE'Y-25 feet, s. being 4112 Fin-new. city biock 4563. Enid Real Estate Cotnpany so George klanaouit- Claim 6 GRAVOIS-313 feet.

e. north of Gertrude.e city block 5301. Theo. Degenbardt Building and Construction Cal- pany to Jacob, Gross and 100 GLLBORE-2 feet n. ci being 2457 Gil- more.

city block 5414., Frederick W. Fluenemann. by trustee. to Fred A. Kecktrustee's deed 600 IN DIANA-20 feet 6 inches.

e. bet Ann and Shenandoah. city block 1384 Degenhardt Building and Con- etruction Company to Theodore L. De-- genhardt 100 IDAI40-31 feet 1 inch. w.

s. n. V. cor Eller. city block 11842.

4 Otto F. Leffler to Iteen Inrvestment Company 100 XING'S HIGBWAY-28 feet. w. s. w.

cot-. Terry4 city block 4300A Nicholas Scharff and wife to John. Lehmann and. wife .1. 2,000 KitiSSrTH-25 feet, a.

Sophie Ind Red Bud. t-ity block 4415. Lindell.Fair'-- Orounde Realty and Investment Corn-; pany to William Schnardt and wire. 100 M1LENZ-80 feet, n. west of Garden- vine.

city block 5534. Rsan Inve.stment Company to Otto T. Leffler 100 MILENTZSli feet. U. bet.

ville and 'King 's Highway. city- block 5534. Itnan Investment Company to Ignate Scitindler and wife OH10-20 feet. tr. te.

being 1615 Ohio city block. 2134. A. J. Wheeler.

and wife to Marlidta 'Bunny 2,000 TYLER-1400 feet. west of 'Jamie- eon. city hjok 46688,. Oscar Hoff-Man. by 1.

guardian, to Theodore tl. Hoffman guardian's deeduntivided one-half latereot 010 TWELFTH-42 feet! 7 inches, w. or. Gaye city blbck 673. Dominick W.

Krejci and wife, by trustee, to Anthony Klobattatrateit'a 'deed 5,000 CPTON-147 feet i4t4 inches, n. bet Grand and Fhtgene. city block 3276 Lanats Schindler end wife to Itsan In- vestment 100 WAVERLY, feet. ve. being, 1740 Waverly pl.

City block 1325. Anna Van der Byl and husband to Hilda ReS, ti 1 el a 1 4 6 VITII.LS-2a -feet. being 5623-23A Wills. city- block 3114103. Charlotte, C.

curtin and by trustee, to Mary A. McGrath et al.trustee's deed 350 VVESTMINSTER 64 feet 234 inches. a. west of Skinker, elty block 5410. Reredith Realty tlompany to Louts Engel ...4 -0 1.000 1----.

somewhat lower than due and was te upontilde tots a partial opening decline hectic of 4 point's. easing oft a point or two, further on near months, the. local market hardened andil was under bull control for the tholee th e-n of session. Stock exchage bOuee. coered corn; derable cotton and there was rather aggredelve support from bull; traders'.

at times, which showed an absence of any alarm over to indications for a record-break- Ina crop. A didoes from the South indicotel 4. that spot people 'appeared to be equally un-, 1 concerned over the of supplies, and the feeling here seemed to be, that the prop- mallet id reduction In moves and uncertain weather contittioss, with export de. mend and news from abroad, would obi in no: erit ntezht IIEI 11. t4htt.

tat onra tine! eo. a aostbahteaert ceinr, oo' taptort. ok Pet crl i er ill the close Western bousee' and spot in. terests were 'god and Southern ports showed no changes im spot market', in-. dicating piIL.Jy a-ateadier too than ylitter Closing bids tell, '812c; MAY; Yoly; I 921c; Oriole 0.03c; 911c.

Sputa quiet; nildill uplands'. 9.06c No sales. -NEW Ol'IL ANS. March 90.Vnexo- orreng developed 'in cotton to-day end, prices advanced sharply almest to the 'highest, lovels of the week on buying, which snorted with Weatord traders, but which soon beetiM general. No attention was paid to the Un- favorable lealtires of the morning.

At their best the active stionths were 12 to 13 'Pointe over ydster lay'. final figures. The Stool was at a nelgain of 11 to 18 points, .1. Closing bids lklarch. 8.580; raY0 81401 Alirt 8.91c; Octobe Decem cr.

9.41o. Spots H4 quiet; uncha ed. bales. To I I 100 bets. Ai ddling, LIVERPOO March 20-8pom eteady; good middling, 5.5 middling, 5.251; low mitt.

dling. 43351. i Sales. 4000 bales. and .1000 tos areculatuta ait cl.

tr. LOUIS 'spot cotton market ruled dull 'doll at -unchanged prices. Local Spot liQuatations-000d trtlituttli', IV low mtddling.1 75410: micitUina. 8e; stuoCi CI riling. 9c; rni dila, fair.

I 1 Cotton Sa.tietles. 1, as baRizeiptNeewat paionratioablyntr.taels022i;ir. .4, ritnnah. 5483; 843 89; Norfolk, Wilmington. 993: New none; Steams.

irtene: Philade phia, notio; Memphis. 1361; S.11.7 et.sta, 861; ii uston 8206. i Net receipts tor one day were 48,265 baleilf for the same ay lt meek. 84.862; same dor 9: exports. for the ante day last vear, 30.160:tatock, for the same day las year, 836.0211 ST.

