The Muscatine Journal from Muscatine, Iowa (2024)

74 f'i 1 I MUSCATINE JOURNAL AND NEWS-TRIBUNE. THURSDAY, MARCH 12 ii 1 iii 6 1 1 ii ii i 1 "mill 1 I I IV 1 1 I I 1 ii" i I County Attorney Starts Action to 1 Jake Ford Coupe Condemnation proceedings were started by County Attorney Harold E. Wilson In district court on Wednesday afternoon fori possession of the roadster whlcitf Bruno of Knoxvtlle was driving when arrested by local police officers Tuesday afternoon. Marvelti was fiven $500 and costs in district court Wednesday when he pleaded to, illegal transportation. 'r Peter Tabeno, whom iMarvell said was In partnership with him, and the car were listed as defendants in: the action.

1 .1 At the same time the county attorney filed a 1. petition? asking that Marvel! be permanently enjoined from dealing: in intoxicating liquors. 1 IS 1 1 Nichols Pupils I to Present Play 1 "Winning Schemers" Given at Opera IIqus. Friday Evening NlchoU. The Sparta Literary society of the high Bchottf wi0 pre ent "Winning a jthree-act farce comedy at house Friday evening af '8 6locli Following la the cast of jchar-acters: GuUa Billlck, a happ' ot three months.

Waldo fiUdee the happy bridegroom; Be ua Satton, a colored1 maid with social aspirations; Doris Poole, the brtde' aunt who hates 'men; Udell an escaped lunatic; Christine." Met-calf, a friend of the! couple; JUlph Borgstadtl the -uncle who ijiates women; kawrence Foleymatj, officer searching for the lunaU. Other Kew.1 Nichols chapter Q. will hold regular meeting si the Masonic hall Friday evening at 3hich tine plans will be completed for manufacturers and wholesalers -offer1 price concessions we are on the spot with order books and cash We buy up to quality and down for That's the answer to the increasing- popularity of this GREAT INSTITUTION, "AVE A recognized fact of much 1m- condition. wnen nnrtanrp to everv family durincr this economic casn ur successiui uxjiying huw proven in an wicr Goods Bought Especially for $20,000 Wprth of New Spring his Great DEM 1ST AlT 1 0 A Blow Going On! A Gofgeous Array of; Women's 79c Unions leeles. :J.L rayon plquot, built-up fl a hoQlder and aheU 1) 2f 1.

-knee 'j. gals- pries Women's and Misses' Spanish Type RAYON PAJAMAS -ii'i i.7 Do make a little garden for your bird in springtime. Use a box wide enough' to set the bird cage taji-minus its 1 floor--so the bird can hop about among the green 1 Qrass, grape-seeds, pt pepper grass are good. 50c Spring Prints ba fenainc Kverf at" la all sew rtng patterns, 3t ich width, tarf a- fl gl rtment at 'i-'hUVV i Pillow Cases Part Wool Blankets m0 Inch double, DRESSES Among the art rvew fashions, now them her you will fid charming models In gayjprlnu and bright motonca. approprial for wear throngheut th-v spring It will be worUt your while to g'e the wide selection now on display at? this rore.

careful -We are positive y)u will find more quality and style for the ptoney. The selection la sow at Its beat. i i fancy plain, as- $2.65 fancy plaid, as- 22c Haarr miulin. det hemmed. ali 3x3 tnetaea.

full bleached. Sale price, each tortaa eoior. salt a bound edge. 1 1 1 $3.5 1 00 Strikinr effect In patet and high hades combination of color eontrut-inf trimmed. Spanish typo high wlt.

We lee trouseretten with Bleeveless glip-over blouie. r- 1 This Quality Fornierlj Sold value Regularly at $15 Special Notice to Ready-to-Wear Buyers I Take advantace of the Sale Price to the tteady-to-Wear Depart-meat. A imtU deposit wlU bold your purcha. the entertainment of the district Instructor who will IrMrucf the chapter March 24. James Oostendotfp wept Burlington Wednesday to visit relr Mrs.

Arthur llahn andi daughter, Margaret, were all day, guests of Mrs. Henry 1 Braun Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cullin. J.

Kirkpatrick, James; Belli and N. G. Schmitt were Wet Uherty visitors Wednesday. i Mr. and Louis 'Hendricks daughter Ruth of LonelTree spent Sunday with Mr.J andfrai.

