The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

805 Proposals and general Information may be obtained at the Office of Purchasing Agent, Room 303 Administration Building. The Board of Public Education reserves the right 10 relect any or all bids. JERRY C. OLSON, Secretary LUZERNE INTERMEDIATE UNIT 368 Toga Avenue Kingston. Pennsvivania 18704 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED BIDS will be receiv: ed by the Board of School Directors of the luzerne Inter.

mediate Unit, for the following Adult Correctional Education Programs: Vocational Education: State Correctional Institution at Pittsburgh. Equipment and supplies for radio TV. auto mechanics, medical, plumbina, welding, and bricklaving. plies electrical. Specifications for the above mentioned Items may be obtained from the Intermediate Unit, Adult Correctional Education Department, 368 Tioga Avenue, Kingston, Pennsylvania between the hours of 9:00 A.M.

and 4:00 P.M. E.D.T.. Monday through Friday. Each bidder will submit his bid in accordance with specifications and are to be sealed and marked "Proposal" naming the Item bid upon. The Luzerne Intermediate Unit Board of School Directors reserves the right to reiect any and all bids received.

The bids must be received at the office of the Luzerne Intermediate Unit, Adult Education Department, 3 6 8 Tioga Avenue, Kingston, Pennsylvania, no later than 4:00 P.M. E.D.T., Wednesday, April 28 1976. Each must be accompanied by a certified check or a bid bond in the amount of five per cent of the bid, said check or bid bond to be made pavable to the treasurer of the Luzerne ate. Unit, which check will be forfeited in case the bidder should fall to enter into a contract and furnish the sary Items should the contract be awarded to him. By the order of Board of School Directors Secretary of the Board Alfred Szatkowski The Alleghenv Intermediate Unit Board of Directors requests bids for supplies a equipment.

Bids will be opened at 7:30 p.m.. Mandav, April 26, 1976 in Suite 100, Building Two, Allegheny Center, Pittsburgh. PA 15212. For specifications contact Frank Sanns, Director, Steel Vallev Area Technical School, 4920 Buttermilk Hollow Road, West Mifflin, PA 15122. Action will be taken on the bids on Monday, May.

24, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the first floor Board Room at Buildina Two, Allegheny Center, Pittsburgh, PA. The 15212. Intermediate Unit Board of Directors reserves the to reiect any and all bids submitted, and to select a single item from any bid. JOHN BROGLIE, Secretary BIDS.

School WANTED: District The will Deer acLakes cept sealed bids until 3:00 P.M.. April 26, 1976 for the following: Tires 2. Refuse Pick up Typewriter Servicing Paint and Paint Supplies Specifications and Instructions for bidding may be obtained at the Administration Office located in the Deer Lakes Senior Hi a School Building, East Union Road, R.D. 3, Cheswick, Pa. 15024.

Bids will be opened at the regular School Board Meeting on April 26, 1976. THE ALLEGHENY Intermediate Unit Board of Directors requests bids for: 1. Auto Diesel Instructional Equipment 2. Electronic Instructional Equipment Bids will be opened at 7:30 Tuesday, April 20, 1976. Alle- in Suite 100, Building Two, gheny Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15212.

For specifications contact Mr. Frank Sanns, Director Steel Valley Area Technical School, 4920 Buttermilk Hollow Road, West Miffin, PA 15122. Action will be taken on the bids on Mondav, April 26, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the first floor Board Room at Building. Two, Allegheny Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15212.

The Intermediate Unit Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted, and to select a single item from any JOHN BROGLIE, Secretary THE Allegheny Intermediate Unit Board of Directors requests bids for the Non-Public Schools Program for Instructional Equipment, Non-Instructional Equipment, Office Supplies, and Classroom Supplies. Bids will be opened at 1976 7:30 p.m., Monday, April 26, in Suite 100, Building Two, PA Alleghe- 15212. ny Center, Pittsburgh, For specifications, contact Mrs. Marv Jane Harmuth at this same address. Action will be taken on the bid.

meeting. at a subsequent. Board The Intermediate Unit Board of Directors reserves the right to reiect any and all. bids submitted, and to select a single item from anv bid. John Broalle.

Secretary TOWNSHIP OF KENNEDY 340 Forest Grove Road Coraopolis, Pa. 15108 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDS TO RUBBISH BE RECEIVED REMOVAL FOR THE ON YEAR The Board of Commissioners of the Township of Kennedy will accept bids on April the Kennedy 1976 until 8:00 P.M. Municipal af Building. 340 Forest Grove Road, Kennedy Township vania, 15108, for the removal of Township, Coraopolis, Pennsylrubbish from the residential areas of the Township of Kennefor the year 1976. Cleanand rubbish removal will include all single and multiple family dwellings throughout the entire Township.

Bids must be submitted for a May and October clean-up. Dates for the pick-ups to be determined at a later date. Bids must be submitted on the basis of cost per load, and the bidder can expect to naul approximately one hundred (100) loads of rubbish out of the Township of Kennedy. Bidders should not take the one hundred loads as a guarantee as to the number of loads inasmuch 05 it whether is or impossible not more 10 determine or less than one hundred loads will be necessary. The figure of one hundred loads.

is provided as being what can reasonably be anticipated in the amount of the number of loads based upon prior Township clean-ups of removed Kennedy from in previous years. In further explanation, bidders should be aware that the one hundred loads is based on approximately fifty (50) loads being hauled away in the month of Mav, and fifty (50) loads being hauled away in the month of October. A bid bond 1 be submitted in amount of ten (10 pct.) of the bid price, based upon per load price for one hundred loads and must be submitted with the bid. The term rubbish means all rags, broken glass, crockery. bottles, tin cans, paint cans, newspapers, magazines, Christmos trees, old furniture, trunks, stoves, refrigerators, furnace pipes, water boilers.

branches, shrub trimmings, and all rubbish which may accumulate, but excluding tree trunks, broken concrete, dirt and alterations refuse and caused by repairs, construction of buildings and sidewalks or dismantled automobiles. Newspapers are to be tied in bundles of the size so one man can handle them. Branches and shrub trimmings 10 be cut to 2 to 3 foot lengths, bundled and tied SO one man can handle them. Larger items such as swing sets, elc. must be dismantled.

All refuse of a smallness variety must be placed in a container or be tied in bundles. Refuse in drums will not be accepted. Bidders will be expected to enter into a written agreement with the Township of Kennedy in accordance with the requirements of First Class Township Code, and as approved by the Township Solicitor. The truckloads referred to above are trucks of standard size and known as twenty vard compactors. The Township will require proper certificates of insurance and workmen's compensation coverage.

The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids. KENNEDY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS VICTORIA Township WILCZYNSKI COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY. 1976 Separate and sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Controller of Allegheny County. Room 104 Court House, Pittsburgh, until 11:00 A.M., E. S.

Wednesday, April 21, 1976 and will be publicly opened at 11:30 A. E. S. Wednesdav, April 21, 1976 In the presence of the County Commissioners in Room 410 Court House, Pittsburgh, for: Anderson silver To Steam Traps; Dry Ice; Chemicals for Water Treatment; Supplies for Electric Duplicating Machine: Lubricatina Greases; Data Collection System Forms and Supplies; Flotation Mattresses. Special bidding blanks and envelopes for use of bidders, instructions to bidders and conditions regulating.

bidding together with specifications may be had on application at the Office of the Bureau of Purchases, 202 Court House, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. Proposal must be accompanied by a bond and certified check (as required) to the order of running to the County of Allegheny for the amount fixed In Specifications evidence that the bidder will accent same and carry out the conditions of the contract in case of award. No bidder may, withdraw his bid for a period of 60 days after the scheduled closina time for receipt of bids. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids.

John P. Lunch, Controller County of Allegheny Legal Notices Unstart Classified Upstart INTRODUCES The Pittsburgh Press POWERFUL LOW RATE -n A 342- A 2 LINES 4 DAYS (MAY INCLUDE SUNDAY I 2 LINES 7 DAYS $900 EACH ADDITIONAL LINE ADD $2.50 For 4Days OR $4.00 For 7Days. FAMILY WANT-ADS REACH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES EVERY DAY FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO START YOUR FAMILY AD DIAL 263- 1201 ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE POST -GAZETTE 2 LINES 3 DAYS $3 2 LINES DAYS $5 16 NOTICE Is hereby given that application has been made to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, under the provisions of the Public Utility Law, by Penn Central Transportation Company, Debtor, for an order evidencing the Commission's approval of an exemption from the minimum side clearance requirements of Part Ill of the Commission's Railroad Regulations so as to permit the construction of a side track to serve Distributors Service, where State Highway Route 02246 crosses above the grade of the tracks of said company, In the Township of Collier, Allegheny County. (A. 99652) A public hearing upon this application will be held Wednesdav, April 21, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., in Room 1211-1212, State Office Building, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, when and where all persons in interest may appear and heard, If they so desire.