LOUIS WAR84 OUSE STATEMENT 1 .1 This yr. Lastyr, 1 Net kreceinte nce Au ust 1. 81,156 2. 881 I I Net recelists aturday A 302 205 Totals A 81,458 8.128 Shipments sin Attempt 1, 58.052 49.300, bbipaletts Sa urday 4 29 508 Totals ...4 1041182 Stocks 1 1 37.04,1449., 35124 tl.rosli receiptsEsities, Allg: 1: 462 71 Qtlions mitten 33 440,834 I. 1 1 1 Coffee.

I NEW-, TC IFt1C, Match fultire Opened isteadylat si partial advence of 8 due to Private cables to the effect that Europe had recently' urchased liboult 500,000 bags mot of the Stinty 1,00 stocks that the letter would ecline belo 0.000 bags by the end of the month. it oasibly of the quantitr Imitable for export. May liquidation decamped later in he day, however. and prices eased-off. closing barelyt toady, unchamted to 4.

Rolliii lower. bage: Merril. 6.02o; April. 504c: may. 5.124 Jena.

017c: July, 728c; 1.30c: September, 1.81c; October, 142e; November. 1.47c; 1.524; A --ice I came- eomewhiat lower than duo land i 4 11 0.0 .01, .00 .14 Borders Realty Company. The Borders Realty Company reports the vele of a double fiat at 4.134-34-3A-4o Russell viteue for a client to F. J. O'Sullivan.

This flat hes five ard, room. on lot tpdox122 feet. The income is 51068 a year. As part payment an eight-raom limo on lot 2ilS3 feet at 4402 Page avenue was given. Jacob Rubin was the purchaser of the house.

The Dougherty Bros Real Estate Company represented O'Sul11V3 tt. Also sold for the Lisette Realty and Investment Company lot 44x135 feet on the north side of Lafayette avenue. about 1t4 feet east of Lawrence street, to the Girard Realty and Building Company. which has started excavating for a modern steam-heated. double four ard five room Sat.

whicji will have sunroom and screened-in sleeping' porches. Christian Brinkop represented the seller. Easton-Taylor Trust Company. The Easton-Taylor Trust Company reports the foliowing Sold 522n Paullan place. a modern five and six room nat with hot and cold bath and all conveniences.

lot St) feet. to August Glaithaar. Also void 1414 North Taylor avenue. an' elegant store with six-room flat isoove. and five-room cottage In rear.

to Henry Flacher. Also sold 1615-17 Arlington venue, four three-roorn flats. with hot and cold bath and gas. to Mrs. Mary Humfeld.

Also sold 1455 Stewart place. a modern room brick residence. with hot and cold bath. furnace arid combinition fixtures, to Rocco The Broadway Savings Trust Company represented the purchaser. A.

Slatery. George Mater" I reporte the following sales: bold 42S Tionhomme 'avenue. in Claiton, a nine-room frame on lot Wilts) feet, for J. A. Grote to William M.

Tales. for a home. Also sold 4145 Waldbridge place. a four-room trsnie on lot Ofix120 feet. for Frank Vanvha to Louie for a borne.

Also sold 4209 Athidne avenue. a modern weven-rocan brick. on lot 3tlx150 feet. for E. to H.

Nolte. for a home. Also made loans amounting to $30.000 all at 6 per cent interest. Albert G. Blanke.

WASHINGTCN, Mar Iv orders reopening the exp ess rate case. requested in the petitio filed a few days sgoy four of the pri express ranIes.4 were issued today by the Interstate Commerce Com lission. Hearings will be held at dates flo be; named later. Pending such beam so however, no changes in rates may made. The express companies contend that the first year's operation under the new low rates prescribed- by tl commission has brought a deficit and they petition for a readjustment which produce more evenu Southern Pacific Changes.

st a Wm. S. Drozda 33.oa1ty Co. The William S. Irroada Realty Comoany.

4n12 Chouteau avenue. reports. the following 1 Sold vertu. a sing: fiat of dvs and els rooms. tile bath.

furnace. conl binsGore gatures: all street Improvoments lot n3ytiC.11 foot: for M. IA. Rome to A. Ateserier.

toe investment for I8500 Also void 432 kenneriv avenue. a modern four and gra room ainsio brick RA having furnaces. combination fixtures. slate root lot 2y12.3 feet. for a client to R.

Russell for for investment. Also eold 40,44 vum. a modern brie( flat of three and four- rrome end Noh fixtures. all street rooe tor it client to W. S.

Carmody for a42no for inveetment. Also oold one Jenneeen avenue. modern brick residence of rits rooms. furnace. bath.

combination lot sId0 feet. for client to Russell for Noe. for Investment. Aiwa 43911. Gibson 'avenue.

one-siery brick cottage of tour rooms and bath. street. walks and alley revert. for George Short is Ci. Richter for a borne tor Also sold a tram bunirelow on the north old or Reeve avenue.

Lakewood subdivision. et- Louts County. 'Wools (oat. for Pyril to Lotus C. Ideniienhall.

for 820044 for Investment Also sold a lot on the north side of Blaine avenue. weer of Grand 110x12S feet all street made. for FL Hofmann t. m. tor WY).