Henry Braun. .1 17 Mr. and Mrs. Roy BraiSn son Clifford visited relatives: In RHnois City Sunday. Miss Miriam Rlchter ta visiting with friends in What Cfeer.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Hazen visit cd Wednesday In West Liberty, Mrs. N. Ryan is cMif infejj to t.

Values up to $7.95 500 YDS. STEVENS Brownbilt 1 I $445 SALE PRICE Junior Misse SPRING DRESSES Styles for Junior Misses. adaDt-ed from the fashlanable models fr spring, of printed, plain and combination crepo allk. PURE LINEN CRASH Bleached and Brown 18 Inch Width, 23c to 35c Womeit's and Misses A IS, For Spring Wear i i I i Come and take your choice of ever M0 newly-arrled 1 8prln( Coats, purchased from a teading manufacturer. Everyont brand new model, style correct in erery detail, fur trimmed or' tailored, fashioned of the loveliest materials And all are outstanding values; you'll the savings.

i Two 'Special Groups Ages IS to 19 I i i Values Assorted Hose 1 Full-Faslupned PureSilfc or Chiffon Special FIUDAY I Value to $15 $795 Values to $10 5595 Her home by illness. i Zi Mrs. John and Mm. Charles Jehle "were Wet Liberty visitors Wednesday. 4 Mr.

and Mrs, Willlaih ffxle, Mrs. Sarah Shafsr, Mrs, Ranm Sharer and Mrs. Anna Reynold attended this' funeral of relative in Moline Tuesday. $g95 Embroidered Cases and 9 SPECIAL PRICE 1 I i Two Special Groups Now on 'Sale at Huck Towels 29c COLD fancy 1 hemat itched and pattern embroidered erdi. Regular 490 Pillow Case SATURDAY Essex Girl Is 1 CREAM Large sire hand towel, colored borders, hemmed ends, i Bala price, -each 12c 79c Wpmen's Pajamas AUo site tot -children made of broadcloth KZ and pleane crepe.

Vai- 1 mf w. uea to 11.39 27x54 IN. RAG RUGS A vary aolorful hit ana wlaa weaea, fringed ends with fancy woven contracting eahired border. Here'a a good buy. You oould several at this low prioa.

While thy last out they go $1.49 Towel Sets 1 fl.00 Siijp Jr 39' Fancy appllqued and embroidered patterns and ends. Heavy terry as. Heavy terry Curtain Goods ciotn. a a 1 81.00 towel and wash Regular 36o i IgTjred mbroidered marque-aette in white and ecru i BROWNBILT SHOE STORE cloth Regular 41.00 Value Linen Lunch Cloths 7S)C ,7 Large Framed I Pictures Pure linen crash Imported cloths. Children's Stockings Assorted lot of regular Values; up to 50c All I laisea.

i Hate nrlea JU Bis S3XM in. 100 New Spri ig HATS $1.00 rnni- of famous Dlctures. high lamoua pictures, niga Woven color borders color i prints in polychrone art frame. Valuea Dotted Swiss Copies From Paris Creations to $2.3 Women's Unions Gly-Cas Made: Him Feel Like Different Man 50c New spring fabrica in beautiful pastel shades tt contrasting color. Printed patterns Men's Jacquard Lounging Robes Blttoner's.

satin trimmed fanrr Jar-uaril In. grey, blue or red Limited auantlty In 1 1 1 stock. Whila they last mj fl VF valuaa "9" 19C Rayon, atrip a knit bodies top. shell knee 5e Size 31 only. Close out valois," "Charollno Re-boux" and "Susanne-Talbot of Imported baku and saw sprint; straws.

Ton have never had the opportunity, to buy their equal for lesa tban 110. Men's Work 7 Shirts Fast color blue i chambray. full cut, triple stitched, two pockets. Sizes 14'i to 17. About 150 Berets Chocolate Candy Stomach, I Nerve I.

'i In I former values up to each. on. as- Champ Speller liloomiiigton To wn i I Schools Join in Spelling 'Contest ii A 1 Lucille Essex, pupil 'f FaJr view school in township, is the champion Rpellpr of Bloomington township tf a I schools. She won the honor Wednesday night when In competition with 35 other spellers fronts the township. .1 She correctly spelled after it fcad -been missed Nby Burleen Kell of Fair-view school.

1 Alice Kemble of Kaloama school finished third; Ahnven Penrod of Park Place school, fourth, and Gertrude BMde of Shlloh school placed fifth, i The seven schools of the township had their best spellers line. Competeltion was keea for the. honors. A number of th 'pupils stood in line for many rounds. Prizes of $2 for first, $1 foe second and 50 cents for thlrdcon-tributed by the schools, awarded the winners.