PENN CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, DEBTOR Counsel for the applicant: JOHN K. CLEMENTS, Assistant General Attorney Penn Central Transportation Company 925 Penn Central Station Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS NOTICE At No. 104 of 1976, in the Orohans' Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Alleahenv County. Pennsylvania. In Re: Jeffrey David Vannall.

a minor born on the 13th day of December, 1967 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. To Angela Florence Vannall, John Curtis Harris and George Cobbs take notice that a Petiton has been presented In the aforesaid Court proving for leave 10 terminate parental rights and awarding of custody to said minor to the Allegheny County Institution District. The Court has fixed the 25th dav of Mav, 1976, at 9:00 A.M.. as the time and the 8th Floor, CityCounty Building, Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the place for hearing said Petition, when and where you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why said praver should not be granted. Alexander J.

Jaffurs, County Solicitor and James A. Ester, Assistant County Solicitor, 919 Jones Low Annex Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsvivania 15219. TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS NOTICE At No. 84 of 1976, in the phans' Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Alleaheny County, Pennsylvania. Ih Re: Jason Lawrence Dott, also known as Jason Lawrence Hall, a minor born on the 25th day of Januarv, 1975, in the City of County of Allegheny, Pennsvivania.

To Linda D. Welsh Dott, also known as Barbara Kramer and Hall, take notice that a Petition has been presented in the aforesaid Court pravina for leave to terminate parental rights and awarding of custodv 10 said minor to the Allegheny County Institution District. The Court has fixed the 5th dav of Mav. 1976, at 9:00 A.M.. as the time and the 8th Floor.

City-Countv Building. Grant Street. Pittsburgh, Pennsvivania, as Petition. the place for hearing said when and where vou may appear and show cause, if any you have. why said praver should not be aranted.

Alexander J. Jaffurs, County Solicitor and James A. Ester, Assistant Countv Solicitor, 919 Jones Law Annex Bulldina, Pittsburgh. Pennsvivania 15219. PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED Notice is hereby given that the Commission has scheduled a hearing on the matter of the gareement dated February 13, 1976, between The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company and the Port Authority of Allegheny County relating the leasing by the former to the latter of property along McCune Street, for commuter nff-street parking facilities, in the Borough of Braddock, Allegheny County.

(P.U.M.C. 8390). Said hearing has been scheduled to be held Thursday, April 22. 1976, at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission's Hearing Rm around floor, North Office Harrisburg, when and where all persons in interest mav appear and be heard, If they so desire.

THE PITTSBURGH AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY ond PORT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Counsel for The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company. Gordon E. Neuenschwander, Vice President The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company, 324 Terminal Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219. IN the.

Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsvivania: No. GD'76-07359. In re petition of Timothy Patrick Frank for change of name to Timothy Patrick Shepherd. To all persons interested: Nofice is hereby given that an order of said Court authorized the filing of said petition and fixed the 10th day of Mav. 1976, at 9:30 o'clock A.M., prevailing time, as the time and the Assignment Room, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, as the place for a hearing, when and where all persons mav show couse, if any they have, why said name should not be changed as prayed for.

Greenwald Greenwald. Attorneys for Petifioner suite 300-330 Office Comblex, Monroeville Mall, Monroeville, Pa. 15146. NOTICE OF ADOPTION HEARING IN RE: Adoption of Kristen Jean Crown No. 150 of 1976 in Orphans' Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

To William Christopher McVicar, father of Kristen Jean Crown born on the 2nd day of June, 1969 at McCandless All. Take notice that a Petition has been presented in the aforesaid Court at the above number and year. proving for Icave to adopt said minor and for the termination of your parental rights, and the Court has fixed the 27th dov of May. 1976, at 10 E.S.T. as the time and the 8th Floor, CityCounty Building, Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsvivania as the place for hearing said Petition, when and where you mov appear show cause, if any you have.

why said prover should not be granted. John P. Vetica, Attornev. 515 Frick Bida. Robert G.

Young, Atty. 20th Investment Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Notice is hereby given that ADAMS SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. a Pennsvivania business corporation having its registered office at Box 73, Citv of Portage, County of Cambria, Pennsvivania, has filed Articles of Amendment on the 1st day of April, 1976, with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law, approved Mav 5, 1933. The nature and character of the amendment is 05 follows: RESOLVED: That the name of the corporation be changd to: THE LUMBER CENTER, INC.

FURTHER RESOLVED: That the registered office be changed to: Fifth Avenuc. West Elizabeth, Pennsylvania 15088. OFFICIAL BOROUGH OF JEFFERSON Applications for the position of Patrolman In Jefferson Borough are being taken at the office of Borough Secretary, Mrs. Frances Hemminger, 3008 Old Clairton Road, Large, Pa. 15025.

They may be obtained from nine to five Monday through Friday until the 30th day of April 1976 for an examInation to be aiven in May. All applications must meet the legal requirements which are posted in the Borough Buildina. James R. Cunningham, Sec. Civil Service Commission 805 Proposals THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PITTSBURGH Scaled bids will be received In the Office of the Assistant Superintendent for business and assistant secretary.

Room 251, Administration Building, 3 341 o'clock S. Bellefield Avenue, until P.M. prevailing time, Wednesday, April 14, 1976, and will be opened at the same hour for equipment and supplies for the following: food service; furniture; maintenance; paper: printing; custodian; physical health: schoolroom and office: Specification, bidding blanks SOLD IN 1 DAY CLASSIFIED ADS 263-1201 PLYMOUTH Satellite- '68. 318 2-dr. radio, 41 Insp.

805 Proposals OFFICIAL East Allegheny School District Sealed bids as per specifications or equal, which are available and the on East file, will Alleghenv be receiv- School by District. Sealed bids may be de: livered or mailed to arrive at the Superintendent's by 4:30 p.m. or delivered to East Allegheny District Office at 7:30 p.m. on April 19, 1976, for the followina: General School Supciles, Paper Supplies, Mimeograph Paper Supplies. Art Supplies, Physical Education, Industrial Arts.

Photographic, Typewriter Custodial Supplies, Maintenence Supplies, Plumbing Supplies, Bus Garage Supplies, Garbage Removal and Tires, Tubes Scrvice. Also sealed quotations are being received for Fire and Liability Insurance coverage for entire, district. The school district is accepting recommendations for repairs 10 heating plant and replacing windows at the Sunset Primary School. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the School Board at East Alleghenv High School, 1150 Jacks Run Road. Rt.

48, North Versailles, on April 19., 1976, at 7:30 specifications p.m.. Bid forms and can be obtained at the Office 1150 of the Superintendent, Jacks Run Road, R1. 48, North The Board reserves Pennsylvania the right 15137. to relect any or all bids. RICHARD W.

JANOSKO Secretary East Allegheny School District. SEALED proposals, without an escalation clause, will be re- of ceived by the Township Upper St. Clair of Allegheny 1820 Penna at burgh, Pa. 15241 until 9:00 A.M.. McLaughlin Run Road, Pittson April 22, 1976, for the following: streets Slurry throughout Upper St.

Sealing of various Clair Township, consisting of approximately 78,883 square refer vards. to For proposal. The Contracspecific locations, tor's attention is directed to the fact that the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act will apply to this project. Proposals must be Munici- upon forms furnished by the pality and may be Engineers. obtained at Gateway 428.

Boulevard of the Allies. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check the amount of 10 pavable per to cent the of the bid, made in Township of Upper St. Clair.

the The Municipality reserves right to reiect any or thereof. all proposals, or any part Upper St. Clair Township By C. JAMES PARKS Township Manager SEALED proposals, without an escalation clause, will be received bv the Township of Upper St. Clair of Allegheny County.

at 1820 McLaughlin Run Road. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15241 until 9:00 for A.M.. the on April 22, 1976, following: Bituminous resurfacing of Upper various St. Clair Township, constreets throughout sisting of the following approxi- ID-2A mate quantities: 80 tons Binder for patching and ID-2A Surface for Driveway Transition: 1050 ton ID-2A Binder for leveling course; 100 ton Granulated when required: concrete 250 Sa.