Rose is Imoroving this nt with morn residency for a home. Also old Puck avenue. a frame bungalow of four rooms and bath on Ora Sone tars billiard room on second flow lot 6rrx13;) tar 1.2110. for to a client for a home. Also sold a lot on ths south side of Clayton west of Sarah treet.

42e120 feet. all street irooroventents mad. for Mary F. Barra( In Joseoh R. Grade for $000..

Grady will tinproio this int at one with a two-story build-Ws for a warehouse. 2. Co. 1 t' Clark FL Whites Me. salmi manager of Albert 0.

Blanke Real Estate Company. reports the sale of the northeast corner of Flo-Moment and Bartmer avenues. lot 150x110 feet, an -unrestricted business, corner, for afWITI. W. Mitchell to B.

H. Kahmann. who bought for investment Both parties were represented by the Blanks Company. Arehshoefer Glik. The Archshaefer Olik Real Flotate reports the male of- 0an4 Boris avenue.

a modern brick reeitAellee with elate roof. nine roams. farnace combination fixtures. the bath. Inlaid hardrov)d noera: lot Wain for a client to L.

R. 0obbos. for a home. for 84750. Also reports having let contracts for the construction of a double store and fiat build.

tog on the southwest corner of Morgan Ford and Taft avenue. at a cost of $7500. The lot It 47x124 feet. The building will ND one of the moat beautiful structures of its kind In that part of the city. It is expected to be ready for oceupancy July Also sold 0000 Bartmer avenue.

the geventh flat zooid in this row by this nem last anonth. a modern five and six room flat having hot-eater beat. combination fixtures. on lot 30x 102 feet. for I.

IL Brideland to Albert L. Rinetearreor rook Bridgland was represented by V. Carton. Also reports loans amounting to $11.000. Bradley Real Estate i -1- 1 The followingartielee.

of Indorporatiell tem file.1 in St Lout vesterdayii 5 Ha. RIT1 LOCIC Cornpkny. Irobn. (R7 Frank Lp. Hiller.

Jr, 178: Frank n. iirw In; Charles L. trill 84; Frank M. 1Whileo to rnanufacture. buy.

pen and deal In automobile, rim lorkine de-, lees, capital tor, or whir' $21.440 ham. br aubocribed and 1,111.900 there. of paid up. 'Frank E. Batturs.

general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific in Los An- geles, 'began preparations yesterday to take charge of the agent's office in San Francisco, as the result of an order making man 'changes of Positions among the officia of the company. le James Horseburgh. Jr. exchanges places st ith Batturs; John J.1 Stubbs, general freight agent, Los Angeles. goes to San W.

Clapp, assistart general freight and passenger agent at Tucson replaces I Stubbs; J. Smith, district freight and passenger agent, Philadelphia, is bent to Sacramento; James diatrict freight; and passenger agent, Sacramento. goes to San Francisco as freight 'and passenger itgent In charge at the Ferry! Building. Cliarles W. Foy is placed ih charge of the reles' tablished distrist passenger agent's in the Palace Hotel.

San i Francisect He was chief clerk of the general passenger office, San Francisco.k, N. Kinelt takes Foy 's place. J. IC. madeassitant general freight agent at San Blake D.

-district freight agent, also at San': Francisco. The changes are effective April I. ---------4 Railroad Notes. Chairman and President B. F.

Bush' of the Missouri Pacific is expected to return to St. Louis headquarters from the Pacific Coast about the middle of the 1 is now in Salt Lake City. 1 Coreceiver and President. E. F.

Kear- ey of the Wabash will probably accompany E. J. Pearson, the newly selected first vice the Texas and Pa-Ode, to New at the) clostl of the Week. Mr. Pearson will be elected at the Tuesday meeting of Texas and Pacifiq board in New 1 Nothing will be known cencerning the selection of a successor to S.

J. vice, president of the Missouri Pacific, in charge of operation and construction, until Chairman and President returns from the Pacific Coast. 1 Proposed increases in rates On soap and other articles from points in Ohio and other states to points in Texas were suspended yesterday by the Interstate Commerce Commission. T. A.

Rittinhouse has been appointed real estate and tax commissioner for the Chicago and Alton sucoeeding D. J. Cork- ery. resigned to' Like. a similar position with the.Burlington.

Mr. Rittinhouse has been connected with the Alton in a. clerical capacity for thia-Vre years, being a protege of the ytt esident T. B. Blackstone, 1 Surveyors completed the alignment for a new interurban railroad to extend front, Kankakee to Lafayette, last week and.

grading commence in a short time. The road is to be known as the Lafayette and Northwestern and 'will connect at )Cankakee with a trolley lino to Chicago. I 6 1 I County 1 George O. by trustee, to Elsie L. Schaefer.

itat 8. block 1. Oakland frer: race: CHive Street- Terrace 'Realty Company; to William D. and w're, lots 11 and 12, block 6. Moloch Park; $50., Maplewood- romPanY to 'Fred J.

Loescha and wife. kit 14 of resubdivisionsf lots 13 to 13. Scaton 14onte Place; $711. Edith Fansier and husband to Waiter A. Pnertner.

lot 7, subdivision; $175. I Eloise Von Schrader, trioatee. to Annie Croy-sling. Marguerite Creveling. Conrad, Katherin Creveling HotIlitzelle.