"fj I The Bloomington grange f-hall. where the contest was tteld3was filled to capacity for the; contest, more' than 300 attending, The Kalorama school presented ia melodrama and a trio nclding Miss Leta.Slnglefoo, Milton Pattern and Donald prumwe4 payed saxophone and piano selections. E. D. Bradley, county superintendent bf schools, official He was assisted! by Mrs.

Blanche Nletzel forthi Star school and Mrs, Jdhnler-i Assorted Bon Bonn Irregular: pieces from high priced grades to 7c 29c 19 sorted $4.95 Value lot priced soe-olose out at "Madam Butterfly 50c Toiletries clal Vklww to $1.88 yvrexlda Cold Cream. Vanfshlng $2.49 39 Box Stationery Women's Lisle Hose cream, wave Lotion, ueooor. 19c A very In Quality of A WJ quality paorr I ant. Hand Lotions add other preparations. Tour chok wmn rrm coin 10c Trouble Yields luasiiy to Xew Herbal Remedy After All Else Had Flatly Failed.

"Gly-Cas is the best medicine I have ever said Harvey Gunn, 101 South Hickory Ottawa, Kansas, well known; restaurant proprietor of that city, 1 had been constipated most of my life, always had to take laxatives, 19c Diane mercerized liaie cotton In all sizes. A regular. 25a value 49c $2.9 Sirtocks unea 1 envelopes, value for Boys' Dress Shirts Assorted lot of elf tonne sateen Collar attached, new patterna In ami 750 PAIRS WOME.VS Pt7nB SILK, 89c HOSE Humming Bird and St rut wear sn4 nlaa kQp formerly U- QMP I assorven cuior uau- 1 cloth. All Very special sale price PURE SILK HOSE OviralTs Boys' Bedroom Curtains Men's Regular i l.r, 4 to ft years. Made PuH rut sizes.

Pull fashioned chiffon i Five-piece acta of plain color i aerim, a style, of heavy whita-barfk lav Indigo blue denim. Alt rt 1 1 1 and service weight, fin ruffle and border AH new shades for tprlnc pura aim ta top, French heel, fashioned seamed. la 89c facts, color trimmed. est- pure thread silk awn 48, -At HA sizes going at set the new dull finished Boys Wdrlfshirts Rayon and Silk K-j Hosl shades for spring. Erery pair perfect.

$1.95 val- All alses in plain ba chambray and faQy JafeY cheviots. Worth- ularly Me. WoW $1150 SATURDAY SPECIAL Fancy Raydn Quilts i offers In Men's Ho this store-has err secured. The assortment lein of Locust Grove school TOO par cant SHAVING CREAM One of the best shaving creams made. Limited two tubes to a person, at, each Men's and Boys Sugar Candy vi nmjva una 8 uk piatea roof fuled fancy $6.95 woo'J filled fancy auiitao, eara-bound edge, size llili i tls value Sweaters "IP AN aiicj woren patterns in plains, I two-tone and combination of col-jors.

Many of these sell regularly at 75c a pair. Sato Price 25c Sugar Buds stuffed with fruits and nuts. Packed in one pound glass Jar Part! ropa stitched in maroon, cardinal, navy worth Deeds Kecorirltl m. 1 1 Louis rDietz to (Walter" Wetz, 69c going at TOOTH PASTE 12c 25c Tea fdwels Stevens para lia-Ja- glass crash In asaoH- Tl IB 4 color woven Zw I Sit toehea. Men's, Boys' Unions 1 25? part' of section ZQ, Tp.

MR. KARyEY GUNN. my kidneys and bladder were out of bothered constantly with night risings, could mot or 'Baby" Pepperell Fine grade barred nainsook A 1 1 1 Unions In all sizes. Regular. Me value pari 01 wiwu 4, mhiuhiiji, 78NR1E.

i' Mi i Alice. Moore to Ida Cyoss, Blankets size. 38X5C in. size. 38X5C in.

Divtlll' Lang Figured! patterns, vary limited Tub to Each Fervor soft iirttsn. oon edge. $1.38 value -t: i 200 ALL LINEN TABLECLOTH AND LUNCH CLOTH SETS 1 Pattern sets to match In a large selection of designs and i colors. AH first quality our regular stock at greatly, reduced p-prUes Jpr this said Emma W'ettlcaf to Kenjmm Swickard, "interest' in tract in tion 9, Tp. 77NR4W.