Yds. bituminous base course for base repairs; 885 L.F. Keyways, 36 wide; 36 cach Keyways around storm inlets; 8 each adiustment of manholes to arade; and 38384 sauare vards single seal and ID2A Surface. For specific locotions, refer to Proposal. The ed to the fact that attention the is PennsylContractor's vania Prevailina Wage Act will apply to this project.

Proposals must. be upon forms furnished by the Municipalitv and mav be obtained at The Gateway Engineers, 4 2 8 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10 per cent of the bid, made pavable to the Township of Upper St. Clair.

The Municipality reserves the right to relect any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Upper St. Clair Township By C. JAMES PARKS Township Manager INVITATION FOR BIDS I will receive bids for certain remodeling rehabilitation work on my property at 320 Airbrake Avenue, Wilmerding, Pa. 15148, until 4:00 P.M.

EST, on April 23, 1976 in the offices the redevelopment Authority of Allechenv County located at 413 Herman Avenue, Wilmerding. a. 15148. At that time and place all bids will be opened and read. Bids Invited upon the several items of work aS follows: 1.

General repairs Wiring Carpentry Concrete work Masonry Plumbing Heating 8. Plasterina 9. Painting 10. Remodeling Attention is called to the fact that the contractor receiving the bid must Insure that employes and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, creed. color or national origin.

JOSEPH LEONARDO INVITATION FOR BIDS will receive bids for certain remodeling rehabilitation work on my 620 Middle Avenue, Wilmerdina, Pa. 15148, until 4:00 EST, on April 23, 1976 in the offices of the Redevelopment Authority of Alleghenv County located at 413 Herman Avenue. Wilmerding, a. 15148. At that time and place all bids will be opened Bids are Invited upon the and read.

several items of work as follows: 1. General repairs Wiring Carpentry Concrete work S. Masonry Plumbing 7. Heating Plastering 9. Painting 10.

Remodeling Attention is called to the fact that the contractor receiving the bid must insure that emploves and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, creed, color or national origin. VERNON WEAVER INVITATION FOR BIDS ON MOVABLE FURNITURE May 5, 1976, at 1:00 P.M. (E. D. S.

the STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY, P.O. Box 3161, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17120, will publicly open all sealed proposals received Up to that hour for the purchase of School Furniture to be delivered to the: Community College of Alleaneny County (South Campus) located East Side of R1. 885, at intersection of Lewis Run Rd. bounded by New England Coal Vallev Rd. (West Miftlin) Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Authority iect No. G04-1004. Specifications, proposal forms and bid envelopes may be secured by applying to the Authority. Proposals shall be accompanied by Certified, Bank Cashier's or Treasurer's Check, made payable to the STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY, in an amount of not less than Five Per Cent of the Bid. The Authority reserves the right to reject or accept.

all or any part of any Bid. ROBERT R. GERHART, JR. Executive Director State Public School Building Authority ADVERTIsem*nT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES The City of New Castle, Lawrence County. Pennsvivania, In conformance with regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency makes public announcement that the City will receive the submission of statements of qualifications for those enaineers desirina to perform a sewer system evaluation survey for the City of New Castle.

Qualification statements should be submitted to: Mr. Nick P. Navarra, Executive Director Redevelopment Authority of the City Castle 12 West Washington Street New Castle, Pennsvivania 16101 Six (6) copies of all statements should be submitted on or before April 28, 1976 at 4:30 P.M. Review of the statements will be by a committee appointed for that purpose. The statements should Include but are not limited to: 1.

General company brochures, with photographs and general background data. 2. Specialized experience and technical competence of the firm and its personnel (including 0 joint venture, association or professionol subcontract), in sewer system evaluation surveys. 3. Past record of performance on contracts with the City of New Castle, other government agencies or public bodies, and with private industry, including such factors as control of costs.

puality of work, and ability to meet schedules. 4. Capacity of the engineer to perform the work (including anv specialized services) within the time limitations, taking into consideration the current and planned workload of the firm. 5. The familiority of the englneer with types of problems applicable to the prolect.

6. Avoidance of personal and organizational conflicts of Interest prohibited under state and local law. Special notice should be given to the following statement: Anv contract awarded under this request for qualifications is expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Adency. This procurement will be sublect to reaulations contained in 40 CFR 35.936, 35.947 and 35 939. Neither the United States nor the United States Environmental Protection Agency nor will be party to this request for aualifications or anv resultIna contract.

NICK P. NAVARRA. Executive Director 001 Death Notices VITAL STATISTICS TAGMYER-STEIN Martin. 225 Institute Dianne 6 Sharon St. J.

627 SHAKOSKE-PENCE Mercer Christian Creek: Charlene Master Lane, North Jetfrev 20 Hillburn Carol Box 284, Imperial. MASC 52 Oakville Court; Michael Kathleen Oakivnn Court. YEAGER-MILLER Allen 1322 Electric East Pittsburgh; Betty 1442 Stanley Drive, THOMAS-CIARAMELLA Garv 248 Church Road: Cheryle A 10 0 004 Maupat Drive. CURRY Donald 551 Stanford Kathleen 115 Autumn Drive, Trafford. Leonard 1120 Tennessee Dormont; Amy 5211 Wolfe Drive.

WALSH-SIEGERT Timothy 132 Kearns Place; Constance 2331 Candance St. HOLLAR Steven Ann Arbor, Barbara A. Ann Arbor. Chris 2456 Broodlown Drive; Jane 6374 Road, Library. Richard 219 Haven Wood Drive, Coraopolis: Mary 523 E.

Siesta Court. David 2920 Harcum Way; Karen 113 5. 19th St. MAYS Fifth OWENS Clairton; Richard Doris 831 Washington Braddock. John 238 E.

18th Homestead: Diane 3727 Superior Munhall. Anthony 134 S. 15th Rosemary 830 Dunster St. G. 4008 Northminster Lynda 1637 Seaton St.

EIBEN-FRAZER Paul J. 237 Bridgeville: Carol 1680 Washington Road. James 358 Ohio Pyle Drive: Marv 470 Aster Circle. ZAWATSKI-BETZ Edward 803 Laurel. Juanita 19 Kenridge Drive, McKees Rocks.

Robert 901 Orchard Park Drive, Gibsonia; Viola 4130 Pickey Road. Gibsonia. SHAFFER-SPENCER Russell 1615 Cedar Turtle Creek; Iva 140 Cambridge Square. Monroeville. CARRINGTON KRETSCHMAIER Kerry 521 Ohio River Cheryl 123 Lily Drive, Glenshaw.

PAPKO-ROZINAK Andrew 104 Jefferson Drive, Clairton; Bonnie 139 Highview Donald, 101 West Prospect Antoinette, 512 FIfth CLARKE-SINICKI Gary 309 Everareen Road: Valerie 105 Congalton Road. Thomas 151 Highland Road. Bethel Pork: Julia, 448 Hoodridge Drive. HAMMONDS-PARTLOW Leonard, 6230 Fifth Darisca 7411 Duquesne Ave. WILLIAMSON Rav, Burrows Bernadine, 338.

1612 McKeesLACK PARTERFIELD G. port; Katherine 1228 Evans Ave. McKeesport. FISHER-JAMES John 431 Chicasaw Loretta 253, Wexford. MONTELEONE TOR Diane 1600 DUSS Ave.r William, 5910 Wellesley i Ambridge.

OZOG-CAIN Albert RD, 1. Box 240, Apollo; Deborah 737 MacBeth Drive. Julius 208 Ewing Road. Carnegie; Lorraine 618 Harlton Carnegie. THORP RUSSELL James Philadelphia; Lucille, 1244 WHITE- EBERHARDT Johnny 1040 Kris Drive, CordonCADMA Theresa 1040 Kris.

Bailey 745 S. Millvale Roberta 130 E. Crafton Ave. SHERMAN MILLER Albert P. 805 Frank McKees Rocks; Marie, 116 Middlecrest Drive, Glenshow.