Elizabeth Creveling and Aimee Vreveling lot 2 and part lots 1 and 8. Barbee's section 18. township 45 north. range el. containing 75.48 acres: $1, Mart, Beller Loehr and husband to Frank A.

Kaatmapn and wife.i undivided half interest In tract, fractional seetion 26 and 27. township 46 north. range 5 east. containing $1.58 acres; $4000. 1 1 New York CUrb Transactions.

I By. Leased Wire tom New Yerk Bureau of theiGlobe-Democrat. NEW 20LTrading In today's short curbfaesteon was oa a Quiet reale, dullness being, particularly nrcmounced in the industrial and ell divislonst, Prices on thewhole, were firmer. though tobanges were small. Mining issues were the most prominent ant were generally higher.

Dome Mines. Jumbo and Braden Copper Oil stocks Were practicativ i netriertect but exhibited moderato gains. Western Pacific 54 continued to feature the bond department. advancing 4 point. to 110 on active trading.1 TransactiOns in detail wive ai I 4 Deeeriptioni Salem.

Opg.Hgli.LOWClow Am Thrift Ets of. gr I. 2-NO in 11 11 in Atlanta 7,0,10 40 41 40 41 Braden Conner 2,000 74 74 74 714 But to-New 346 $11 oil, all Cash Boy 4,710 814' 11144 Cons. 70o 4 4 Cons. Nivatia-rtilh 700' 4 4 14 RXVEIJ TRANSPORTATION.

I ts Upper Miss TRAN4FORTA140N RXVEI eon I ts triver 35.11se1i3sippi. 1 ft Fartsb reboil the tollowttilt sales: 51.e1 1319 Plat-ketone seenutt. throodetery brick residence on lot OK'S feet' Also sold IVA Walton avenue; bat 100s170 feet: a twrestory bricit. Alen 'old the northwest corner of and Fatitytitte; lot 9ris114 teed. Improved with eight Lutidintts.

conts.ning stores land Also tiold a residence on Foote acetyl. Web-ter Groves: lot 74s2itt eof iortit large rooms, perch; sit modern Also sold a term ot acres In Stottillsrd County. Ito. L. Dittander.

T. rinuilt to Glittmeto Real- Refute Company ragparta salge aditaandoll tow.istss:' Sod 125 fget ea H. meth OW of Shaw vetali tor tbo Real Build- ndr sad lictemmont etna pall a al the Alice tatty and V'tdiditte Companr. far 112.30u. lita peoportyr will bra Imoryovel orlth smalls eve and ma looms containing hardwood itenris.

11WAS heat and ad molorn conventeams T. purchasers wora by Alliarsowntere-butraesiat Kea Estate company. A0 anti ter a client. th nortbireor comer of Jofforatta menu and Hickory icireet. eon-- lerts.

of tbrateattory modern boatman but14- PIS. Vantinat on Mellor, IP tritat Ira Ica I. niter leett-terns lease to -brewery. and also a Stara frontIna MB Jefferpon s.enui, 110.4 oettuirel -am a boieer phop. The t.

property' ta rentad for 1130111 a year. and was an11 for A Lao sena 1744 Wasdreon boulevard. for a 'ds Pont. t-ourt ludas format is, to tk B. Hecker.

for itee-iter kaa Trete stonalse Itypeotrernanta. and alit atleaPy la hot4e a bill future bottle Alan meth! 34e3 lark attentle. foe the Phil tp Vain Hee is 1 to 'ha ri.e. looter httla a tit. et, tore htiell banding.

tan- tett na at a OS 3, ao and geld- $us SJOU6 a tear A 1.9 9.11 for H. Rotort Vrterwalst. to 11 11.. J. vropert Cool- lo.

Lou! eta 'la asoatro conototo a ot a oto-otors brics butit- too. cewtsinine tone three-regal, dam amp and tot-trte littiu.i.s.. Ida bath, htritrood doora lesion for peke a year. for A.a, oil h-i-sa 'stoma consisting of four ntis Int pa a olth pay- ham and wit, lot 3-1172 foot. owing for aineell a year.

for 414.. The purchaser Itaa reormentokt by' ibis A edetsele- tit 0:1991, Li uermann Ilmity eoropany. Aino the tweatittleat corrusr et Jaffisraon tesee and Hickory tureet, concitsina of a modern anti throe Oa 0 atnry hwy. rearmost out Jatrarlon aerobe. rs I a i teoel.

tenraang an annieal Of Slteet, tor SlAiatt4 An, the omit'. front on the east sflo of litiocireilow aytigt.te. front hlovr tearkt torten. anattb tn the alley. hating a frost or feet foe a closnt to rm aes ahe he.

let SO To It UFO On 0 111 lib lour modern tersaterv bicit buildings, -to contain 'btu( intl. of Gime rooms each, wish ittree- taus haat. tilt. beittroora floor. rooms beautiful ettchto ira-btrus'a.

trait clog- ota Iliad graoltont basem*nt and cellar. also forraceis 'Thoi brIt.1.tut rill be In the barrio of tho Frank 1., 141ateter Real Estate coal- ing 1'1 tt all nail Int lb monattentant .4 lb prop- arty Trio total Motet man Will I segregate ishoot 134.000k A ital Vat Vtir 4 -OS Blair a doubla taostocy bull tins. arrange-1 aa four mutes of throb taattla ate a. to Net by Ito feet forties for Joseott S.ter to a eLent of Fraith IP, Rohr. oho purchased for inyegbliond.