I Plira A. Gradv to Bertha; F. i Extract- wrrqi HAZEL S9c Sizes Kettle Women's Bath Robes "'Beacon cloth, of lot 5 block -i, S-fus- larga ana $3.25 Value $3.95 Value $4.95 i Value figured designs. $1.59 figured designs. $10.00 Electric Clock Mantle etyla, walnut and mahogany, 1-1 Inch dial.

Accurate, dependable. neatly made. Rayon Flat Crepe i New designs for artrtog In shad- i ow i and apaea prints, with light I and dark grounds. A very larga assortment from which to choose- 3 inch width, guaranteed tub fast colon.1.- Regular 79c Value 50c yd. Regular sJ.

4 value, at iv funding, na springs. 21c 11 2 3 get my and was hardly able to Stomach added to my miserable condition, gas formed and I bloated dreadfully. Everything I tried i failed in my case until I begati taking Gly-Cas and now my health; Is better in every and I feel like a different My bowels act regtit lariy, my stomach is in fine condition, eat anything and am never troubled with gas or bloatiiig, even my nerves have; been relieved, sleep good, get my i rest. work everyday! and feel fine. ly-Cas certainly giyes.

real Fresults." Gly-Cas is; sold in Muscatine by 3. J. Havercamp's Drug Store, and by all leading drug stores in surrounding towns. 1 i no eat iter tea. Vomra's 39e front light socket Chamoisette Gloves Sleeping Garments William Bergenske to Elmer K.

Scf.luts, north half of lot 11, Jfirat section. West addition. Muscarine. Fred Poole to William Boole tracts in section 2 Tp. 77NR4WV R.

Jt. ijVanDyke to C. Francis Elder, tax sale ded, trActft in section Tp. 77NR4W. Emma Wettleaf, of John to F.

Swfckard.i interest in tract in jbcc-tion 9, Tp. 77NR4W. I aj Regular 75c values in 75c values in 500 Pieced df Women's All Pure UNDERWEAR at Savings of 25 to 40 percent Sizes for! 4 children I HOSE the new to 10 years. Made of i an at let; CT II Spring thades. lllll st vies.

barred nainsook. Reg- Sale pric rica mar Bsc i si oo value Sale Price Regular 59c Value 39C yd. 29c Men's 50c $2.95 RAYON BED SPREAD Handkerchiefs Gommnanrj to 'jvli-AtlCfipaiid, Hotel Saturday, March 14 Return Eircpjr ibj Dayj I 1,000 YARDS Genuine Regular 35c, 39c Yd. OILCLOTH ifttade of pure allk pongee with nana arawn coi- 1 THe Genuine WOODBURY'S Facial Soap Here's a 'week-end special that will receive a big and hearty i response. Seldom Is the opportunity offered to purchase a bar of the famous Woodtmiy Facial Soap at less than ISc Special for Saturday brd.

thread cor 12c ners, i Bale price. $1198 Heavy, close wovea Jacquard fa eolors of gold, green, bloc, laves dar, pink. Sisea 11x185 Inches. 100 Pairs Blankets A. IWool finish nap, assorted fancy Office Hours 8:00 to 6:29 piatae, fall rtrrt eaallty.

saade by the Standard Oil Cloth recognised the world ever aa first Orade. A wide range of- patterna tn modernist and floral design. Inch width, beaatlfal aoloe coaabtaa $1.49 donble else 70x Tho Kegular and Reliabto diirsvA T)i9 firuu-tsTle Br. I. F.

Sballenbcreer, M. UJI piujs ja aTg'LJ who has since 1907 treated Chrrtnic. Nervous and apeaai ior oaiuraay 11 pt-BajiAu JuiiwAi-ia ot ien women Scien riMes of th ilr. at. HiraKt.

Ijinn HOAGLIN'S 3 Kidneys, and Conauinpuoo la an etuiy st Catarrh. Rinirias; In Bar and JDeafnessParaJjr si Nfa (Scyd. f'Where Style and Price Meet in Happy Accord' ATTxncHcfUs, Rheumatism of Joints and muscles. FILESTISTULA, FISSURE and othe RectU Limit 4 Bars to a Person 3 MUSCATINE 201 2nd St wutiK ArcartM witnout linue. Snmrai Ca nA 1.

JPaUents conse from reemnerd vtlons of mwo cuiTHj a. a c- LTAT IPX FREll MSb i iT i i DR. J. F. SHALLENBERGER.

lit- 1 i.

The Muscatine Journal from Muscatine, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.