BUDAI-HARSHMAN 504 Cochran Robert Duquesne: Margaret 115 North Second Duquesne. MELICK-BOEHM Donald. R. 36 48th Karen 247 S. Mathilda St.

George 191 Chickasaw CaroIvn 76 S. Fremont Ave. GUNIA-SCHWALM Frank 156 Punmouth 127. Millbridge St. NASH-BADSTIBNER John YMCA, McKeesport; Ethel 3030 St McKeesport.

ROLLIN-TOKARSKY Albert P. 2986 Roland Baldwin; Denise 1553 Porkline Drive. WYROSTEK-NICOLELLA Jane Sandra 3114 Jane St. BAKER REVAY David 102 Hollvwood Greenville; Barbara 1411 Front Carnegie. FRIEDL-GRUNDLER Lawrence 101 Elizabeth Lane: Cathleen 4485 Mt.

Trov Road Ext. BROADWAY -BRISSETT Robert 59 Penn Circle West; Elizabeth, 59 Penn Circle West. 800 Legal Notices PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED Notice is hereby given that the Commission has scheduled a hearing on the matter of the agreement dated February 13, 1976, between The Pitts: burgh and Lake Erie Rallroad Company and the Port Authority of Allegheny County relating to the leasing by the former to the latter of property along McCune Street, for commuter off-street parking facilities, in the Borough of Braddock, Alleghenv County. (P.U.M.C. 8390).

Said hearing has been scheduled to be held Thursday, April 22, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., In Room 1211-1212, State Office Building, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, when and where all persons in interest may appear and be heard. if they so desire. THE PITTSBURGH AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY and PORT AUTHORITY OF ALI. EGHENY COUNTY. Counsel for The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company.

Gordon E. Neuenschwander, Vice President The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company, 324 Terminal Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219. NOTICE OF MEETING The regular, meeting of the Board of Directors of the Housinq Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will be held on Thursdav, April Wherrett 15, 1976, at 3:00 p.m., in the Memorial Room, Thirteenth Floor of the Civic Building, 200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania 15219. NOTICE APRIL 12, 1976 Commencina with the April meeting, all Regular Monthly Meetinas of the Allegheny CounPlanning Commission will held the third Tuesday of each month in Conference Room No.

1. Courthouse, at 10:00 A.M. William R. Dodge, Jr. Director Department of Planning and Development Helen Leonard, Chairperson Allegheny County Plannina Commission ESTATE NOTICES Letters have been granted on the estate of cach of the following decedents to the personal representative named who requests all persons having claims against the estate of the decedent to make known the same in writing to him or his attorney, and all persons debted to the decedent to make payment to him without delay: COLLINS, Mavme C.

Marv Collins Edna A A Mavme Collins A A Mayme Conlev Collins, deceased, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania No. 1748 of 1976. John M. Collins 901 Key West Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15239 or to Michael L.

Magulick, Esquire and Wavman. Irvin, Trushel McAuley 1624 Frick Pittsburgh. Pa. 15219. MORTON, John Paul, deceased, of Pa.

No. 1725 of 1976. Deborah Lee Morton, 1702. Skvline Pa. 15227 or to William J.

Ivill, 2944 West Liberty Pa. 15216. BRUNNER, Anthony G. of City of Pittsburgh No. 1653 of 1976.

Joseph Brunner. Administrator C.T.A. 204 Cemetery Lane. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15237 or to Paul W.

Brandt. Brandt. McManus. Brandt Malone, 966 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15237.

GRIFFIN, Leo J. deceased, of Pa. No. 1643 of 1976. Marie Matters Griffin.

415. Javson Pah. Po. 15228 or to James G. Dunn, 1408.

Lowers Pa. 15219. FORREST, Russell deceased. of Pa. No.

1441 of Russell K. Forrest. 192 D. vonwood Dr: Pa. 15241, or to W.

V. Ivill, 2944 W. Liberty Ave.r Pa. 15216. COLLINS, Catherine, deceased.

of Robert S. Grigsby. of 1976. Robert S. Griasby, and 1724 Frick Pa.

15219. LATEST DEATHS Belardi, Antoinette Bell, James M. Berg, Lawrence Bleichner, George A. Bowman, George S. Brletic, Frank Sr.

Brown, John E. Bucher, Antonette Burezykowski (Burke), Paul C. Cinkan, Jack Cratsley, Carolyn M. Dashkewitz, William W. Davies, Herbert T.

DeFino, Francis Dick, Millard Ernest Dorr, John C. Fedio, Andrew Ferns, John Ferry, Elsie Noel Fiorita, Michael Flack, Elizabeth Scholl Frank, Weymouth F. Gales, George R. Gigliotti, Frank A. Harris, Alex Harty, Ann Groflo Hensel, C.

Earl Hopkins, Elmer T. Horvatich, Thomas Jackson, Dorothy Jeannette, Theodore Joyner, Cynthia Kantoris, Joseph S. Klir, Anna Cerny Kress, Rose Dames Lamb, Thomas, Sr. Lazar, Anna Lias, Philip Looney, Mary Ellen Hardiman Lutz, Josephine Kindl Mahan, Lottie Faye McKinney, Dorothy Concelman MeWilliams, George M. Harry David Mohamed, Zainib Mozuch, John B.

Payne, Lucy B. Peach, Helen Litman Prenter, Christine Swensson Rougraff, Augustine Cachet Ruddock, William MeClave Schmid, Helen M. Schweinberg, James R. Stein, Ida R. Vannelli, Oto Vuksic.

Clifford James Walowic, Frank A. Wolff, Cecelia McCarron 001 Death Notices AL.CORN Margaret, 1976; of aunt Penn of Hills Charles on Stanley Alcorn of Penn Hills. Friends will be received after 12 noon Sunday and 2-4 and 7-9. p.m., Monday at the ROBERT CAMPBELL FUNERAL HOME, 378 Maryland Oakmont. PA, where services will be held at 11 a.m.

on Tuesday. BALSLEY On Friday. April 9. 1976, David beloved husband of SUzanne A. Petras of Avalon; beloved father David P.

Balsley Jr. of Ross Twp, brother of Mrs. Thomas (Eleanore) Sharpness of Kingsland, Arkansas. Friends will be received on Sunday 12-4 and 7.9 p.m. and Monday 2-4 and 7.9 p.m.

in the ORION C. PINKERTON FUNERAL HOME, AvaIon (No. Boros). Mass of tian Burial, Tuesday at 10 o'clock in the Church of the Assumption, Bellevue. (Mr.

Bailey was presently the head of Security at Suburban General Hospital and had a life-time carcer in Allegheny County Fire Service.) BELARDI On Sunday. April 11, 1976, Antoinette Belardi, beloved wife of the late Lawrence Belardi: mother of Mrs. Mary Wawzensky, Mrs. Emma Kut. ther, Mrs.

Josephine Eggert. and Carmen Belardi: also 18 grandchildren and one great2-4 and 7-9 Friends, ANTHOgrandchild. received NY J. SUFAK FUNERAL HOME, 3509 Penn Ave. Funeral Mass in St.

Augustine Church on Wednesday at 10 a.m. BELL James age 49, of 311 Wagon Wheel Trail. Wexford, Pa. died unexpectedly, April 12. 1976, in the North Hills Passavant (Mechanical Hospital, McCandless Twp.

engineer, Pgh. offices, Alcoa): beloved husband of Roberta Achenne Bell, father of Deborah and Susan both at home; brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Michel of Weston, Conn. and Sidney W. Bell of Dearborn.

Mich. Friends may call 7-9 2-4 7-9 p.m. Tues. in the ROSS G. WALKER FUNERAL HOME, 217 Freeport New Kensington, where A service will be conducted at 11 a.m., Wed.

BERG On of April 12, 1976, Lawrence Berg Niagra husband of Rae Berg; father of David A. Berg of Verona and Fred Berg of Pitcairn, brother of Ben Berg and Oscar Berg both of San Antonio, Texas; one grandchild. Services will be held at BLANK BROS. FUNERAL HOME, Forbes Ave. at Craft, at 1 p.m., Tues.

Visitation one hour before service time. Interment Ohav Zedeck Cemetery, BEVERIDGE Edward on April 10, 1976, of Washington Wilkins Twp, husband of Anna Mae Nash Beveridge; father of James Larotonda and George Nash; also 3 grandchildren. Friends received at the NEW JOBE FUNERAL HOME, ner of Shaw Triboro Turtle Creek, where services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. BLEICHNER George aged 80, R. D.