Aiwa amid 4144A Vonreeno ozreat a frame rot- alba 0 area ohtnaia root cotrait-Ana 19 rooms. it bath. atattooarr washogstut tor twil- legge le rod A. katiockmegar. iot fur for a home Also 4441A tenuat.

a oter-atorr .3. gs.gbirocis, five reams. tot VIrliV. feet. for C.

J. How- isr.4 to 'Thomas A. litchlah.m. foe foe La sloe anid a mow builtUrs which be just be- Int built. on lb.

neat oil of avarcia. en feet aorta tor Holly too 64.11:-.4 toot. a motions apartment of three mama witik all thy, rood asolern and up, tmorwymmuta. Itotelt 'notate roolne. window anus.

as wii art kitchen cab-Iowa hot and takt water. beatooll eelltotes art4 strourare. algo ornate and aratittold lank tor Ina Anaretram Real Rstate. litilltilat and Investment Company to fleary C. rooter.

5ar Invortment. for .11.10.3, soil Iota 11 an-i 14 In Work' Na. S. of Floe mane A Into It Wa noon. arousal feet on Ms sou love of beacon ste- Not wgt of Florriseunt a 9 Awe.

11.9 A. to rt'arlya 1Rtarhop who tottb a view of Improving the lots. NV A 14.11 tna.t 10101 agerclatirat maw. Greer Real Estate Company. 1 IN Greer Real 11114 to.emtment oDes.

i pan. reports Iris reboots sales: the retry a mot cyteviyr of Ito Hatt, tare toms art.r eatmlneter v'ar tl. ettomprtelne a 1 regr wooers' bug under lease at I C2'111 a yeat T. verbally haa jurt born tin- i synod arid u.nte 0 1 al a at or, ens an 1 domains more a 0 apartment" on epenhd Al stioarro a ppaatters on tot Zelt hat i row. 94 far and I sasoply butottnest That leases run for 'aim.

i T. perm-ty ti to notooni I It the Jat Abtl bullitna Wien well ba oct noel far a Wesc 3 Yawl retaii Marital aa IPOr'n aw the et-41er okZ- I ins lose ateatt tea loot of thisAmottt Too large apartetelt wilt toe eomtserod in the Inoneitito futurtk ono opposite ph'. Jai Aka' Buil.fins ant a sts-story apartment said ID ha rentcntleihni on ilt. comae opposite. 4 14, privortr uss owitt 10 M.

E. nissocall. I lier grantor twits the Cella Roalty and 111-- 1 hastna.tti Campar A 1 ma ant it 9199991. droivitog this 3 comer of Pnwasy 19 ant avenue. a teraeonter madam brirk tatt'4tom ottb rkS two rie.

on Or9t f1.999 ant 19-9990 Oa On IOW, 1 0114 formerly rentirta far a 'tone. to Gouhret.ts.. iNg hie ab ccn- a tioct a yrootahlti aril meat market in too II rbonittes. be Th timer omnarly rev- 1. resented ibis trio r'augoilits 3 threpany.

aim sold the northeage cocaer of Flichtts aid PIIP.vid. a y. tam sc. Lama. tot roltd feat, opostie the Het olds n4 I louse, a ad so Net south at Ina WOO Post fa gtm tower of ha dietrkt.

It911 and aide- A walla wO1110 on 1999991 a v. ta Chariot, H. t. who, has piano luster way to li Itra larva Imitating' on th rate. egg.

Investment Tha Pole Bridge la swath. of 1,1 sat ale. to Alas 213 Bayard avenue. a atz-esoaa eel- a at I 3 a --Rim. -Fall.

Data for Fridayl River Notes and Persoals. Tbe river at SI Louis remained' stationary yesterday, registering 14.7 According to the Weather Bureau, the Misalestioni, between Hannibal and Grafton', will rim alightlit for Bev eral days. 1 The Missouri below Lexington and the Mississippi between Grafton and Capei Girardeau will not change mulch for several daYs. The sun to-day win rise, at, 6:03 a. nt.

an set at m. I The Bald Eagle ent tri Peoria sterdlaY. The Belle of Calhoun departed ter Calhoun County landings. The Kentucky of the St Lonis and Tonnes. 'see River Packet Company departed, for burg and Rirap, 1 Thearie Oirardeap will depart Itotinorrow for Care irardean and Commerce.

1 1 The will arrive thist week from the Tennessee River. She win bring with her a good cargo- of peanuts and miscellaneous freight. The Lee Line will have a boati in here to. morrow from Memphis. She will oad and de.

part on her return trip 'Tuesday, St. Lonis Harbor NO. 2S or the American As. sociation of Masters. Mate! and Pilots, will have a meeting tomorrow In the Merchants.

Laclede Special River Telegrams. QUINC. March stage is 7. feet a rise of 5-1qthe foot. March 20.e-Gauge reada 19 feet, a fall of ihthis foot in tyast twenty- foer botirs No arrivals oe departures.