Allantic, Pa. died on Saturday, April 10. A former cmployee of J. L. Steel Corp.

Survived by, wife Dorothy: daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Marion) Buckley of and Mrs. Anthony (Diane Angerame, Whitestone, N. Y. One brother, Paul of 2 grandchildren.

Friends may call at the LIAM C. RHODES FUNERAL HOME, Conneaut Lake, Monday 2-4 and 7.9. Funeral Mass Tues, at 10 a.m. at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Roman Catholic Church, Conneaut Lake. BOWMAN George S.

of 1722 O'Block Plum Boro, suddenly on April 12. 1976, beloved hushand of Eleanor Shay Bowman; father of Kirk, Mark and Scott Bowman of Plum Boro; brother of Jessie ligentritz, Helen Seath. Bethia Aiello, WilMcKay. Friends may call at liam Bowman and James the MONROEVILLE FUNERAL HOME OF GENE VAN HORN, Beatty at Haymaker Mon 7-9. Tues.

2-4 7-9 p.m. Services Wed. at 11 a.m. BRLETIC On April 10, 1976, Frank J. Sr.

of Cleveland. O. (formerly of husband of Anna Binski, father of John of Trafford, Frank Jr. of Elizabeth Edward of L.A., Joseph of Las Vegas, Nicholas of Plum Boro. James of N.

Versailles, Mrs. Rose Pastor of N. Huntingdon; brother of Mrs. Anna Golek Wilmerding. Joseph Brletic of E.

also 15 grandchildren. Friends received at the JAMES J. ALFIERI FUNERAL HOME, 201 Marguerite Wilmerding. Mass of Christian Burial in St Aloysius Church, Wed. at 10 a.m.

PREVIOUS DEATHS Alcorn, Margaret Balsley, David P. Beveridge, Edward G. Carello, Mary Clancy, Matthew Cole, Harold W. Conner, Mollie Cromlish, Gertrude Cruikshank, George P. Dimoff, Peter Felix, Lois Fort.

Millie Geiser, Henry C. Girty, John W. Grzelak, Anthony Jagielski, Elsie E. Jesulavich, Mary A. Malloy, James F.

Naughton, Penelope Radcliffe, Mathilda Ray, Agnes M. Schwerin, Christian H. Silverman, Alice M. Skrtic, Peter Socci, Anna M. Steele, Marie M.

Wilk, Edna Woitaszek, Andrew S. Zawodniak, Felix E. 001 Death Notices BROWN John E. (Bus). age 52 on Saturday, April 10.

1976 ol White Oak; husband of Cecilia E. Englert; father of John brother of Ann Miller, Florence Fleming and Cecilia Neale. Friends will be received STRIFFLERS OF WHITE OAK. 1100 Lincoln Way, beginning Monday evening. Services Wednesday morning in St.

Angela Church. Interment, St. Mary's German Cemetery. BUCHER On Sunday evening, April 11, 1976, Antonette. in her 101st ycar.

wife of the late Nicholas Bucher, formerly of 4631 Perry Highway, Ross mother of Louis A. and Charles F. Bucher; also survived by six grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. Friends receive ed at the BRANDT FUNERAL HOME, 1032 Perry Highway, Perrysville, Mass of the Resurrection at the Church of the Nativity, Franklin on Tuesday morning at 10 o'- clock. BURCZYKOWSKI (Burke) On Mon.

April 12, 1976, Paul C. brother of Mrs. Frances Oles, Agnes Burke and Mrs. Helen Binert of Detroit, also survived by nieces and nephews. Friends received at the WALTER J.

ZALEWSKI FUNERAL HOME, 216 441h from 12 noon til 9 p.m. Funeral Wed at 9. a.m. Funeral Mass in Holy Family Church at 10 a.m. CARELLO On Friday April 9, 1976.

Mary (Marion); mother of Theresa Kotewicz, Joseph Carello, Betty Mignella, Angie Pattinato. Rose Kiest and Al Carello; sister of Ernest and Louis Pirozzi, Josephine Scarano, John Pirozzi and the late Rose De Angelis, 19 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the RAY. MOND J. BRUSCO FUNERAL HOME, Broadway at Shiras Beechview.

beginning Sunday 2 p.m. Funeral Mass in St. Bernard Church on day at 10 a.m. CINKAN Al Washington D.C., on April 11, 1976, Jack, in his 55th year; son of the late Sam and Mabel Dilla Cinkan; beloved brother of Betty Thorpe, Ruby Stamper, Louis. Richard and Ruben Cinkan, Friends received at the HOWARD A.

FARNSWORTH FUNERAL HOME, 425 Brownsville Rd, Mt. Oliver. Services Wed. at 1 p.m. CLANCY On Fr day afternoon.

April 9, 1976, Matthew Clancy, beloved husband of Dunne Clancy: father of Mary Ann Patrick Clancy. Peggy Thomas Thornton, Eileen Dodson, M. Clancy. Irene Thornton and Shirley Deasy. also 28 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, brother of John Clancy of Galway.

Ireland and Patrick Clancy of Friends received McCABE BROS. INC. FUNERAL HOME, 6214 Walnut Shadyside on Sunday and Monday between the hours of 2-4 and 7-9 p.m Funeral Tuesday. April 13, 1976 at 10 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial at St.

Bedes Church, South Dallas and Wilkins Ave. at 11 a.m. COLE Suddenly on Saturday, April 10. 1976, Harold husband of Emma Steckling; father of Mrs. Helen Firth, Jack R.

Cole and the late Mariorie White; also eight grandchildren and nine great -grandchildren. Friends received at the JOHN A. BRICKLEY FUNERAL HOME, 7074 Lemington Ave. where services will be held on Tuesday at 11 a.m. CONNER On Saturday April 10.

1976, Mollie, wite of the late Earl Aunt of Miss Anna Mac McCormick, Mrs. Bessie Burg; er. Mrs. Marie Billmann and Miss Ruth Kuhrd. Funeral from the H.

J. SCHELLHAAS SON FUNERAL HOME, 707 East N.S. on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Visitations with family and 7-9. CRATSLEY On Sun.

afternoon. April 11, 1976, Carolyn M. wife of the late Charles W. Cratsley Sr. of the Bellevue Mansions mother of Mrs.

John F. (Alice) Farmerie of Wis. and Charles W. Cratsley Jr. of Emsworth; also survived by eight grandchildren.

Friends will be re. ceived from 2-4 7-9 p.m. in the LESTER C. McDONALD FUNERAL HOME, 529 California Avalon. Mass of Christian Burial in the Church of the Assumption, Bellevue, Wed.

morning at 10 o'clock. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. CROMLISH On Saturday, April 10, 1976, of the Methodist Home, Gertrude, age 93, wife of the late Thomas M. beloved mother of Raymond S. of Scott Twp, and George (Westy), of Plantation, Fia and the late Robert sister of Mary M.

Wescott; also five grandchildren and eight grand-grandchildren Friends received at the L. BEINHAUER AND SON CO. MORTUARY, 2630 West Liberty beginning day at noon. Services on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Interment Mt.

Lebanon Cemetery. CRUIKSHANK Of Mt. Lebanon, on Saturday April 10, 1976, George P. beloved husband of Margaret Gaylord Cruikshank; tather of Ronald G. and Jeffrey G.

Cruikshank; son of the late Vinton W. and Ethel P. Cruikshank. Friends received at the E. B.

LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME, 3310 West Liberty Ave. Mt. Lebanon, where private services will be held on Tues: day April 13. Visitations 2-4 and 7.9 beginning Sunday evening. It desired contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.

DASHKEWITZ On April 12, 1976. Witliam W. of Turtle Creek: loved husband of Bessie clik and father of Mrs. Dolores McMahon, James. Mrs.

Joan Santner, also nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; beloved son of Mrs. Freda Myers of N.Y.C.; brother of Mrs. Emma Moravitz, Mrs. Hilda Mehold, Mrs. Adelaide Hawkins, Mrs.

Margaret Moussouris and Richard and Robert Myers. Friends will be received at the JOHN L. QUIN. LAN FUNERAL HOME, 11th 6 Airbrake Turtle Creek, where services will be held Wed. at 1:30 p.m.

Family visiting hours 2-4 6 7-9 p.m. DAVIES On Sunday, April 11, 1976. Her. bert husband of Mildred C. Davies of East End Avenue; father of Jean Bithell and Mildred Kirkham; also survived by five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Memorial services will be held in the chapel of South Avenue United Methodist Church, Wilkinsburg Monday afternoon at 2 0- clock. (Memorial contributions maybe made to the American Cancer Sociely). Pittsburgh Press, April 12, 1976 23 001 Death Notices 001 Death Notices DeFINO April 12. 1976, Francis (Frank) of Jacksonville, Fla. (formerly of husband of the late Rose Varuola Mrs.

Marie Duran of Jacksonville. Mrs. Theresa D'Angelo. Felix, Miss Frances DeFino and the late Michael, one sister and two brothers in Italy; also 11 grandchildren. Friends received the EDWARD T.

RONE MORTUARY, 7455 Church 5t. Swissvale. Funeral plans incomplete. DICK On Sunday, April 11, 1976, Millard Ernest Dick. of burg; beloved husband of Mrs.

Mary J. Dick, father of Jan M. of Valparaiso, Indiana, and Dennis E. of Wilkinsburg; brother of C. B.

Dick of Witkinsburg. Herbert A. Dick of North Huntington Township, Mrs. Zora Hack of Witkinsburq, and Mrs. Leona Johnof Pittsburgh, also 2 grandchildren, Friends receiv: ed at the ROBERT E.

WOLFE MEMORIAL, 925 Franklin Avenue (At Coal Street) Wilkinsburg after p.m Monday and 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Services in Christ Lutheran Church of Forest Hills Wednesday at 2 p.m. Memorials may be made to Christ Lutheran Church. DIMOFF On Saturday, April 10, 1976, Peter Dimoft of Wilkinsburg; beloved husband of Emma J.

Dimoff, father of Myra Dimoff; brother of James of Ligonier, Mrs. Helen Bodnar of Wilkinsburg and Mrs. Catherinc Anderson of Park Ridge. IL, George of Pgh. and Samuel of San Francisco.

Friends received at the ROBERT B. WOLFE MEMORIAL, 925 Franklin Ave. (at Cole Wilkinsburg after 12 noon Sunday where services will be held on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Family visitation 2-4 and 7-9. DORR On Sabbath, April 11.

1976, at his residence in Crafton, John beloved husband of Dorothy Smythe Dorr: father of Ellouise Vrabel of Rhode Island and Merry Alice Simpson: grandfather of Christy Sue and Peter Charles Simpson, er of Alice Menzof of Whittier, Calif. Friends received at the STOVER INC. FUNERAL HOME, 170 Noble Crafton, from 2-4 7.9 p.m. where Blessing Service will be held Wednesday, at 10- :30 4.111. FEDIO On Saturday, Arpil 10, 1976, Andrew, beloved husband of Susanna Mamay Fedio: beloved father of Claudia Fedio of Avalon; brother of John Fedio and Mrs.

Ann Melnick of McKees Rocks. Friends received on Monday and Tuesday 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. in the ORION C. PINKERTON FUNERAL HOME, 1014 California Avalon (North Boros) where services will be held on Wednesday morning at 11 clock Parastas on Monday evening at 7:15 and on Tuesday at 8:00. FELIX On Saturday, April 10 1976, Lois Jean.

of Jefferson Boro; beloved wife of Calvin S. Felix, mother of Calvin and Joyce Lynn Felix; also two grand: daughters: daughter of Thomas and Harriett Pearson; sister of Thomas Jr. of apolis, Raymond of Jefferson Boro and John Pearson of Baldwin Boro. Friends received trom 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the GRIFFITH MORTUARY.

5636 Brownsville Rd. Broughton-Curry, Pa. where services will be held Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock. FERNS John, formerly of Lawrenceville, son of the late Catherine Nec Manning and Joseph Ferns Funeral from the VERNER G. LUTZ FUNERAL HOME, 4635 Butler on Tuesday April 13 at 9 a.m.

Mass of the Resurrection at St Mary Church. 46th St. at 10 a.m. Visitations 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. FERRY Elsie Noel, on Sunday, April 11.

1976, of Meadowbrook Rd. Level Green, Traftord, wife of the late Harry E. Ferry mother of Vera Roney, Ruth Molt, Harry Jr and Jack Ferry, and the late Mildred Schickel; also survived by 22 grandchildren and 34 greatgrandchildren. The family will receive friends 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. at the DAVID A.

RITTER FUNERAL HOME, 220 Edgewood Ave. Trafford, where services will be held on Wednesday at 1 p.m. FIORITA On Sunday, April 11, 1976, Michael of Shaler Twp, band of Beatrice Gallo, father of Francy Fiorita, Visitation with the family 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the HENRY C. BOCK FUNERAL HOME 1500 Mt.

Royal Glenshaw. Mass of Christian Burial St. Bona venture Church Wed, morning at 10 o'clock. FLACK On Saturday. April 10.

1976, Elizabeth (Libby) Scholl Flack; wite of William mother of Betty Browdy, Alice Sayior, Audrey Dietz. Robert and Ronald Flack; sister of Lucy Gunther and Louis Scholl also fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral from the A. J. SCHELLHAAS FUNERAL HOME, 707 East N.S., on Tuesday at p.m..

friends invited. Visitation with family 2-4 and 7-9. FORT On Saturday April 10. 1976, Millie Ferraro of Stowe wife of Walter mother of Walter Suzanne and James, all of Stowe sister of Ann Pendergast of McKees Rocks, Frank Ferraro of Oakdale and the late Rocco D. Ferraro.

Friends received in the ANTHONY J. SANVITO FUNERAL HOME, 634 Broadway. Stowe Twp. until Weds April 14, 1976 at 9 a.m. Mass of Christian burial in Mother of Sorrows Church at 9:30 a.m.

Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. FRANK April 11, 1976. Weymouth F. of Shaler husband of Amelia L. Frank: father of Dorothy Frank.

Betty Jones and Shirley Engelskind. brother of Marcellus E. Frank, also eight grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Friends received Mon. Tues, 2-4 7.9, in the ROBERT 6.

NEELY FUNERAL HOME, 2208 Mt. Royal Glenshaw. Services private. Memorials may be sent to the Heart Fund. GALES On Saturday April 10, 1976, of Ingram.

George beloved husband of Mary B. Coffman, father of Sandy, James. Dar. lene. Georgene and Bob; son of Robert Gales; brother of Betty Hitlan and Max Gales of Indian Head.

Pa. Friends received at the INC. FUNERAL HOME, 170 Noble Crafton, on Monday from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Further visitations will be held on Tuesday at the CLYDE BROOKS AL HOME INC Route 711. Melcrott, Pa.

where tuneral services will be held day at 10 a.m. GEISER On Saturday, April 10, 1976, Henry husband of Dorothea Dorsch Geiser. Retired from Pittsburgh Railways and PAT. Friends received 2-4 and 7.9 at the RAYMOND C. WAPLES FUNERAL HOME, Baum Blvd.

at Graham St. E. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Peter and Paul R.C, Church, Larimer Avenue on Tuesday morning at 10 GIGLIOTTI On Sunday April 11. 1976, Frank husband of Alie Arcurt; father of Joseph Gigliotti, brother of Tony Mongello, Alice Rizzo, Susie Gimino and Lefty Gigliotti.

Friends received at the ALBERT J. BRUSCO FUNERAL HOME, 214 Virginia Ave. Mt. Washington. Funcral Mass at St.

Pamphilus Church on Wed. 10 a.m. Visitations, 4, 7-9 p.m. GIRTY On Friday April 9, 1976, John of Millvale, husband of the late Elva Turner; father of John Robert C. and Dennis R.

Girty, brother of Edward M. Girty, also 12 grandchildren Family will receive friends 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. the WALTER M. HEALY FUNERAL HOME, 425 Grant Ave. Milivale.

Funeral Mass in St. Nicholas Church, Tuesday April 13 at 10:30 a.m. GRZELAK On Saturday April 10, 1976, Anthony, father of Florence Magliocca: grandfather of Karen Bennelt, Ellen Shar, Sheila Checca. Kenneth. Monique and Brian Grzelak, also survived by two great grandchildren.