VICKSBURG. MISS. March Intr. 39.4 feet, a fall of 4-loths foot. Demarted --City of St.

Joseph, for Memole. Due in tonight-Eutaw from Yazoo River and Uncle Oliver from Greenville. CAIRO, March reads 23 1 feet, falling. Arrivals-Slack Bret from Lilts twilit on: barge. SPrague from New Orleans with tow consieting of twenty-six empty boats and twelve empty' bargee.

De- partures--Sorague for Louisville with ala emnty boets and two etnety models. MUSCATINE. March 20-The gauge el the river is 6 feeti a fall of 4 inehes. POULTRY, BlITTER'AND EGGS. Eggs HigherButter SteadyLive 1 Poultry Offerings Scant.

EGGS-Higher. Receipts running light and everything offered sold at 18e. and a shipper in the market for more at this prica Fresh firsts at ltic per retu-ned ylc iess; held or stale eggs to quality. Duck eggs at 24m. I I BUTTER-Stead, and in fair demand, mainly' on local account and 1 market pretty welt Current make: firsts, 28e: seconds.

22c and ladle-packed Wee. Packing stock steady at -Southern and -cheesy" butter worth about 14tee to lec.i CHEESE-Ge order's. per pound: Northern-. Twins. teneleC long borne.

Wirt daisies, Young Americati. 15e: prints, 1514c: limburver, 17c; Swiss. 20ree2c for No. 1 new: brick, 15c: all Inferior Quality lest, LIVE quiet. Aside from little inquiry from whippers there was no demand of consequenee.

Receipts were extremely small and what little wag offered were mostly hens. Hens. spring chickens, litc. Turkeys-Rena 17e: tome. 14e: culla.

ec. Broilers. 22: coati and stage, 9e. Ducks, 15e Geese. 84e9e: lurked tem Capons-Over 7 Pounds.

1714e: under 7 pounds, 15c: slim, 130 Guinea chickens. per dozen, $2.50. DRESSED POULTRY-Offerings of country dressed light. Turkeys-Dry-picked. selected, 3S0: tome.

18c: No. 2. 12e. Hens, 15e: spring chickens. 20c: tocks.

10c. Ducks, 16tee. Geom. 8610c. Capone-7 pounds and over I9e; Under 7 pounds.

lame: rtina. 12e. London' Wool Sales. 20 N. Marc offerings at the WOCA auction eales today amounted to 10.600 bales.

mostly merinos. The market was firm with animated buying for the home trade. Among the lower graders there was some irregularity. Fine scoured Sydneys realized slo and greatly 1 1 ij Sugar. 1 centrifugal.

arentholaseee.2."Itael.,00c7arrenfirtneed; Sugar futures were steadier and prices were higher today on scattered buYing and covering fdir over the week-end prompted by the firmness of the spot market. The clogs was steady at I to 6 point net advanee. Bales Imo March, 1.91c: May. It970; JUly 4.08e; September. United Shoe Machinery Stocks.

1 specAL DWPATelt 10 Tli It GL011 It-MSINOCII B0STON. MASS- March Shoe 1 Machinery: Common-Salee, 1028 shares; I ed 613a, high OPA. low 6034, closed 61. Preferred -Sales. osed le shares; opened lush 2Stst, tow 26.

cl 1 if Cotton Fut-nits Advance; NEW, YORK, March 20e-7 a faM of tinning figures that were close to expectations and pointed to a crop of atound bales. including linters, with the cotton rnar- ket to-day showed such pronounced strength that October equaled Its previous high, iroc" point, and January made new West for the movement. The elms wee atette net Avows of 10 Io kotatA St. Pouts a ednessee rttver-rackal Company, Calhoun County --1 STEAMER KENtILICKY, 1 wilt 'leave our -frrehaithosit, toot of PInt. AND SATURDAYS at I to m.

for Calhoun and Al landinga to and taoloaIng RIP-RAIN. 'Phone Main 40 slit for freightl; and inansPnEcrra. JNW MASSICNOALX 4 cALHoutiPAcKET -f Sin, CELLE OF. Leaves, tdpo Lino 'IlVharrbotti. foot of 011vo wary Saturday and Mednenday at11 for all Calhoun County landinga- 0111oe 114 Mouser Buildlng.

Phone 011roAlL71, St FACMiS aLd iTeittnessee Myer-racket Maximo C. Bradley. president of the Bradley Real Estate Company. reports the following males: Sold a double four-family flat at 1333 ana 1335 Hamilton avenue. near Page boulevard.

with 53 feet ground and all modern conveniences. for Margaret T. Clinton to Cora Lee Giarti lir. who gave in part payment the north et corner of Cates and Hamilton avenues. with lot 60 feet front.

improved with frame bootee of nine rooms- The Bradley Company represented both parties in the transaction. wPitch involved about Both properties wUl be managed by this company. Mao sold a modem single flat on the north gide of Berlin avenue. west of Rosedale. containing five and wig rooms.

on lot gvx139 feet to an alley. with tile baths. hardwood floors and hot-water heat. for a client of Howard Gesmnbilmenli Ca. to a client, who bought for lin 411,1.

month marks the eleventh year of the Bradley firm ent the street end be reports business forresse over other years and I Bat of clients Bradleys father is Charles E. Bradley of Bradley ()Willett. one of the old-tit real estate firma In Ph Louis. nitortment. -7----" mth on marks tho elevonth year of the radial, firm cm the stroot and bo roporta boat- increase ase over oor years and 1 'Pot clien of'sctufaintehtere.

teneCothatre the old- ilirittdrealler estate firms In Stt Louis. ainota River. c4a to I STEAMER BALD EAGLE and gat. I 111. for visples 0, PEORIA ON SATUK.OAT Ell.

and Eat. p. rn. tar wkarTheat. toot Ving at.