Step-father of Robert Norcik. Friends received at the J. SZAFRANSKI FUNERAL HOME. 101 3rd. Carnegie, from 2-4 and 7.9.

Mass of Christian burial on Wednesday at St. Ignatius Church at 9.30 a.m. HARRIS On April 11, 1976. Alex; beloved husband of Bertha Harris of Pah father of the late Edward B. Harris: brother of Charles Harris of Phoenix, Ariz.

grandfather of John, Ellen and William Harris. Services at BURTON L. HIRSCH CHAPEL, 2704 Murray Ave, 5q. Hill (opp Morrowfield Tues. at 1:30 p.m.

Interment Beth Shalom Cemetery. Visitation 1 hours prior to services. Family suggests contributions be made to your favorite charity. Masonic services Tues, 1 p.m., by Solomon Lodge No. 231 HARTY Ann (Grotto), suddenly en Sunday, April 11, 1976, at N.S..

wife of the late John J. Harty, mother of Mrs. Nancy Bazy, Mrs. Rosalee Bonicky and John Harty sister of Joseph Grofio, Guy Grotto of Ohio, Mrs. Irene Becciak and Mrs.

Pauline Glasgow of Ohio; also four grandchildren, Friends received 2-4 and 7-9 at the STEPHEN M. BRADY FUNERAL HOME, 920 Cedar at Tripoli N.S (across from Allegheny Gen' Hospital). Funeral on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. with Mass of Christian Burial in St. Mary's Church at 10 a.m.

HENSEL At Miami Shores, on Sat, April 10, 1976, C. Earl, age 71, beloved husband of Sally Hensel; brother of Mrs. Helen White of Oakmont, Pa. Mr. Hensel was a retired automobile salesman.

Funeral servIces will be held in Miami. Family will receive, friends here, the LESTER C. McDONALD FUNERAL HOME, 529 California Ave, Avalon, Wed. eve. from 7-9.

Interment private, Thurs. morning. HOPKINS Elmer on Saturday, April 10. 1976. of Baldwin Boro.

beloved husband Amelia Routzel Hopkins, father of Mrs. Janet Getty and Mrs. Doris Cannavine: son of Mrs. Florence Boone Hopkins, brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Mills, Mrs.

Verna Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Schaffer; also four grandchildren. Friends received at the JOHN F. SLATER FUNERAL HOME, 4201 Brownsville Brentwood, Monday and Tuesday from 2-4 andd 7-9 where funeral services will be held Weds. morning at 10:30 clock.

Member of F. A. M. Lodge. 608.

Syria Temple, Pgh. Consistery, HORVATICH On Sunday, April 11, 1976, Thomas: beloved husband of the late Mary Lesic Horvatich; father of Miss Mary Horvatich, Mrs. Anna Halloran. John and Charles Horvatich. Friends received at the FRANK R.

PERMAN FUNERAL HOME, 4825 Butler Lawrenceville. Mass of the Resurrection In 5t. Nicholas Church, Millvale on Wednesday, April 14 at 10:30 a.m. Visifations 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. JACKSON Dorothy Elizabeth of 6623 Shetland Ave, dearly beloved wife of Joseph Jackson; mother of Oliver, George.

Charles, Karen Johnson, Darlene, KennethTerry, Dorothea and Anna Jackson. Daughter of George and Nellie Henderson. Sister of Walter, Catherine and Olive Henderson. Also survived by 4 step children. 5 grandchildren, 3 aunts.

1 uncle and other relafives. Friends received at 310 Carver St. and the SAMUEL E. COSTON FUNERAL HOME, 427 Lincoln Ave. All Fraternal services will be held beginning at 7.30 p.m.

Funeral Wed. at a.m. in the Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church. JAGIELSKI (Wojtasiak) On Friday April 9, 1976.

Elsie E. Woitasiak, widow of John Jagielski, mother of Joseph J. Jagielski. Mrs. Bernadette Martoni and Mrs.

Ruth McCormick, also seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Sister of Edward Wotasiak. Friends received at McCABE BROS. INC. AL HOME, 5300 Penn Ave.

on Sunday and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral on Tuesday April 13, 1976. at 9 a.m. Mass of Christian burial St. Stanislaus Church, 21st.

Smallman Sis. at 10 a.m. JEANNETTE Theodore, age 70, of 277 Secand St Vestaburg, formerly of 25, 1905 in New Castle, surN.J.. died Sunday, April 11 al Brownsville born May vived by wite Alice Wassil Jeannette: he is a retired salesman for Silverman's. Surviving are one son Theodore Jeannette Jr.

of two Mrs. Vivian Lynch of Woodbury, N.J. and Marcella J. Wenzel of Northeast, Pa. three sisters, Mrs.

Elizabeth Toriano of Mrs. Adeline Trusczkowski of Poh, and Babe Vento of Verona, one brother, Joseph Jeannette of two grandchildren. Friends will be received in the GREENLEE FUNERAL HOME, Fredericktown, where a prayer service will be held on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Rev. Father Paul Simko officiating.

Interment in Horn Cemetery. Marianna. Contributions may be made to St. Michael's Church. JESULAVICH Mary A.

(Weltner), on Saturday, April 10, 1976. of Baldwin, Boro, formerly of Beechview, wife of the late Stanley Jesulavich, mother of Mrs. Edith Miller. Mrs. Elizabeth Scheidter.

Thomas S. Jesulavich and the late Mrs. Dolores Kelly and the late Ronald Lowellyn; sister of Mrs. Margaret Lieberman, Arthur and Jack Weltner; also five grandchildren. Friends received at the JOHN F.

SLATER FUNERAL HOME, 4201 Brownsville Brentwood, Sunday, and Monday from 2-4 p.m. Funeral on Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'- clock. Mass of Christian Burial at St Elizabeth Church at 10 o'clock. JOYNER Suddenly in Sacremento, Calif Cynthia, beloved mother of Domenique, daughter of Dorothy and Harry Gladden. Sister of Loraine and Richard Burton Friends received Tuesand 7-9 at the GEORGE WARDEN FUNERAL HOME, 1100 North Homewood Ave.

Funeral ice Wed 1 p.m. in Wesley Conter A. M.E. Zion Church. Interment Homewood Cemetery.

KANTORIS On April 12, 1976, Joseph S. Kantoris of beloved husband of Erma F. Kantoris; father of Joseph of Greensburg, Mrs. Patricia Ann Dalton of N. Huntingdon, Robert of Rankin and Michael of Wilkinsburg.

brother of Mrs. Mary Gersic, Mrs. Ann Poslunsy of Pgh. Mrs. Margaret Sklenar of Braddock, Michael and John of Latrobe, also six grandchildren Friends receivROBERT E.

WOLFE MEMORIAL, 925 Franklin Ave. (at Coal St.) Wilkinsburg. Funeral Wed. at 9:30 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St.

James Church, Wilkinsburg, Wed at 10 a.m. Family tian 2-4 7-9. KLIR On Sunday, April 11, 1976, Anna Cerny, of Shaler Twp; wife of the late Frank Klir mother of Mrs. Mary Feith, Mrs. Olga Bradlaw and the late Frank Klir.

thrce grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Family will receive friends 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the WALTER M. HEALY FUNERAL HOME, 425 Grant Millvale. Funeral Mass in St.

Ann's Church ch Wednesday, April 14 at 11 a.m. KRESS Rose Dames on Saturday, April 10. 1976 of the N.5.. sister of Helen Schields. Friends received 7.9 at the SPERLING FUNERAL HOME, 608 Cedar Funeral Mass in St.

Mary's Church on day, April 13, 1976 at 10 a.m. LAMB On Saturday, April 10. 1976, Thomas Sr. of Murrysville, PA; husband of Leona Marts Lamb; father of Thomas Jr. of Murrysville, Mrs.

Robert (Nancy) Sprouse of Scotty of Murrysville and Mrs. Charles (Margie) Nobs of dicott, N. brother of Mrs. Helen Evers and Paul Lamb; also 10 grandchildren. Friends received 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Monday al the JOHN T. HART FUNERAL HOME, ville, where services will be held on Tuesday at 10 a.m. LAZAR On Sunday April 11, 1976, Anna, beloved sister of J. D. Lazar.

Services BUR. TON L. HIRSCH CHAPEL, 2704 Murray 5q. (opp. Morrowtield Apts.) on Monday at 1 p.m.

Interment Homestead Hebrew Cemetery Visitations one hour prior to services. LIAS On Saturday April 10, 1976, Philip, husband of the late Marion Lias; stepfather, of Marie A. Parris, Louise Loving and George Arnold Jr. son-inlaw of Mrs. Florence Murray; also other relatives.

Friends received at the SAMUEL JONES FUNERAL HOME, 2644 Wylie where services will be held Wednesday 11 a.m. LOONEY Mrs. Mary Ellen (Nellie) Hardiman, on Sunday, April 11, 1976, of Mt. Lebanon, mother of Jay Looney. Family will receive friends 2-4 and 7.9 p.m.

at the STEVEN M. BRADY FUNERAL HOME, 920 Cedar Avenue at Tripoli Street. S. (across from Allegheny General Hospital) Funeral on Tuesday at 11 a.m. LUTZ On Saturday April 10, 1976, Josephine Kindl Lutz, of Troy Hill, in her 71st.

year, beloved wite of Clarence (Red) Lutz; mother of the late Harold (Skip) Lutz: sister of Anna Hepp, Mary Onderka and Charles Kendl: also survived by four grandchildren. Family will receive friends 2-4 and 7-9 at the OSCAR MILLER FUNERAL HOME, Troy Hill. where services be held Wednesday at 12 noon. Ladies Auxiliary Sokol R.I.P. and friends invited.

MAHAN Lottie Faye, on Saturday April 10, 1976. wife of the late James C. Mahan M.D.. mother of James C. Mahan Jr.

M.D. and H. Merle Mahan of California. Friends received at the JOHN F. SLATER FUNERAL HOME, 4201 Brownsville Brentwood, Monday and Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., where funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 12 noon.

ment Greenwood Cemetery, Indiana, Pa. Past Worthy tron of Electra Chapter 6.E.5. 51 and Past High Priestess of Nazareth Shrine 15. MALLOY On Saturday, April 10, 1976. James F.

of the 5.5., beloved brother of Francis, Edward and Howard Malloy, also survived by nieces and nephews. Friends and Veterans of received at the JOHN GMITER FUNERAL HOME. 119 South 15th St. Funeral Tues day at 9:30 a.m. Funeral Mass in St.

John the Evangelist Church at 10 a m. Family hours' 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. McKINNEY at 1 o'clock. MeWILLIAMS On Sunday evening, April 11, 1976, Dorothy Concelman, wife of Harold W. McKinney, of McKinney Rd.

Franklin Park; mother of Mrs. Barbara Chitford, Bonnie Edward H. and Kenneth W. McKinney: sister of Wilma Baird, Marie Becker, Boots Scott. Betty Geib.

Agatha. Frederick and Wallace Concelman, also survived by seven grandchildren, Friends received H. BRANDT FUNERAL HOME, 1032 Perry Highway, Perrysville, where services will be held on Wednesday afternoon George of R.D, 1, New Alexandria, Pa. on Saturday, April 10. husband of the late Hazel Johnson, father of John M.

and George Robert McWilliams. brother of Mrs. Eugene (Margaret) Magdzar, also six grandchildren. Friends will be received at the M. WALLACE New FELTON FUNERAL HOME, Alexandria, 2-5 and daily, Services Wednesday 1:30 p.m.

at the funeral home. METZINGER Harry David, 109 Locust Clairton, Pa aged 73. on Saturday, April 10. at the Presbyterian University son of Richard and Melva Sims Metzinger of Claire ton. brother of Gary L.

Metzinger of West Newton. Mrs. Patricia Moninger of Gill Hall, and Mrs. Cindy Martin of West Newton, grandson of Mr. and Mrs.

Marry and Lillian Withams Metzinger of Smock, and Mr. and Mrs. John and Edna Roberts Sims of Fine leyville. Friends received at the S. M.

FINNEY FUNERAL HOME, Sixth and Walnut Clairton, 7-9 Monday, 2-4 and 7. 9 Tuesday, Services Wednesday 10 a.m. from the tuneral home. Interment Jefferson Memorial Park, Picasant Hills. The family suggests contributions be made to the Presbyle.

rian University Hospital Renal, Research Fund. MOHAMED Zainib of 1225 Grotto St, survived by a host of Grandchil. dren. nieces, nephews and other relatives. Friends receive ed at the SAMUEL E.

COSTON FUNERAL HOME, 427 Lincoln Ave. E. Lib. Funeral day at 1 p.m. in the Pittsburgh Revival Center.

North side. Interment Restland MOZUCH On Saturday, April 10, 1976, John brother of Joseph and Paul J. also survived by nephews and nieces. Friends received at the MICHAEL JANCZUKIEWICZ FUNERAL HOME, 3110 Brereton Ave. Funeral on Wednesday at a.m.

Mass of Christin Burial in The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at 9.30 a.m. NAUGHTON On Friday April 9, 1976, lope of East Sister-in-law of Mary Naughton of East Pah. and Julia Naughton of the North Side Also many nieces and nephews Friends may call at the EMILY M. LANIGAN FUNERAL HOME, 700 Linden East Pah. Mass of Christian burial in St.

William Church on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. PAYNE On Saturday, April 10, 1976.. LUCY B. of Monroeville, PA; mother of Mrs. Alice Metz of Monroeville, Leonard Payne of Hahnville.

Louisiana and Bernard Payne of Clearwater, FL; also five grandchildren and three Member of Eastern Star Joppa Chapter Friends received 7.9 p.m. Monday the JOHN T. HART FUNERAL HOME, Murraysville, services will be held, Tuesday at 1 p.m. PEACH Helen Litman, age 81, of 1311 White Oak Verona, Par formerly of Richeyville, Wash. died Saturday, April 10 in the Evergreen Convalescent Home, Harmony, born July 5, 1894 in Uniontown.

daughter Samuel and Anna Litman Thompson: surviving are four children, Evelyn Edwards of Verona, Robert E. Pe ach Jr. of Glen Burnie, Mrs. Melba Landers of Glen Burnie, Md. and Mrs.

Doris Buzzard of Wilkinsburg; seven grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren; two Samuel Thompson of Stockdale and Fred Thompson of Smith. field. four sisters, Mary Jones of Akron, Ohio and Mrs. Blanche Nicol also of Akron, Mrs. Louise Michotte of Smithfield and Mrs.

Bess McCormick of Cashocton: preceded in death by her husband Robert E. Peach Sr. Friends will be received Monday and Tuesday from 2-4 7-9 in the GREENLEE FUNERAL HOME, Beallsville, where funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 14 at 1 p.m. Interment, Monagahela Cemetery. PRENTER Christine Swensson, aged 88, on April 11, at Sewickley Valley Hospital, wife of the late James W.

Prenter; mother of Kathryn Alexander, of pering Pines, N.C., and Mary Ann Mitchell of Sewickley: sis: ter of Stuart J. Swensson of Poh, and Henry Swensson of Long Beach, also vived by three grandchildren. The family will receive friends at the late residence, 21 Woodland Tues, Rd. Edgeworth. 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Services and interment private at Homewood Cemetery. Wed. Arrangements by the RICHARD D. COLE FUNERAL HOME, Sewickley. RADCLIFFE On Saturday April 10, 1976.

Mathilda Zurawsky Rdcliffe. formerly of New Arlington widow of William Rad. cliffe, beloved mother of Albert, Mrs. Rose Marie Pencosky, Mrs. Eileen Rankin and the late James; also 12 grandchildren.

9 great grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. Rose Louise and Ralph Zurawsky. Friends received at the FUNERAL HOME OF JAMES J. BARRY 608 Warrington Ave.

Funeral Tuesday April 13 at 9 a.m. with funeral mass in St. George Church at 10 a.m. RAY On Saturday, April 10, 1976. Agnes May, of McKees wite of the late Bert L.

Ray: mother of Betty Niemeyer and the late Lawrence Ray, sister of Ann Ballou. Katherine Snyder, Helen McCicary and Adeline Yoerns; also three grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Friends receiv. McDERMOTT FUNERAL HOME, 1225 Chartiers McKees Rocks, on Sunday from 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 Mass of Christian Burial will be held In St. Vincent's Church, Espien, on Tuesday, April 13, at 11 a.m..

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.