2S, EAGLE PACKET CO. Leaves Wed. THROUGH TRIP. Alton. From 233.

Central Haller-Lambrecht Realty Company. The Haler-tembrecht Realty Company reports the following Sold 1143 ct Ilford avenue. stg-room ing. with a Int 40Y4L50 feet. tor Remota to tam 1, syenv.

who bought the tame tor investment toe Lo. Also soid 3421 McKean a tyre-tamer flat of nee and ex room, for km. 1.. to client et the tittle fer investment for Also sold a new four-room brick cottege at 4721 Newport aecus for J. C.

Soule A C0- ta is client Also sold alit restiernan avenue nine-morn deelimg with all towern tur tr. C. Roos to J. C. Paul Zones Realty Company.

Mk Paul Jones Realty Yotiortz having, sold feet of ground in atrial tyottte Avenue athlition. amounting to Sel.teou. Tim purchaseire tiro laving plans tirawn and proceed with improvements of this property at once 'net ate savor than fifty buitlings In commis of erection at this time In th subdivision hes twee on market for ten wombs. and Qat time Zetut. front feet kayo been sold.

Also mid 4144 Morgan t. a twelve-rooto hotline, lot 31g1315 feet. for William R. to John D. Ermck tor inveertnenL for $7014).

Pao or4.1 tho ten-room brleit dwelling at timer event's, lot 613'12 feet. tor F. X. Switzer to William P. Itorschel.

for 111500- Also sold ths 'southeast Como? -lairt7- ninth street ard Lafayette fo Jeid to a client for 1.3dtla. An sold tho Sits and inz-room fiat a't 3445- 451 avenu lot 23x135 rani- Inc for 14:30 year. to bchroodar he Also ontil 7th rttno-room brIck residents at goot, Ramotree tot npet. with snort. ratanit mantels and garage.

lot fgattat feet. fr Nt- lit Schroeder to William P. Morseled, toe theta. Alio old the beirtemstroom brick resideeee :143 it Aversoe, a tw4J110. fisleheil in wirier-mewed whit oak throlishom.

nilx.blo; feet. tor Frederick IL awitaer. far Lit) Wo. Bottorff Realty Company. 'rho RottrYff Realty Commute report hillittrif ett'il through 1d.

Currie (Pleas. the beautiful iztanailt apartment building at 1.14o Rarlin gee. sloe fielcia hos lent rooms. two bnik hardwood floors. tli porches.

DO lot TOz feet. te tut sts rare gee a usual rental of ibi-sati a year. for told for R. HGodwin to H. liasstgens tor investment tiodetr took asezytt payment, 1314-113 Temple piece.

room brick hardwood Soma Illi 190 tow, homJ; cte 3.044 11 12 Ill 12 r.ol1 71" ld C' Con onoollid 114at 290 0.00 -14 1" 1 I Cl4fle ..1411 1 11 Halifax-Tonopah 199 35 131 Inter. Rubber f. 160 7 1 7 7 BUILDING PERILITS. Inter. Vines i 1-409 23 23 Jumbo 3,700 1 3 1 I Kelly-Springfield ra rem 3 112 111 112 Brick.

Kewanaa 71-1' leo 21 i 23 si La Hose I. -600 ill 2 I lit le Cloak' and 'nth Sul 39 54 4 41 54 42 -4 64 do preferred 210 99 99 99 99 Oro EIitc.rfoClAGeorn.12414,11)121e1, 43114. ask1: standard Sliver bead 600 sio i 7 1 1 1 6, 1 11 Ili Stewart 640 114 1 15 1 113 sternn, -Iv, 3 3.5 31 I Tonopah Mentor 4 40 40 Tonorah Fxtentio.n., 21 2 2 2 2 rn Cigar Stores of Am la 195 16 95 95 11 Profit-Sharing neW 509 trn 5,4 3r7. 24 Went Find Con niet '56 56 55 55 yWuroikotnEnGodidflx.t.rsi...on..:'? met, I STANTIARD OIL SUBSIDDIRIIES. Doorriottotti Solos.

Hohbow.ans Anf-Aoentt -2 Conti lomti nental Oil. 6 20 120 229 Galena Sianal 041... 155 109 :15 Itti 15 I 155 Illineurn Pipe Lino 19 IN 126 IN 3- 101' 36 30,4 National Transit 4 '') Ts 134 13., 124 prairi Ohio Oil oil end Gas 1 ,9 231 231 Prairie Piro Line. W. 1 19 145 143 143 fzouthorn pe Pi bine.

21 293 291 201 South Penneylvania .011.., 5 2,5 Standard Oil et California. 150 ton 2Rs 290 standard Cill of 5 495 405 I Standard Oil of Kentucky' 4 149 2r7, 242 Btanda." CM of N- 2 1S8' 188 18g chertee Boohoo. 3015-17-10-21 Elliot. two cctilitrasFtc.crYttinratesakm7a. filc'acetobryne: $100.

Dane Bros. contractors. M111r. 00-02 North Wharf. wreck: WO.

contractor. Mallincitrodt Chomical Company. lincarod t. ildditiOn to factory; 875. contractor.

st. Lout Indetweident Packing Company woutoau; repair domes; $500. t) not. Bottorff Baer, Coalmine. 5857 Delmar.

un- derpin shop; F. Schmitt contractors. j. Kairn Pro. 1125-2S North troy.

repair storage; $1400. Duffnor Stock- or, Contractors. J. Seirtter. lfet North Grand alter picture elbow: SOOO.

D. Kneel. cOntreetor. A. St tfol.

II North Twentieth alter tenor mem: S-56). liagabeier Building Company con- tractor. R. H. GoStria.

415 Belt throo-atory mem: S20.000. It H. Geellein th Son. con- tt actors, n. Poltott 713:17 South wreck: $100.

Contiff. ocatrartor. itractor chartes Boalst10. 3015-17-10-21 KillOt. to-story tenements; Cha rles F.

Hackman. Clark. repahrfact.oLyii 190. Pans Bros, contractors. Miller.

200-02 Worth Wharf. Week: 11 i Iler. contractor. Mal lincitrodt Chomica Comp any, si mai- nckrodt. addition to factor" ,13.

Owner. intractor. St. Louis Independent Packing CempanY. otractor.

,53 Chouteau; repair etorage; $4,041, 1175.Cptniessficilv srnitt E. Koko Pro. North ny. repaair storage; 51400. planer Stook- I.

Seirader. Het North cOntr Gand. alter picture ow: liana. D. Kneelraetor.

A. Stifol. tali N'orth Twentieth atter teller PM: 2.50. Racseler Building Coan mpy. con- motor.

GoSitia. 415 Belt R. eet St20.okle. It H. Godwi three-story Son con- totem.

i R. I-I. Poiton. 113-11 South Sixth. wreck: nO.

Contiff. ocatractor. Petroleum Lower. March second cut in the price of crude oil within a week was announced here to-day, when-the Prin- cipal purchasing agencies gave out'the fellowingquotations at the opening of the market: Pennsylvania crude, Il1.40: Mercer black. enhell and 'Newcastle Si; corning.

85c: Senterset. 83c; Ragland. 65c. The new prices resent a cut of 5c on Pennsylvania crude. COrning and Cabell, and 2 cents on the others, except Which, remains OIL March 20.Pannsylvania, Mercer black.

$1: New Castle. Si: Corn- ing. 85c: Cabell, North Lima, 88c: South Lima. 53c; Wooster, Indiana. Princeton.

Sic; Somerset, 83c; Ragland, 65c: 1111 TIOi a. 84c: Kansas and Oklahoma. 40ct flealdton 80e: Corsicana: ilea. 45c: Corsi-cone, heavy. 40c; Electra, 45c; Henrietta, 45c: De Soto, 60ct Caddo.

38. 70c; Caddo 35. 80c: Caddo at 15W Caddo. Crude, 45c; Canada. 1128.

Credit SI 40: runs. barrels; average. 104.251. Shipments, 86,674 harreis: average. 518413.

Lower 111.17-7ssissipp.1. LEE LINE STEAIIIEJts TO MEMPti ONE WAY 3e1.1)1 incigded while Or- tome Cheater, ziherg, Cape Girardeau. Cairo. Memphis, Nut. Prier l'aint, Greonviiio-; Lake Proeiteenee, Right reseeved to pose, ell leitdings Oeemed, STACKER LEE.Tuesdayi Mar.

IT. P. ns 0live foot of Oil'At Ot. Ph0120 e.s.Flamnag:,: CAPE A Girardeau. COmmerco.

lora? Dock, toot of Vino Co. Main 233.. Cent, 431., l'411311etrisete 7. 1. ros000a000 Pocket 1 Cos Lout.

coAro. Paducata MI toed- CA' ooto, cumbforland Toonootoott toss co, AUL- SIAFIliENVIAI, "aussi Moto 46 ADA 9ostrot entine and -4 nositn. Frame. 3 Fred Sopp. 36.19 McRae cna-story shed; 610.

Alachua Ider. contractor. Itat.taartia, 8114 wreck; $500. J. Coil contractor.

Henry Ititlt South Compton. wreck: 320. Owner, t-ontractor C. a. dlk z.

Warner. 47A0 Mattitt. three treed and initial tairdomas; 61006. owners. Frame.

Sono 3630 cRae- ono-ato ahod Salsa OPCMShLewClaa SAVAINNA14, ItIA.L. March 7. eights. ri 6 firm et 42c; gales none; Mee! 13 berrete; pendtte 30,003 334 3314 Mtn 231,4 shipments. 34; stocks.

29.i1. 1oiji firm; minim 291 barrels- receipts. 116; ohtPment, le'Kures following asterisk ars fractions In 169- stocks. 111.M. Quote: A and 62.900 eigteentne.

Figures following dagger, are Vas-63 OL Dt E. G. and H. 6306: fleas thirtm r-oonds. f44 Ig Ir 1 $5,50: tretwo..

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.